Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 215 Preparing for Hunting

The four cars were filled with a tense atmosphere, and everyone tightened their nerves, especially the few people who drove, who were even more absorbed in looking at the road ahead and did not dare to neglect at all.

To say that among these people, the only person who is not in a state needs to send a congratulatory message. She has no sense of crisis at all and understands what they are nervous about.

Sitting behind A Fei, she rubbed behind A Fei little by little and looked at the picture on Xia Fan's computer. However, after looking at it for a long time, she still didn't see that it was famous, so she pulled A Fei's collar and asked him what was wrong.

A Fei knew that this girl did not have the life of an otaku and had no sense of reality about everything around her, but in such an environment, she should also feel a little. If she doesn't let people put a gun to her head, she doesn't know what happened!

did not explain much. A Fei just said lightly that if he didn't run quickly, he would be completely annihilated. After that, he was relieved to see that the greeting was gradually figured out.

Their plan does not include congratulations and Lao Ma. They are not suitable to take risks. When they get out of the quarantine area and arrive at a safer place, he will arrange for the two of them to live. As long as the virus does not spread, they should live well in A country.

As for these people, as Xia Fan said, even if they go out, there is no tomorrow today. Maybe at some point, they will fall on the way to tomorrow and can't see the sun the day after tomorrow. This kind of life is completely unacceptable for congratulatory messages that are afraid of all strange things.

So when modifying the plan, Afei never thought that it was the best choice for them to add congratulations and Lao Ma to let them live a peaceful life.

Actually, if he can, he still wants to leave someone, that is, Luo Ziyi. Afei didn't want Luo Zi to take a risk. As a brother, it was a natural idea. But he also knew that it was impossible for her to stay obediently and watch them go to Huiman.

Instead of leaving her down and worrying that she will act alone, it's better to take her with you and take care of her nearby, so that she won't be able to deal with anything by herself.

The Leiyin team is still wandering around Mocheng. It seems that they don't have any specific information and still don't know anything about them. It seems that they also found Mo City by feeling, instead of tracking and positioning them.

This is easy to do. As long as they run fast, it is still a little difficult for them to catch up. However, their plan may be advanced by the Leiyin team. It's just that nothing is ready now. If you rush out like this, you may not succeed.

Of course, it's easy to do when things are done. After escaping, they will find a place to hide for a period of time. After the limelight, they can act well. But if it fails, all their previous efforts will be in vain and will also attract the attention of the military of Country A and the Huiman Research Institute.

For Afei and others, if they don't leave the quarantine area, being paid too much attention is equivalent to putting their lives in the hands of others!

A's military is fine and has no hatred with them. As long as they can avoid it for a period of time, they will also feel the need to give up their pursuit. But once they have a relationship with Huiman, it will be difficult to deal with. Those crazy people can do everything for their research.

Six of them have biochemical reactions, and one is the first generation of Huiman. If the military of Country A is caught and sent to the Huiman Research Institute, the fate of these people is really hard to say!

There was no stop at noon, and everyone's lunch was settled in the car, but it stopped for a short time. The driver changed a round, and then began to drive at high speed.

Xia Fan hardly ate anything. After the can was opened, he just took two bites and put it aside without moving. His eyes kept staring at the computer. Although the Leiyin team did not catch up, they moved too fast. At this speed, maybe it will catch up at some time.

Afei is almost the same, but he is much more confident than Xia Fan. What he is worried about is whether they can catch up with the Leiyin team after they arrive in Kemeng City. Now the place they are in is so desolate that there are no trees. If they move forward in such a place and are caught up, they will be seen from afar.

But when they get to the city, they have much more chance of hiding. As long as the Leiyin team has no special equipment, it will take a little time to find them in the city.

And Afei is not an unarmed weak person. Although there are few people, everyone is good at reaching out. As long as it is well arranged, he is not afraid that the Leiyin team will catch up.

Afei estimated that if they compete with the Leiyin team, although they have little chance of winning, they are definitely not without a chance. The point is whether there is time for him to arrange it. If the Leiyin team can be caught off guard, the chances of winning are still quite high!

