Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 218 Escape Day

The next afternoon, the military headquarters of Country A received a report from the lost Leiyin team that their communication equipment was abnormal during the mission, they could not contact the headquarters, and they did not receive any orders from the headquarters.

So, they made their own decisions and tracked a team of survivors to arrive in Kemeng City without any order, where they captured all the survivors.

In this mission, the Leiyin team damaged ten people. Because they died in the quarantine area and the bodies could not be taken outside the quarantine area, they burned them on the spot and only brought back the ashes.

After arriving in Kemeng, the Leiyin team was lucky to repair the communication tool and requested to open the nearby blockade line for a period of time so that they could pass.

The military of Country A is convinced of the report of this special team, because anything can happen in the quarantine area. According to the investigation, they are indeed looking for survivors in Kancheng, Feicheng, Mocheng and other places. Because there are only satellite maps, the military's judgment is that they are telling the truth.

It takes two days to drive from the exit of the blockade line closest to Kemeng City. The military of Country A immediately ordered the Leiyin team to move to the exit of the blockade line. The exit will be opened for about ten minutes when they arrive in two days.

This time is already the limit. There are zombies near the blockade line, which is very dense, more than in ordinary cities. They have been gathered here for a long time. Except when there is a threat to the security of the blockade line, the defenders will shoot them and relieve the crisis. No one usually cares them.

In order to allow the Leiyin team to pass through here smoothly, from the moment the order was issued, the defenders here entered the cleaning stage. They must clean up the zombies at the exit and prevent a zombie from leaving the quarantine area.

Time passed quickly, and the zombies at the exit of the blockade line were almost cleaned up. At this time, it was less than six hours away from two days, and the defenders of the blockade line had seen a vast convoy coming from afar.

Jox drove the car, and the cold sweat on his forehead never broke. I hope it can be cleared smoothly, otherwise the ancestors around me will not be easy to deal with.

The car of Leiyin's team has been scrapped. Now he is driving a container truck found from Kemeng City. His men are all in the back car.

The man around him seemed to be sleeping, but Jox did not dare to act at all, let alone have any unfaithful intentions. The reason is that his little life has been squeezed in his hand.

Recalling that night two days ago, when the man took his men through the zombies and magically appeared in front of him, Jox is still frightened. Up to now, he still hasn't given himself an answer why zombies don't attack them and can even live in peace with them.

At first, they really thought they were all zombies, but they also ate canned food, drank bottled drinking water, slept when they were tired, and there was also a pair of boys and girls who had fallen in love. No matter how you look at it, their human beings, but strange things always happen to them.

The first thing Afei met was to talk about the deal with Jox, and at that time, Jox thought he had a chance to resist. But later it turned out that he didn't.

Just as he shook his head and said no, the already quiet zombies rose up again, and the Leiyin team, which ran out of food, basically had the ability to resist. A Fei and others in the zombie group did nothing. The zombies turned a blind eye to them and just attacked the people of the Leiyin team.

After losing two more partners, the zombies were quiet again and surrounded them, and this time, Jox had to nod and agree to the negotiation.

Afei was a very shrewd man. He took all the weapons of the Leiyin team, threw them into the zombies, and then began the unequal negotiations.

Josh sighed, and the exit of the blockade line was right in front of him. In less than half an hour, they could go out. I hope this person will keep his promise so that they can survive.

Opening his eyes, A Fei looked at the towering blockade line in the distance and smiled. He couldn't help thinking that the blockade line with Yuanzhou is really similar!

He doesn't have any weapons in his hand, and the guns are under the clothes of the Leiyin team members, which are well hidden. He is now dressed as the Leiyin team and sits next to Jox. It's really like that.

In the back bus, several members of the Leiyin team took their weapons and trembled at the bus, Luo Zi and others. On the two trucks and tankers behind, the original rookie were driving in the Leiyin team.

At first glance, it was A Fei who was captured by the Leiyin team and took their vehicles out of the quarantine area together. But think about it carefully, it's good to catch people and bring them out. Why do you even bring out their cars?

