Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 217 Hunter? Prey? Next

The door opened, but no one came out. Although the people in the thunder team in the car did not know what had happened, the gunfire told them that this was not a good sign!

Jox slowly moved his body and approached the rear of the car, while carefully observing the surroundings to find the position of the sniper.

He would like to have only one sniper. In such a square, if there are multiple snipers at the same time, what's the difference between them and the target in the surrounding buildings?

The door of the container was opened for a long time, and the Leiyin team did not dare to come out, and the other party waited quite patiently.

Josh looked for a while and found several possible sniper points, but he didn't have * in his hand. Isn't it a joke to kill the other party's sniper?

Looking up at the sky, it seems that we can only wait for it to dark. At night, the movement ability of the Leiyin team is no worse than that of the day, but the other party is not sure!

Wishes are always very beautiful, but reality is always so cruel. Jaux has been thinking about how to delay the time and act until the evening, but the zombies don't think so.

I don't know how long I've been hungry. Fresh and delicious food is in front of me. How can they wait until night before they start eating? The smell of human flesh attracted the zombies to move towards the Leiyin team. The zombies nearby can't wait to enter the container and eat their rare food!

When standing beside Luo Ziyi, her power only released a little, attracting distant zombies and continuing to approach their food. Luo Ziyi's task today is to kill everyone who comes out of the car.

If in the past, when it comes to killing, Luo Zi feels that she can't do it, but after too many things, she can give up some of her persistence in order to survive. She didn't understand why the Leiyin team knew that the virus was hidden in the Philippine Cathedral, but she knew that they wanted it for nothing.

Everyone knows what the virus and vaccine mean to today's human beings. When the box was handed over to the military of Country A, the Leiyin team only got a medal or even nothing. In order to keep it secret, Huiman will ask Country A to kill the insider!

Therefore, Luo Ziyi understands their behavior very well, but understanding does not mean recognition.

Get the information. Even if they don't want to report it, the worst thing will be that it hasn't happened. Not to mention it, their superiors won't know what they have done.

They did hide from their superiors, but what they did was to abandon the soldier's vocation, pursue their interests, and be bought by money.

Luo Zi thought that they must want to take the virus and vaccine out of the quarantine area and then sell the vaccine at a high price. Today, no one can say what the result is. It may get better or worse. Having a vaccine in hand is equivalent to giving people a chance to live again. In the face of such temptation, money is meaningless.

There are people on several more favorable sniper points in the buildings around the square. Luo Ziyi, Liu Qi, Kang Zheng and A Fei, a total of four people, four*, all of which are pointed at the car.

It's so naive... Luo Zi couldn't help thinking that the cross star in the gun aimed at a person who tried to walk to the door of the container and close the door. Gently pulling the trigger, Luo Zi looked at the next second, and the man's head was blown up by a bullet.

The blood splashed out in an instant, and the zombies at the door of the container reached out and pulled the fresh body to the ground and began to eat fiercely. And someone in the car wanted to close the door, but the ending was the same. After the head was blown up, he became the object of the zombies.

[This is not good! Xiao Ziyi, you have to let them out before you can sing!] Ah Fei's voice came from the headphones, and he regarded all this as a long and gorgeous performance. It's just that their actors are not voluntary.

"I know. But now, even if you let them out, they won't come out!" As soon as Luo Zi heard the sound of gunfire, she looked at the gun and found that a member of the Leiyin team shot at the zombies at the door of the container.

[Lew them alone, let them play by themselves for a while, and they also want to wait for dark!] A Fei said relaxed and comfortable, and there was no tension at all, as if he was really just watching a play.

Luo Ziyi turned the muzzle and happened to see Jox's foot. Originally, she wanted to play, but she thought about it. Gu Hengxuan and others are still ready. There are only five of them here, four of whom are monitoring them with *, and they are also mobilizing zombies and playing hide-and-seek with the people of the Leiyin team.

The original meaning is to turn them into zombies. After all, these people are not easy to mess with. If you leave here alive, their affairs will be exposed. But A Fei said that in order to leave the quarantine area next, several of these people must be alive. Even if you are disabled, it is more useful than becoming a zombie.

When the Leiyin team entered Kemeng City, it was already past four o'clock, and it took a period of time here, and the sky had gradually faded.

