Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 197 Secret Hints

This "the heresy" plan has really caused a big impact among Afei and his group. Even A Fei, who had always been calm, had to frown and think about the plan carefully.

If the heretical warriors created by this plan are involved in the cleaning plan against zombies, it is undoubtedly a very powerful force. They have the strengths of zombies, but they do not lose the feeling of human beings, which is a blessing for human beings who are still alive.

However, Afei doesn't think Huiman will be so caring. If the heretical warriors really join the cleaning plan, then Huiman must have another conspiracy. However, this part of the plan was not mentioned, and A Fei only guessed a possibility, but he was not sure.

Regardless of what the ultimate purpose of Huiman is, what A Fei wants to figure out now is why Luo Mingjun conveys such a message to him? Are you telling him to be extra careful when you act? Or are these so-called heretical warriors already been put into use and are already in the quarantine area?

Luo Mingjun should not know much about their situation. Since A Fei cut off contact with him, he has only sent such an email to Luo Ziyi, which is still repeated and repeated, and many things can't be understood. If Luo Mingjun knew their situation, what kind of channel would he go through?

A Fei rubbed his temples, which is another tangled problem. Even if his brain is a computer, it is impossible to deal with such a complex operation, right?

I don't know when He Ziyi moved to Luo Ziyi's side, reached out and pulled her sleeve, and then whispered something in Luo Ziyi's ear.

Although he was a little confused, Luo Ziyi still asked his mother to go through the computer, quickly logged in to his mailbox, and then clicked out the email Luo Mingjun gave her to him to read.

[...But daughter, don't come to me. Huiman's plan is still in progress. It can be said that it has never been terminated. They have gone crazy, have no reason, and will not think about the future of mankind...

[...So remember, don't come to your father, I'll be fine...]

[... He will protect you until Huiman's conspiracy is exposed, until the spread of the virus ends, and the world returns to peace and peace.]

The eyes of the congratulatory message quickly scanned each line of text and stopped on these sentences for a few times. After reading the whole email, she repeatedly read these sentences many times.

When everyone looked at her curiously, she bit her fingers and continued to stare at these words.

The plan...never stopped...the conspiracy was exposed...the virus ended...

Congratulatory messages repeatedly thought about these scattered words, and then thought of the content of the "hesite" plan. These messy things gradually began to converge into a complete chain.

She doesn't know Luo Mingjun, but from a simple written analysis, she knows that Luo Ziyi's father is a very cautious person. He hid all the clues in some inconspicuous places. If A Fei hadn't understood him enough, he would not have found the point of his words.

And congratulations, because there is too much time spent in the room, there is a kind of ** for some strange things. In Luo Mingjun's email, she found a very interesting place, that is, Luo Mingjun tried his best to cover it up and only wanted A Fei to understand.

pulled A Fei's skirt, and pointed to several key points on the screen and let A Fei look carefully. At first, he just listened to the content of the email that Luo Ziyi said, and he didn't read it himself. At this time, looking at the place pointed out by the congratulatory message, A Fei suddenly found some problems.

"Xiao Ziyi, did you find anything wrong when you saw this email?" A Fei did not look back and kept looking at the text on the screen, but asked Luo Ziyi.

"The wrong place... I don't think it's like my father's usual tone, but this is writing a letter. It should be a little different, right? At that time, I was very surprised and didn't pay attention to this. Why? Is there any problem?" Luo Zi thought about it carefully, and Luo Mingjun's usual tone of speaking and writing works.

But she saw that her father was mostly some documents that she couldn't understand at all, all of which were medical things, but she rarely saw him writing letters or something. However, looking carefully at this letter, there are indeed some places that are not very similar to Luo Mingjun's tone.

A Fei nodded, and then switched the picture to the file of the heretical plan, recalling Lao Ma's words and thinking of Luo Mingjun's words.

After a while, A Fei suddenly opened his mouth wide, was surprised, and then laughed. He returned the computer to Xia Fan and asked him to save the files of the heresy, and then he said very solemnly to everyone:

"The so-called ' heretical' warrior should have been successfully studied, but this matter should not be Huiman's behavior, but Xiao Ziyi's father, Luo Mingjun's personal behavior. His purpose is very simple, to protect himself and the Love people, and... and Xiao Ziyi!"

For everyone, this is a blockbuster bomb that completely bombards the new lake that everyone is already restless. Especially Luo Ziyi, she didn't expect that A Fei had thought for a long time and came to a conclusion for a long time.

