Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 196 Hidden Conspiracy

The rest time at night was very abundant, and Xia Fan finally got all the plans of the "the heresy" unconsciously.

did not open it immediately. After Xia Fan successfully downloaded the plan, he ran to A Fei and proudly showed off his achievements.

A Fei doesn't have to look at the computer. Just looking at Xia Fan's proud face, he knows that he must have succeeded.

After disconnecting from the Huiman database, Xia Fan opened the file to A Fei. The documents are written in the language of A, and the words used are also very professional. There are many words that Afei has not seen, as well as a series of charts and pictures of various cells.

It is also very difficult for A Fei to read such a difficult text. After reading a paragraph, I didn't understand the general meaning. Many of the words used on it are medical-specific, very rare, and not commonly used words. Ordinary people can't understand them at all.

Speaking of medical-specific things, A Fei shook his head at the screen, and then looked at the old horse who didn't know what he was playing on the bus - this guy is an expert, let him come and have a look!

Summoning Lao Ma to get out of the car, this guy was still a little reluctant, lingered off the bus, walked to A Fei's side, and asked him what was wrong.

Afei pulled him down and pointed to the screen for him to take a closer look. As far as A Fei knows Lao Ma, as long as he sees this, he will be interested. Facts have proved again that A Fei still knows his friends very well. Lao Ma just looked bored at first, but immediately changed his attitude.

He was still very impatient at first. After looking at it a few times, he grabbed Xia Fan's baby computer from his hand, sat next to A Fei, put the computer on his lap, and looked at it seriously. And the more you look at it, the more you are committed, and the more you look at it, the more you can't extricate yourself.

A Fei glanced at Xia Fan on the other side, which means, look, I guess right! Xia Fan gave A Fei a thumbs up and praised him for turning his head quickly. The two looked at Lao Ma together. Xia Fan had never seen his extremely serious expression.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan looked for materials that could make a fire. When they came back, they saw Lao Ma's fascinated appearance and came over curiously.

A Fei made a silent gesture to them, and then signaled what they should do. If there is anything, Lao Ma will wait until he has finished reading the information. Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan went to work very obediently, waiting for Lao Ma to read the information and give them an answer.

Lao Ma looked at more than half of it, suddenly stopped, and went to the bus with his computer to look for Chu. Xia Fan saw that his precious wife had been robbed and wanted to stop it, but he was stopped by A Fei. Shaking their heads at him to signal that he would be fine, and then the two began to help Luo Zi prepare dinner.

Return to the old horse on the bus, pulled Chu, pointed to the content on the computer, asked her for a long time, and then looked at the text on the computer.

At first, she couldn't even understand the basic words. She was next to Lao Ma was a noun interpreter. If there were nouns that he didn't know, he would give it to Chu to explain. With more than 20 years in Huiman, she knows what those nouns mean even if she doesn't want to learn at the beginning.

Lao Ma's medical common sense, coupled with his initial understanding of Huiman, the cooperation between the two soon made clear what A Fei couldn't understand.

When the two of them got off the bus, Lao Ma hurried to Fei's side and talked for a long time, but no one understood what he was saying.

"I said Lao Ma, can you describe it in language that human beings can understand? If you say so, who can understand except yourself!" Guan Qilei couldn't stand it anymore, so he pulled the old horse's skirt, hoping that he could say something so that they could understand what he meant.

Lao Ma was very excited, but when he heard Guan Qilei's words, he turned his head and looked at everyone's confused look, and suddenly lost his energy. Calm down, Lao Ma sat next to A Fei, then sorted out his thoughts and cleared his throat. He tried his best to calm himself down and said:

"First of all, this plan called 'the heresy' began to be planned soon after it was studied in the early childhood. The main purpose is to create a new type of warrior, who have human appearance and thoughts, as well as the vitality and physical strength of zombies. It can evolve independently and mutate with different times and environments to produce stronger combat effectiveness and some abilities.

Lao Ma suppressed his excitement, looked around the crowd, and then continued:

"So first of all, the launch of the 'heresy' plan is in Xiaochu. The reason why she is called the first generation is not only the source of the virus, but also because she belongs to the pioneer of the 'heresy' plan, that is, the first finished product. And her strength, as you can see, is to control the zombies.

