Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 221 Forest Sniper

The sound gradually approached, and A Fei picked up the cold corners of his lips again, raised *, and looked at the sky with a gun. He needs to determine the strength of the other party.

Judging from the sound alone, there are only two helicopters, but I can't see what model it is, and I don't know how many people it can bring.

The dense branches and leaves blocked the sky and divided A Fei's sight into pieces. Through a gun sight, A Fei saw two black eagles. In addition to two drivers, each can carry about ten people. If there are two, that is to say, there are more than 20 people.

There are ten fighters on his side. Kang Zheng is going to stay on the bus to protect them. There are only nine people here. Let's count the three Jokes, that is, twelve people...

The proportion of the number of people is not too different. Even if Jox and others are not included, there should be no problem. The army of Country A underestimated the enemy too much and thought that it had only suffered an unknown attack and only sent these people.

While calculating these, A Fei took his own people to hide in the woods. Tell everyone that if others come in and shoot again, they will fight quickly. If the defenders on the blockade line come, they will be attacked.

The dense forest hides Ah Fei very well. The propeller above his head rotates at high speed, but the branches and leaves of the canopy are lowered, and no one hiding below is seen.

Thermal instruments show that there are many people in the woods, but they are very scattered. With the reaction on the thermal instrument alone, the driver could not determine what happened and why the previous helicopter crashed. So the two pilots studied and prepared to put down the soldiers in the cabin outside the woods, and then they continued to monitor in the air to see if there was anything suspicious.

Their mission this time is to armedly scout the movements of the Leiyin team and check the cause of the crash of the reconnaissance helicopter that crashed not long ago. Judging from the pilot's experience, it was the helicopter that suddenly got out of control and hit the ground to cause an explosion.

And the last call of the pilot on the helicopter only explained the coordinate position and asked for support, and said nothing else. To investigate the cause of their crash, it is necessary to find the black box of the body to be sure.

Skillfully controlling the helicopter to hover outside the woods, he gestured to the soldiers in the cabin and told them that they could go down. Two ropes were thrown down from the doors on both sides of the cabin, and the pilot controlled the height very well. The rope just reached the ground so that the soldiers could land smoothly.

On the two helicopters, all 20 soldiers quickly got off the helicopter. The pilot controlled the helicopter and left the same place, separating them in two directions to continue reconnaissance.

A Fei listened to the helicopter flying away and couldn't help laughing and whispering in the walkie-talkie to get Luo Ziyi and Liu Qi ready. A Fei and Guan Qilei changed their positions several times in the bushes, looked at ten fully armed soldiers and slowly approached their positions.

A Fei, who used to be a killer, is best at hiding himself in a complex environment and then quietly appearing, giving his opponent a fatal blow. However, after a few moves from Yuanzhou and Shadow, he has been in a state of no need to take action, and only when he took action outside the villa and the strange zombie, Ah Fei took it seriously.

Now there is a great opportunity, how can he give up? Not far away is the place where Guan Qilei hides. A Fei also glanced at Joex, who was on the other side of himself, about the same distance as Guan Qilei.

There is really no principle! If they have money, they are their bosses and companions. If they don't have money, they will immediately turn against each other. A Fei shook his head, and he couldn't agree with this.

It's not a matter of discussing principles now. A Fei's eyes have not left the soldiers of Country A who are gradually entering.

A soldier moves forward carefully while observing the strangeness around him, and the distance from his teammates is not far away. They maintain enough distance to rescue, which can ensure safety.

When the soldier came to a place where his companion's sight was blocked by two trees, a man suddenly stepped out of his feet, holding the gun in the soldier's hand in one hand, and the dagger in the other hand cut the artery of his neck without hesitation.

The whole time was no more than three seconds. When the soldiers on both sides reacted, the figure was gone. When they didn't react, two people suffered the same fate one after another.

Three people were killed in a row, and some people could no longer calm down and fired a few shots at the place where the figure had appeared. But nothing was hit, and the person has not been there for a long time.

In a burst of gunfire, two people were hit to the ground and fell to the ground. It seemed that they couldn't survive. Even their own people didn't know whether the bullet injured them or whether there was a sniper nearby.

A man with the rank of lieutenant raised his hand to gesture to the soldiers around him, asking them to get as close as possible and not to be too scattered. And their progress speed has also slowed down, basically taking a step to see the situation and then another step.

A Fei sat on the branch at this time and watched the soldiers of Country A pass slowly. His legs hooked the branch, and his whole body hung upside down. He just hugged a soldier's head and gently twisted it. The sound of bone breaking came. As soon as A Fei let go, the man fell to the ground softly.

