Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 195 "The heresy" plan

At noon, the motorcade stopped to rest, and three cars surrounded the city in a triangle, leaving a small space in the middle so that everyone could move.

After talking about each other's father's problems with Gu Hengxuan, Luo Ziyi has been thinking about it and wants to talk to Fei sometime. While preparing lunch, she came to A Fei's side, but didn't say anything for a long time.

To be correct, she doesn't know how to open her mouth. After thinking about it, she doesn't know whether A Fei will give her a satisfactory answer, or he can only say that she doesn't know. Or... Or she is just afraid that the result is not good, such as Luo Mingjun's current situation is not very good or something.

As soon as A Fei saw Luo Zi beside her, she looked like she wanted to talk and stop, and knew that she was troubled. I was wondering whether Gu Hengxuan bullied her or that the boy said something that should not have been said, which made Luo Zi unhappy! A Fei stared at Gu Hengxuan, who was busy opening the can, and meant to rush up at any time.

He is a rational person, and he can maintain a certain calmness until he understands it. Therefore, he still squeezed out a smile and asked Luo Ziyi if he had anything to ask.

Hesitating for a moment, Luo Ziyi was still honest and told Luo Mingjun about the email he sent to her. Before, she had been thinking about the Leiyin team. She didn't think of the meaning behind Luo Mingjun's email. When Gu Hengxuan mentioned it, she suddenly began to care about it.

About Luo Mingjun's matter, A Fei successfully made him forget Gu Hengxuan. Did he listen to Luo Ziyi's email very carefully, and Luo Mingjun repeatedly stressed that he should not go to him.

It has been a long time since he lost contact with Luo Mingjun. In the past, Luo Mingjun sent an email to Fei or called him. It's impossible to call now, but Luo Mingjun didn't email him again. All the information about him after arriving in Country A was sent by A Fei to He or Xia Fan from the Internet.

Because Luo Mingjun is in the Huiman Research Institute and is still a very important researcher, his communication is generally strictly controlled, so A Fei never dares to contact him for fear of causing him any danger.

That is to say, if Luo Mingjun does not contact Afei, they will be disconnected. Afei can only determine everything from other channels.

Hearing Luo Ziyi talk about Luo Mingjun's email, A Fei also began to be a little worried. He repeatedly stressed that he was not allowed to let Luo Zi find him, which was indirectly telling himself that Huiman seemed to have begun to suspect him. If A Fei acted rashly, it might be counterproductive.

With such information, A Fei began to re-examine his original plan. Not long ago, he was still thinking about how to save Luo Mingjun, and he already had a detailed plan. But if Luo Mingjun has been suspected by Huiman at this time, his action may not save anyone, but will put Luo Mingjun in danger.

However, Afei did not give up his thoughts. It was his always his wish to save Luo Mingjun and his wife, and it was also Luo Ziyi's wish. No matter how difficult it was, he had to do it.

Even if Huiman has closely monitored Luo Mingjun, he still has a way to successfully rescue people. Luo Mingjun also knows his ability very well. A Fei doesn't understand why Luo Mingjun sent him a dangerous signal and asked him not to save people.

Don't come to me... Don't come to me!

Luo Mingjun is now in Huacheng, which is the headquarters of Huiman in Country A, and is also the largest research institute of Huiman outside the headquarters of Huiman Research Institute in China. Whether it is medical equipment or the equipment of protective personnel, it should be the best in the world. If it is dangerous, it must be there.

But Luo Mingjun's understanding of himself should not worry about this kind of thing. Even if it is Huiman's strongest research institute, he is free to go in and out. Luo Mingjun couldn't know this very well. Why did he stop himself from saving him?

Wait, what if Luo Mingjun wants to say, that's not what it means? Or is it for another purpose that he said this? The message he conveyed is not only that he has been suspected of this?


A Fei comforted Luo Zi with a few words and asked her not to worry first. He needed to confirm something to determine his guess and what Luo Mingjun really meant.

Xia Fan, who was asked to teach him to play hacking games, and at the beginning of his drowsiness on the bus, A Fei held a temporary intelligence meeting.

Xia Fan's task is to investigate all Huiman's activities in Huacheng. From their withdrawal from China to now, all Xia Fan's seemingly abnormal activities must be investigated.