Jox didn't understand why the other party just trapped them here and didn't attack them. However, if you want to try an answer, you have to pay the price of your life. He doesn't want to die young.

rubbed back to the front of the car. After getting into the car, he pushed the original driver out of the car. The unlucky man who was still in a coma was abandoned by him.

He tried to start the car, but tried several times, but failed. Jox angrily patted the steering wheel and then started the car. He wants to leave here, and even if he doesn't want those things, he wants to save his life. Living is his only choice. He can't die here, become a zombie or die at the gunpoint of the other party.

Afei's trigger was lightly buckled, and the bullet shot out quickly, which hit the tire of the Leiyin team's car. It's not that easy to go! With a proud smile, A Fei thought silently: In order for us to get out of the quarantine area smoothly, you still have to be wronged.

After specifying the plan to ambush the Leiyin team, A Fei immediately thought of their plan to escape from the quarantine area. If they make a little change, such as adding the Leiyin team, will it safer for them to go out?

Thinking of this, Afei was ready to adjust his plan. From the beginning, he tried to get rid of them and avoid future troubles, which became the method of capturing most people alive. In terms of difficulty, the former is relatively easy. Fortunately, A Fei's requirement is to catch most of them alive, not all of them.

The people of Leiyin's team were still struggling. Unexpectedly, someone got out of the car, but the price was still very heavy, that is, they were bitten to death by zombies and then eaten.

And his partners took this opportunity to jump out of the car one by one and shoot at the zombies around them with their own weapons. At this time, they couldn't care whether they hit the head or not, just pulled the trigger.

There are smart people who run to places where there are few zombies or blocked streets after getting out of the car. People can still climb there where the car can't pass.

However, such a person did not end up much better. Four snipers were watching around. They could not run far, and they were all killed or injured.

"What exactly do you TMD want to do? Do you think we are clowns?" Jox was angry. The zombies in the square basically gathered on their car. They didn't have much ammunition. If it goes on like this, they will have no bullets in their guns until the zombies die.

shouting around, he didn't care whether the zombies would be attracted. After changing the magazine, he shot at the zombies.

"Ha ha... I just want you to live, at least before going out of quarantine!" Fei seemed to answer Jox, and as if he was talking to himself, pulled the trigger and sent a fool who found his position and was ready to shoot at himself to the west.

The sky has become much darker. Gradually, the people of the Leiyin team dared not shoot, because they had no bullets and could only rely on their skills to fight against many zombies.

Suddenly, several glass bottles flew over with flames. The other party seemed to be throwing blindly and did not want to attack anyone, so the landing points of several bottles were different.

Crap... The bottle broke on the ground, and the flame instantly ignited the ** in the bottle, forming a sea of fire around the car of the Leiyin team.

Zombies have no feeling. Even if they are already on fire, they still instinctively pounce on the people of the Leiyin team for food.

The square was illuminated by flames. A Fei saw that the time was almost time, so he told Luo Ziyi and the others, and he left his original position.

At first, he controlled the zombies and didn't let them make any more movements, but surrounded less than half of the remaining people in the Leiyin team.

The zombies stopped acting strangely, but still stared at them and roared hungry, but it was an indisputable fact that they stopped attacking. Looking directly, Jox was furored and felt like he was dreaming.

A Fei carried his* and came from a distance. In the square, there were also Gu Hengxuan, Pei Yufeng, Mu Jia and Wu Tian. When the five people walked behind the zombies, the fierce zombies automatically gave way for them to pass smoothly and walk to Jox.

The scene in front of us is no less shocking than seeing fish fly and pigs on trees. Since the emergence of zombies, no one can control them. What people can do is to try their best to live and then live longer.

However, five people wearing black equipment and holding various weapons in their hands came through the middle of the zombies like walking leisurely, but no zombie attacked them.

Is it possible... Are they really zombies? Thoughtful zombies? Jox felt that this was the only explanation that was more reasonable, but...he! Is that a joke?

The fire around him lit up A Fei's face. He looked at Jox with a sneer, almost at a glance. He had already determined that this person was the head of the Leiyin team.

"Sir, let's make a deal! With your lives..."

What is he planning? What does this have to do with their escape from the quarantine area? But leaving the Leiyin team is always a scourge. What on earth are they playing and how to escape from the quarantine area...