Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 214 Thunder Follows

Early the next morning, a group of four cars set out from their landing point and headed for the commercial area of Mocheng.

Looking at everything outside the car window, it seems that you can feel the noise of the past. Reality and phantom overlap, and the streets are hazy, as if someone is shaking.

People in the morning are in a hurry and walk towards their goals...

A well-suited office worker, a mother with a child, a newspaper delivery bicycle, full of people around the breakfast car, waiting for a warm breakfast to be put in his hands...

There is a little traffic on the street because of the morning rush hour. In this car array, bicycles and motorcycles are passing through, and people in a hurry are running in the middle...

The students who went to school talked about what program they watched yesterday and what funny plots they had. They walked slowly to the school with their companions. They passed by a few familiar people and raised their hands to say hello...

Everything seems to be real happening in front of us, and everything seems to be nothing wrong. Unfortunately, when the car bumps and the illusion disappears from the front of the eyes, it is replaced by a real scene.

In the messy streets, abandoned vehicles block most of the roads, garbage and blood stains can be seen everywhere on the sidewalk. There are also things that people have lost and have no time to pick up their own belongings. When they escape, they should be in a hurry and can't come back to pick up anything.



The most indispensable thing in the quarantine area can be said to be everywhere. In Yuanzhou, it is time to feel afraid and afraid when you see them, but there is no difference between seeing them now and not seeing them.

The living people have been taken away, and the rest are Fei and the zombies. Such a day alone is not a day or two, but it still makes everyone feel uncomfortable. Damn, why don't you die!

Luo Zi leaned against the window and looked at the retreating scenery outside the window, remembering all kinds of things before the virus broke out. Compared with today's days, it's the same as heaven. Unfortunately, at that time, she, or they, did not cherish it well, but just squandered her youth and wasted time on boring things.

Now, what she can do is to try her best to live, and then go to those people after leaving the quarantine area. If it goes well, Huiman will disappear from this world, and as long as the zombies are cleared, human beings still have hope. On the contrary, it will be her who will disappear, which will have no impact on the pattern of the world.

However, there are some things that must be done, for those who can live, for those who can die, and these people who have become monsters!

Mocheng is not as big as Feicheng. Its main building is the peripheral factory, and the area of the urban area is about half of the periphery. Soon, Afei and the others arrived at the business district.

Looking at the shops on the street, although there are no people left, all that is left is the walking dead, but it is not difficult to see the prosperity of the past.

When they arrived at a large store, A Fei and others drove directly to the door. People who did not have the ability to protect themselves were left in the car, and four rookies were responsible for protecting them. The rest of the people got out of the car.

At the beginning, the zombies were driven away, and within a certain range, the zombies inside the store still need to be cleaned up one by one.

After entering the store, a lot of food on the shelf of Feifa* disappeared. It seems that before them, it should be said that this place had been looted by people at the time of the outbreak of the virus. However, his goal is not the shelves, but the warehouse.

For ordinary people, the things on the shelf are easy to take away, but there are not enough manpower and vehicles for the goods in the warehouse. They can only look greedy, but they can't take them away. And they must have enough manpower. The point is that they have cars and can take a lot of things with them.

Everyone acted separately to find the location of the warehouse of the store. Soon, they found it inside the store.

The location of the warehouse is very awkward, mainly to facilitate the internal replenishment of the store, so it is in the innermost part of the store. But Afei and the others need a long way from here to the gate, which is time-consuming.

A Fei walked around the warehouse, and there was no escape here. A lot of food was also taken away. But most of them are still there, especially the water they need, and many of them are piled up in the warehouse.

There is a back door in the warehouse, which can be used for incoming goods. Although it is locked, it is easy to open. Liu Qi drove the container car to the back and followed to clean up the zombies. After hearing the sound of the car stop at the door of the back door, A Fei opened the lock with his own *.

Sitting in the container truck for the first time, they set the zombies around them in place with their own strength and watched the living people move things in and out, but they could not resist. Their strength came from the initial blood. The zombies did not dare to disobey her orders.

After working for a long time, I brought enough drinking water and some food to put the old horse's things in a safer place. This time, the supply work is completed.