On the bus, I was still sleeping at the beginning. Anyway, I plan to go according to Afei's arrangement. Next, I will not encounter any problems and will leave the quarantine area. Speaking of the days without zombies, she was really a little uncomfortable at first. If Luo Ziyi hadn't resolutely opposed it, she would have wanted to bring one or two zombies out and play outside.

However, she could leave the quarantine area. At first, she was still very happy. When she saw those zombies, she would think of her identity, which was exactly what she hated.

The soldiers of Leiyin's team are all listless and seem to be guarding prisoners, but their mental state is not as good as that of prisoners. For example, Lao Ma, they are afraid and respectful of this person.

Afei and others were able to hand over everything to the Leiyin team so fearlessly, but they pretended to be captured survivors and walked to the blockade line because of the old horse.

At first, I had to admire this person. How long has it been since Huiman's research and treatment has been in his hands? He was able to use her blood to develop something like a V-series virus.

The predecessor of the V series virus is a drug for the treatment of special diseases. It is a new powerful drug developed for many terminal diseases. But in clinical experiments, there was a mutation, turning the user into a monster. This attracted the attention of Liu Jingqian, who was only an assistant researcher at that time, and began to transform this new drug.

When the first generation of V-series viruses appeared, Liu Jingqian successfully persuaded many politicians to support him to open new subjects and set up his own research team on the basis of Huiman Research Institute. Gradually, the team of the V series virus is getting bigger and bigger, and there is the first generation and everything that happened later.

After a period of research, Lao Ma made a very wonderful thing with virus vaccines and original blood samples.

But at first, he did not care, and at first he didn't pay attention, but at this time, it came in handy.

For the virus, most people have never seen its true face, and A Fei happens to have a real virus and vaccine. Of course, Jox and others thought that as long as they took it out, it must be a virus...

Therefore, Lao Ma gave a shot to everyone in the Leiyin team with the gadgets he made. On the surface, there was no change, but in fact, there have been unusual changes in the body.

It was this change that convinced everyone in the Leiyin team that what Lao Ma injected them was the V-series virus. Because not many people were injected, the mutation would come very late.

Correspondingly, the vaccine is in the hands of A Fei and their disobedient, and the consequence is only one - becoming a zombie and being left in Kemeng City.

There is no doubt about the authenticity of the virus at all, because there are too many incredible things about Afei and others. Jox's purpose now has become much simpler. Live and get out!

And these two points coincide with A Fei and others, so their original relationship between hunters and prey has wonderfully transformed into an accomplice relationship.

Soon, the blockade line came close to the front, and the location of the exit had been cleaned up. The bodies of zombies were piled up on both sides of the road, and the number was quite staggering.

[This is the biochemical blockade line of country A, which requires the confirmation of the identity of the visitor. If it cannot be confirmed within five minutes, we will take action against you in the name of the threat of biochemical spread. Please confirm your identity!

On the blockade line, a mechanical voice came asking to confirm A Fei's identity.

Without looking at Jox, A Fei continued to sit in place and wait for him to do anything. Jox is a smart man. He doesn't want to die, let alone become a zombie. Since the people around him are so weird, he'd better not offend him.

"Hello, I'm Captain Joex, the captain of the Leiyin Special Team of the A Army, No. 870523, and I request confirmation of my identity." Jox stretched out his head out of the window and shouted.

"This confirmation method is really special..." A Fei sneered. What era is it now? Does communication have to rely on roaring?

[Identity confirmation, welcome to return safely, Captain Jox, your pass time is ten minutes. If all the confirmation passes, we will close the gate.]

Starting the car, Joex took the car behind him through the exit of the blockade line one by one to the world outside the quarantine area.

In fact, there is no difference. The desolate land is still bleak, without much vegetation, and the land looks so barren.

But in some people's hearts, there is a big difference. This side of the door is free but frightened, with boundless killing days; and the other end, although it will lose its unrestrained life, it is also the beginning of stability or new hope.

Looking back at the slowly closing door, Luo Ziyi and others began to feel complicated. If they live only in the quarantine area, then the days after they come out will be a bloody road of revenge.

When the door is closed, does it mean the beginning of a new life? Or did they just go from one battlefield to another? But it's plain and wonderful, or in the end they will all embark on the road of death, isn't it...