This time, the soldiers next to him found A Fei in time and instinctively raised their hands to prepare for A Fei to shoot.

After killing the soldier, A Fei loosened his legs and fell from the branch. He turned around in the air and dodged the bullet. He fell to the ground. Taking advantage of the momentum, he came to the foot of the soldier who fired the gun, blocking the gun in his hand with one hand and scratching the other hand, and the dagger cut off the soldier's throat.

With one blow, A Fei did not stop, but quickly dodged and climbed to the branch of another tree. Move between the leaves, then jump off the tree and hide in the bushes under the tree.

A Fei's movements attracted the gunshots of other soldiers from Country A. They pulled the trigger crazily at the tree he climbed.

They don't know who the other party is. They just came to pick up the Leiyin team, but now it seems that the Leiyin team should no longer exist. Someone pretended to be the Leiyin team and escaped from the quarantine area.

If this is the only situation, it is not too bad. Worst of all, these people are definitely not ordinary people, but very experienced professional killers! The leading lieutenant suddenly felt that this mission might be much more difficult than their removal of zombies on the blockade line.

If you don't do it, you will really die! He is not the only one with this idea, but basically everyone has the soldiers present.

Guan Qilei and Jox did not let A Fei specialize in the front. In the gunfire of the soldiers of Country A, they also killed two people one after another. Luo Ziyi and Liu Qi, hidden in the tree, gave full play to their hidden advantages and shot with the soldiers of Country A, and also killed several people.

At this time, the military of Country A sent to verify the situation. More than 20 soldiers who assisted the Leiyin team had lost more than half of them, and less than half of them still insisted on hiding their whereabouts in the dense forest and playing hide-and-seek with A Fei.

They don't know much about the situation in the woods, but they also don't know about Afei. It is precisely because of this that A Fei's skills have been shown.

As a killer, Afei is not bad. He usually rarely performs tasks in such an environment, but during training, his master once asked him to master this ability to fight in the field. Guan Qilei, who was once a Chinese soldier, and Jox, who was born as a mercenary, are like a commonplace in this environment.

After calculating the loss of the other party's personnel, A Fei smiled coldly and used the walkie-talkie to let everyone work separately to ensure that he was the first element and destroy as much as the opponent could.

Finding a dead and not ugly soldier of country A, A Fei stretched out his hand to take off his clothes and put them on his body. After saying hello to everyone, A Fei ran out of the woods in the clothes of the soldiers of Country A. The soldier's intercom equipment has been taken down by A Fei. After he ran out of the establishment, he tried to contact the two helicopters.

The continuous sound of gunfire in the woods has attracted the attention of the two helicopters and deliberately moved closer to them. And where the soldiers of Country A were put down, they saw a soldier constantly waving his arms. I received a request for help from soldiers, saying that there was a fierce gunfight in the woods, and many people were injured and needed first aid.

The pilots of the two helicopters did not dare to neglect and landed quickly.

A Fei walked to the side of the nearest helicopter and got in through the hatch. The pilot wanted to look back and ask him something, but what was waiting for him was a cold dagger.

He easily cut the driver's throat, and A Fei turned around and got off the helicopter, and the two helicopters were also made in the same way. After the two drivers were solved by him, he took off the clothes of the soldiers of Country A and ran back to the woods.

Looking at the table below, it took 16 minutes, most of which was used to wait for the helicopter to come back. While running, A Fei asked Luo Ziyi to report the situation, and the result was to make A Fei laugh.

All the 20 soldiers of Country A who entered the forest were spared and died at their hands. On their side, it was only about Qi Lei's minor injury. In addition, one of the two subordinates of Jox's men was seriously injured, and the other was also slightly injured, which was nothing serious.

After Afei came back, he asked Jox to solve his original subordinates by himself and left them a car, as well as some food and water. A Fei took Jox and his two mercenaries to get on their bus.

After leaving the deep forest, Ah Fei asked the three of them to get off next to the helicopter.

"Will you open that thing?" A Fei asked jokingly.

Jox smiled, turned his head to look at the two blackhawks, and incredibly turned his head and asked Fei:

"You don't want to say, give me those two things, do you? That's too big!"

A Fei took the window of the bus, pointed to the two helicopters, and said very seriously:

"That thing is too eye-catching for us. Most importantly... it consumes too much fuel! Anyway, it's not my thing, and I won't feel sad to send it to you. Let's go, but look at the oil gauge, or it will fall halfway. Don't say that I hurt you!"

After saying that, A Fei sat back to his original position and asked Pei Yufeng to drive. They drove four or two cars to an unknown distance.

This journey is not over, so it can be said that they underestimated the strength of a certain country's military. In the chase and chased game below, who is the final winner...