"Brother, this..." Luo Ziyi can't calm down. What is this? First, a "heretical" plan appeared. Well, this has nothing to do with me, and I don't care about it for the time being. But what did A Fei just say? Her father has made a "heresy", that is to say, this so-called humanoid weapon appeared for himself?

"Don't be surprised, listen to me slowly. When I correspond with your father, I usually don't write down the true meaning. But if we use a password, it will be suspicious, so we usually use this method to hide the real meaning and analyze it by the other party.

Usually, there will be some errors between your own guess and the other party's ideas. Calculate these errors and emphasize the real meaning again. This is why your father repeatedly emphasizes that you don't want to look for him.

This sentence has a literal meaning and really asks you not to mess around. But there is also a hidden meaning, which is to wait for him to come to you. In his current situation, it must be impossible to come out of Huiman, so what he really means is that he will send someone to find you.

The plan he mentioned refers to the 'heresy' plan, because Huiman has now put on hold other than this plan because of the loss of the original generation. This is what the virus termination is about. Connect these two points, that is to say, his 'hea heresy' will come to you.

As for the conspiracy to be exposed, that's what he said to me. He hopes to expose Huiman's face as soon as possible, and it's me who did this!" A Fei explained the real message conveyed by Luo Mingjun. He couldn't guarantee that it would be all right, but the overall meaning must not be wrong.

Using this method of communication, ordinary people can't understand the real meaning, but A Fei didn't pay attention to these because the letter was for Luo Ziyi. It was not until the congratulatory message pointed out these suspicious words that he thought of them.

"So... why doesn't Dad contact you directly and convey these things through me?" Luo Ziyi still has a lot of things he can't figure out. Why doesn't Luo Mingjun use such a circuitous method and directly follow A Fei? If you don't show the email to Fei, can't you convey anything?

"Silly girl, he is your father! Mo Ruo's father, a bosom friend, knows you too well. He knows that you will care about some details and go back to discuss with someone. If they are together, then you will definitely let me see it. Your father used to correspond with me a lot. If he is in a difficult situation now, it is very dangerous to keep in touch with me.

A Fei rubbed Luo Ziyi's hair and felt that she was stupid and cute.

Luo Zi sorted out her hair that was rubbed by A Fei. After thinking about it, she put an email on her daughter, which still showed that she might not be seen, and others would not doubt it.

"However, I still don't think it's reliable. What do you think Father Luo will send to protect Ziyi? Even he can't determine the position of Ziyi. How can he find Ziyi?" Gu Hengxuan still feels that A Fei's explanation is far-fetched. Is this really correct?

"This problem is easy to solve, just wait. If I guess correctly, then this ' heresy' will definitely appear. It's just a matter of time. We just need to wait." Fei is very confident in himself. After all, it is not the first time to play this kind of guessing game with Luo Mingjun. It is precisely because what can be guessed like this may make people laugh that it is safe.

"As for how this so-called 'heterogenea' will find Xiao Ziyi... Xiao Ziyi, has your father done a physical examination for you? The kind that will draw blood?" A Fei suddenly asked Luo Zi a irrelevant question, but Luo Zi knew that he would not be aimless, so he nodded honestly and said:

"Dad arranges me and my mother to have a physical examination every year. Although the school also has a physical examination, he will still arrange it himself, and all the tests are done by himself. Therefore, blood tests are often drawn.

Gu Hengxuan is skeptical. If such an explanation works, then all random conjectures can be established, right?

After listening to this, A Fei just smiled, but didn't say anything. Instead, at the beginning of the side, he suddenly opened his mouth and said:

"With your genes, you must be able to find you!" At first, I agreed with A Fei's words very much. Luo Mingjun is the kind of person who is very cautious. After understanding what kind of organization Huiman is, it is impossible for him not to leave a way out for himself.

"You mean, my blood has not been tested? But..." Luo Zi frowned and asked for the first time.

"Yes! I think Luo Mingjun began to prepare accordingly after learning that there was a heresy plan. He won't know that you have a biochemical reaction, so she mixed your blood with the blood samples in the research institute and secretly conducted a study of heresy... This is purely my guess, for reference only!"

smiled for the first time and recalled that when Luo Mingjun mentioned his daughter, he was as happy as if he had the whole world. What he would do for his baby daughter is conceivable.

"In a word, no matter what, our goal will not change. Feicheng, we will continue to go on!" After saying that, A Fei put a bowl of canned soup for Luo Zi and handed it to her hand.

Whether confused, uncertain or unbelievable, everything will be confirmed in the near future. From this day on, these people have inexplicable expectations, no matter what they expect, but they all hope to have an answer...