Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 222 Simple Plan

Jox took his two brothers on the helicopter and took a look at the faraway convoy. He smiled and thought: Let's meet again! It should be...

For Afei, he was afraid and admired. Jox was still frightened by his strange ability to reach out and surround their group. And A Fei's cleverness, courage, calmness, and even his coldness made him admire.

As a leader, he believes that he has the ability to control the overall situation, but compared with A Fei, he is still much worse. Assign everyone's tasks, observe the situation carefully, and have strong judgment.

Guessing that Afei were Huiman's guards, Jox felt that they used to be Huiman's trump card. Although they still had a few children, their shooting techniques were not bad. The timing of shooting is also very good. When you pick the other party to shoot, you hide your gunshot in it.

The helicopter took off, and Jox took a look at the two companions behind him. In the end, he got nothing. No, there is also a helicopter, isn't there? With this thing, even in the quarantine area, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Hawke was only slightly injured, not very serious, but George's injury was a little serious. Just before separating from Fei, Lao Ma gave them a simple treatment. Lao Ma said that he could only stop George's injury, but what he needed was suture. Their conditions were not allowed and there was no time, so he asked him to take George to the hospital as soon as possible.

The closest place to here is a town called Molly. There should be a hospital or clinic in the town, and Jox decided to try it. When the plane took off, he laughed and drove the helicopter to the hospital... Do they have a tarmac?

Skillfully operating the plane, Jox flew east.

After flying for more than ten minutes, there was a sudden call from his headphones. Shocked, Jox decided to pretend to be the driver for the time being. Because the original one had been opened, when Jox came up, he thought he was in the way and kicked him into the plane.

responded to the call decently, and Jox waited for the other party to speak. But listening, Jox's eyes widened in surprise.

No! So serious? He turned his head and looked at his two partners and made a gesture to tell them that something had happened. Hawk looked at him inquiringly, and Jokes asked him to bring the headset in the cabin and listen to it himself.

Hawke reached out and took down the headset above his head. After putting it on, he heard a man's voice inside, without any ups and downs, saying a series of orders.

The caller is the garrison of the blockade line, the driver on an Apache just sent.

Is it necessary for Apache, an anti-tank armed helicopter, to deal with a group of deserters?

Jocks smiled silently, which was a self-deprecating smile. He is not surprised that the defenders of the blockade line have such a configuration. This is an exit of the blockade line, which is regarded as an important checkpoint by the military of Country A. It is also equipped with a lot of troops, and the equipment and other equipment are also better than other places.

He is just strange. Is such a group of people worth stiring up the public like this?

Afei just knocked down a reconnaissance helicopter, plus two Black Hawks, and finally an Apache, okay! Jox felt that if this Apache could no longer complete the task, the army of country A may send a large group of people to cooperate with the army, navy and air to kill Afei.

Jox told the driver on Apache that he had seriously injured people here and needed treatment. But the driver of the other side said that they had mastered the movement of Afei's fleet and it would not take long to control the fleet, so they asked Jaux for help.

"Okay, help, right? I'll show you how I can help." Jox replied that he agreed to assist, and then turned around and flew first in the direction where A Fei and the others left.

The Apache is still a long way from Afei and others, but Jox and the others are closer, and it is definitely much faster to catch up.

Jox's heart is very complicated at this moment. He hopes that A Fei and others will run quickly and it's better not let people catch up. But I hope they didn't go far and it's convenient for them to catch up and inform them.


On the bus, everyone was immersed in a kind of joy. Although no one spoke, A Fei heard someone humming. He is not so optimistic. He always feels too relaxed. The garrison only sent more than 20 people to carry out investigation operations. No one knows whether there will be a follow-up demobilization.

But if it were him, he would not be so careless and despise the unknown. Maybe there are more fierce attacks behind, but they don't know yet.

Looking at everyone's happy, Afei didn't want to interrupt everyone's good mood, but it's really not the time to relax!

Pressing the call button, A Fei said calmly:

"Don't relax. We don't know what's behind, but now is not the time to be happy. We have not left the scope of the military of Country A. It's better for everyone to be nervous.

Although it was quite scenic, A Fei's reminder made everyone alert. They are still fugitives and don't have a safe place. It's better not to be too arrogant.

It wasn't long before A Fei suddenly smiled and still came! * Ready, he looked down at the sky outside. In the distance, a helicopter was coming towards them.

A Fei wanted to take it down, but he was a little familiar with the helicopter. Black Hawk? Or the black eagle!

The helicopter gradually approached, and A Fei didn't let anyone shoot it. If they want to deal with themselves, they can attack from afar and don't have to fly so close. But could it be him? Just as A Fei was a little puzzled, a sound came from the loudspeaker on the Black Hawk helicopter that had just been separated.

"Friend, they sent an Apache, what do you think?" Jox said jokingly, but Afei didn't think he was joking at all.

He reached out of the window and gestured to the helicopter, saying that he knew.

"Friend, why don't you come up and we talk?" Although Jox's tone was relaxed, it didn't sound like greeting at all. Fei knew that he had something to say, so he waved to him and let him hover over the bus.

I have to say that Jox's driving skills to the helicopter are still good. He slowly approached the bus, kept the same speed as it, and then slowly descended until the roof of the bus was less than two meters away.

A Fei climbed to the roof of the car, climbed the helicopter's scaffold, and was taken away from the bus by Jox.

Pei Yufeng continued to drive the bus forward, and everyone was anxiously waiting for A Fei's return. Although everyone knows that what he brought back may not be good news, he will also bring back a solution.

After a while, Black Hawk hovered over the bus again. After Ah Fei got off the helicopter, Jokes left their sky and followed them far behind.

Afei returned to the car and said with a mysterious smile holding a walkie-talkie:

"The convoy paused and all the fighters gathered on the bus. We are going to play an interesting game with the Black Hawk in the sky!"

Game...Okay! The game, a game called game, is simply decided, and what will happen after that... The ghost knows...