Although he will not think very optimistically or be pessimistic in vain, they have a chance and will not completely lose this ending. In order to survive and complete their plan, not to mention the Leiyin team, even if the aircraft carrier of Country A comes, Afei will find a way to make it comeback!

In the evening, A Fei finally stopped and did not dare to rest on the road. He drove the car into the wasteland next to him. Another car came out, and they surrounded the space more.

Fill up each car first. At this time, A Fei and Luo Zi are preparing dinner. They can't stay too long, that is to say, although they have to rest, they must not stay for a long time.

The current time is about 8 p.m., and at 3 a.m., they are about to leave. The people who are assigned to vigil can't rest until they go on the road. Therefore, they should eat and release as short as possible, so that everyone can have more time to sleep.

The first round of vigil was a few people driving in the afternoon, including Guan Qilei, Wu Tian, Kang Zheng and Luo Ziyi. Four people are on the roof of their cars and take care of their companions.

Luo Ziyi has a night vision mirror. Although Guan Qilei's night vision ability is not as strong as A Fei, it is definitely stronger than a rookie, and the number of zombies nearby is not large. Several of them will jump out, but they are not afraid.

When the time came, A Fei opened his eyes on time like a living alarm clock, woke everyone up, and let Luo Ziyi and the others come down to rest.

Xia Fan's computer is out of power, and he can't charge it with Afei's solar equipment until sunrise tomorrow. Even without the computer, Xia Fan still didn't fall asleep and had been thinking about the Leiyin team.

The team began to move forward again. The four people who had been vigild before had been sleepy for a long time. After arriving in their own car, they basically fell asleep immediately.

Afei has calculated that their speed can basically reach the vicinity of Kemeng City at dawn. Before noon, they can rest in Kemeng's room.

Previously, he could not collect the information of Shaokemeng City. A Fei kept turning his mind in Kemeng City. Where is the best place to ambush?

It is an indisputable fact that there are many people in the Leiyin team, but there are many advantages and disadvantages. There is only one car in the Leiyin team, and more than 30 people are crowded in this car. As long as A Fei can choose the right ambush point and blow up their car first, some of the people in the car will also be damaged.

The problem of personnel ratio cannot be ignored, so A Fei has been thinking that if it is unexpected, the Leiyin team is not familiar with this, so that they can underestimate the enemy, so that they can take advantage of it.

After a long time, Afei finally chose a good place. No matter the surrounding environment or some specific location, it is a very ideal place for sniping. Now, just waiting for Kemeng City, he can start to arrange it, so that Lei Yin, a special team, will also suffer a little!

Kemon City is just a small city. The population here is not very large, maybe a lot in the past. However, in order to live, many people have gone to Mocheng or Feicheng, making there fewer and fewer people in Kemeng City.

But this is no longer important. Since the birth of zombies, as long as the city in the quarantine area, it has been regarded as the same place - the city of zombies!

This is not a good name, but it is a fact, and it is also true that some people have generally killed the quarantine area.

Whether it is the city of zombies or the dead, the benefits for people who are active in such places are free. They can hold a pistol, pull the trigger at anyone, or smash the glass window of any opinion shop and go to *. No matter what people do, the police will not find you.

But the zombies will!

Now Kemeng City is more free, but this is for Fei and others, because the number of zombies here is less than half of Mocheng, and the original survivors here have also been captured by special teams.

A quiet city would be more perfect without zombies.

Afei guided Pei Yufeng and took the convoy to a place, surrounded by tall buildings, and in the middle was a square that was not a big smile. Surrounded by the square, there are six streets. Unfortunately, two were blocked by abandoned vehicles.

Seeing this situation, A Fei laughed instead and said, "It's easy", and let Pei Yufeng drive across the square and enter a street that was not blocked.

turned around and stopped on a street without zombies, and everyone began a familiar clean-up activity.

The place to live has been settled, and A Fei is going to start to arrange the next action. The first thing to do is to block all the remaining streets except the one they came in.

No matter what Fei was going to do, everyone began to take action after receiving his instructions.

Hunting, this is a hot-blooded word, which represents killing and harvesting. They seem to be the prey to be hunted, but now it seems that they are going to become hunters and hunt people who catch up after hunting...