Looking at the beginning with no expression around him, Lao Ma always underestimated the child and thought that she was just a raw material for the production of the virus. It turned out that her status in Huiman was far more than this.

"This plan has been going on, and the original sample is Xiaochu. Moreover, according to the plan, Huiman has successfully created other 'thems'. But these 'heterogeneous' think that a lot of data is unstable and has not been put into use.

"Intro to use? What do you mean? A Fei accurately caught the question in Lao Ma's words, turned his head and frowned and asked.

"What is Huiman studying the virus for? I don't think you will know. So the so-called heresy is of course for the same purpose!" Lao Ma looked at A Fei strangely. How could he ask such a stupid question? He should also know Huiman very well. After all, he is a person who has been in Huiman.

Mu Jia and four other rookies didn't know much about this part, so they looked at A Fei very doubtfully, hoping to get an answer.

"War!" Guan Qilei stirred the canned soup in the pot with a spoon and spit out these two words loudly.

As a former military officer, he knows these two words very well. Lao Ma's reminder that others may not understand, but he and Pei Yufeng and Xia Fan are extremely clear.

"Yes, the zombies created by the V-series virus are a biochemical weapon that can kill the enemy in a short time. At first, it was true, but when Huiman carried out a large-scale living experiment, that is, when the virus broke out in Yuanzhou, it was not well controlled, which made the infection spread all over the country, creating an irreparable situation.

Lao Ma still holds Xia Fan's computer in his hand and says it. He didn't care about these things at all. What he cares about is the V series virus. But now that's all said, just make it clear at once.

The new warrior mentioned in the 'the heresy' plan is not only the best weapon to deal with the enemy, but also the sharp blade to deal with zombies. Therefore, even without the prototype of Xiaochu, Huiman is still carrying out this plan to make those 'hesites' with unstable factors come in handy.

Lao Ma looked down at the text on the screen and sighed at the strength of Huiman Research Institute. If he can have such a stable laboratory, he must have great research, right? However, he still doesn't like Huiman's approach. Even if their current research direction is completely making up for their mistakes, it's too late, isn't it?

China has been occupied by zombies, and human beings will not be able to survive for at least half a year. Even after half a year, the zombies starved to death. Are those water sources and land infected by the virus still suitable for human survival?

Huiman made a small mistake and turned a large country into a wasteland. How many people are homeless? How many people have become zombies and lost their humanity forever?

In particular, their behavior of using Yuanzhou as an experimental base is even more outrageous! As a doctor, Lao Ma dares not say how kind he is, but the doctor's parents and those people in Huiman are also from doctors. He even forgot that they can still be human? No one is anymore. What are you talking about for a great goal?

Sitting aside without saying a word, she also heard the specific content of "heresy" for the first time. It turned out that she was not only the mother of all zombies, but also the prototype of "heresy", or the first finished product of this plan.

The plan mentioned that since her, the plan has been going on and has made a lot of samples, but it has not succeeded by itself. Now that the situation of zombie infection has intensified, Huiman is also afraid, so she has raised this plan to the current top priority.

If they can really create so-called "opretical" warriors, it is also a good thing. However, Huiman people know more than others at the beginning. They must not only want the purpose of world peace, or this so-called purpose is just to make people sound good. At first, they always feel that Huiman has another purpose.

A Fei also felt strange. Huiman's purpose has always been to study first, and the rest are floating clouds. When did he start to become so full of justice? If they really want to stop the spread of zombies, why don't they send their guards to help the military of Country A?

Or, carry out a destruction operation on the quarantine area to wipe out all the zombies? With so many zombies, do they want to threaten the government of country A or endanger the world? Basically, like the original idea, A Fei didn't think that Huiman would suddenly become kind and think about ordinary human beings.

So, what kind of business is hidden behind this strange plan?

What the hell is Huiman's senior management doing? Isn't it enough to destroy a China? Do they really want to turn the whole world into a world of zombies? What good is this for them? It's really confusing!

A strange plan, but with unimaginable results, made this group of lucky people confused again. However, no matter what kind of arrangement the black hand behind it is, it is necessary for these people to give in before they can succeed...