When he first called me here, no one knew more about Huiman's internal affairs than her.

"Xiaochu, think about it carefully. Have you ever been to the research institute in Huacheng, or heard anyone say that there is anything different about that research institute?" Fei seemed to have caught something, which was also from his intuition. He felt that what Luo Mingjun emphasized was not how dangerous Huacheng was. Maybe he was telling them what a bigger secret there was in Huacheng.

"I have never been to Huacheng. Since I can remember, I have been in Huiman's main research room. However, to say something relevant... Two or three years ago, there seemed to be a plan that was carried out at the Hwaseong Research Institute. But I just heard from a researcher and didn't care about it.

A Fei thought about it and then continued to ask:

"Think about it again, what kind of plan is it? It's good to have a little clue. As long as there is a little clue, Xia Fan can hack into Huiman's system and find relevant information, and A Fei can understand what Luo Mingjun wants to say.

Although she didn't know why A Fei was suddenly so anxious to know about Huiman's affairs in the Huacheng Research Institute, she knew that things must be very important. She didn't talk too much and recalled the words she occasionally heard a few years ago.

"I remember that it seems to be a plan called 'the heresy'. Because the name is strange, I still have a little impression. But the researcher who talked about it at that time didn't say much, as if... it seemed that there was a mention of destruction or something. Specifically... It's been too long, and I don't remember it.

I tried to recall it, but I only remembered the strange name, and the rest still had no impression.

A Fei glanced at Xia Fan, who was tapping quickly on the keyboard with his hands. He stared at the screen seriously as if he hadn't heard what they said. But Fei knew that he had been looking for something about it in Huiman's database.

"Afei, this heresy seems to be a great plan!" After a while, Xia Fan suddenly looked up and said to A Fei.

"Why do you say that?" A Fei turned to Xia Fan's side and stared at the things that kept flashing on the screen for a long time, but he didn't see anything.

Xia Fan knocked on the carriage and let the picture stop at the confidential level of the Huiman database.

The plan file named Heresy (heterogeneity) is actually the same level of confidentiality as the details of the V series virus! If Xia Fan hadn't cracked Huiman's dozens of encryption and successfully stole the virus data, he would have left a back door in Huiman's system to facilitate his future entry and exit, he would not have found relevant things in a short time.

"Take it out, I want to take a good look!" A Fei patted Xia Fan on the shoulder, looking confident in him. Then he turned to Luo Ziyi and whispered:

"What information your father may be sending to us is related to this 'hetero' plan. After Xia Fan steals it, we will study this matter again. Don't worry about it!" After saying that, he continued to squat by the fire and cook everyone's lunch.

A Fei has already said so, and Luo Ziyi has nothing to worry about. When the result is right.

I'm glad that I still told Fei about this. At present, they seem to have found a big secret. Whether it was related to Luo Mingjun or not, Luo Ziyi felt very happy, because she felt that she seemed to be closer to her father. However, she still cares a little.

What kind of place is Huiman? She knows very well now. Will there be anything good about their plan? This is not necessarily a good thing for Xia Fan to successfully steal the information of "the heresy"!

On the afternoon of the day after leaving the town, a motorcade of three cars arrived near the city of Nawei.

I didn't think about entering the city, because the special team in Nawei City has not yet evacuated. If it enters the city, won't it hit the muzzle?

At night, A Fei found a place with a wider view and stopped the car. Everyone began to carry out their own things according to the allocation of the previous day.

This time, Guan Qilei and others are much more relaxed, because they have recovered their physical strength. Basically, as long as she is awake, the zombies will not approach where they are. The funniest thing is that these senseless guys will automatically detour and hide far away after feeling the first breath.

Xia Fan's work has been half done. Fortunately, he was very cautious. Before downloading the "here heresy" plan, he carefully checked and found that there was a separate encryption process for this file. If this encryption is not cracked, it is impossible to download files, and his actions will be discovered by the monitoring program.

It took him all afternoon to crack the encryption and successfully downloaded the file. This is also thanks to A Fei, whose solar battery allows his "wife" to work continuously, otherwise less than half of the battery will be out of power.

Is an unexpected discovery the beginning of another conspiracy, or the key for them to break through Huiman? No one knows what the result will be, but after the plan called "the heresy" was seen by them, their future mission has changed. Escape is no longer their task, so what is the change...