No one knows how long to stay in the quarantine area next. Although there is a plan to remove it, it cannot be implemented for the time being, so try to bring as much as possible, just in case.

and other things were moved into the car. Ah Fei and others all withdrew from the store, got on the car, and continued to go to Kemeng City.

Mocheng is more than twice the distance from Kemeng City to Feicheng, and the area of Kemeng City is less than three-quarters of Mocheng, which can only be regarded as a small city. But this small city, which once had two presidents of country A, is still a well-known place in country A.

Because of the relationship between the two presidents, there are two statues on both sides of the square in the central square. This strange architectural style makes many outsiders laugh, but it is a great honor for the locals.

After arriving in Kemeng City, they will not stay for a long time. At most, they will have to rest for a day or two. I don't know if the Leiyin team behind him has kept up. If it is found by them, it will be a fierce battle. Before leaving the quarantine area, Afei really doesn't want to fight with them, which will make things more and more troublesome.

Not long after the car drove out of Mocheng, Xia Fan jumped up from his seat and shouted to A Fei, who was driving:

"Afei, someone is following us! It should be the people of the Leiyin team. What should I do?

Afei smiled helplessly. It seemed that God didn't particularly favor them! If you don't want to see anything, just come.

"Yufeng, come and do it for me. You know the direction! Keep driving, as fast as you can!" When Pei Yufeng came over, he and A Fei changed positions in the car. The bus shook, and after Pei Yufeng sat down, he resumed normal driving, but the speed was much faster.

Press the call button, Afei said seriously:

"There is a tail behind, everyone speed up!" Although there was no answer, A Fei saw the three cars behind them and began to speed up and follow the bus quickly.

Walking to Xia Fan's side, A Fei looked down at the satellite image on his computer. In Mocheng, a very familiar car is also driving at high speed. Xia Fan enlarged the picture a little so that A Fei could see it more clearly. The people in the car still maintained their consistent style and killed them directly.

"Amazing, I just want to know how much ammunition they have!" A Fei joked, but he stared at the screen very seriously.

The Leiyin team has not yet reached the place where they settled yesterday. Looking at their route, it should not be for there. Is it that they also have any reconnaissance equipment? Or have they already talked to the people of the A military and mastered the information of their group?

Xia Fan has been monitoring the movement of the military of Country A. If they have given any orders to the Leiyin team, then it is impossible for Xia Fan not to know. Unless they contact the Leiyin team by phone or something, as long as their actions can't escape his eyes.

So, that is to say, the action of the Leiyin team is purely a blind cat touching a dead mouse? All right! They were lucky and found themselves so quickly.

But what if you find it? They also need to have the ability to catch it.

A Fei picked up the corners of his lips coldly. He hasn't fought happily for a long time. Zombies and so on are not enough. It's good to have such a group of people. It's enough for him to play for a while.

Let everyone maintain this speed and keep moving forward. The other party is still wandering around Mocheng and can't get out for a while. Moreover, after leaving Mo City, the nearest city is not Kemeng City. But the Yuecheng on the other side, if it is rationally inferred, they should go there. And A Fei also hopes that the people of Leiyin's team also think so.

I can't control much for the time being, so that the speed of several cars is as consistent as possible, don't fall behind, and the distance is also pulled in. This is a little compact, which is convenient for him to respond and mobilize at any time.

Without driving anymore, A Fei and Xia Fan stared at the computer screen and watched the movement of the Leiyin team.

No matter what they are for, they want to rob the virus and vaccine in their hands. In this situation, A Fei and others can only escape so that the Leiyin team can't find them.

Afei and others have tankers and enough food supplies. Find a place to stop and live carefully. No one will find them in a short time. But the Leiyin team is different. They have a large number of people, and supply is a big problem.

As long as they can get rid of them on this road, or the mistake of the judgment of the Leiyin team and think that A Fei and others have gone to other cities, then they will have more opportunities to let this group of powerful special diseases wander around in the quarantine area, but they have never been able to get what they want. .

However, these are all idealized ideas, and the quarantine area is coming to an end. If they can't get rid of the Leiyin team, then the final result can only be a backwater battle...