Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 223 The Mysterious Man

The convoy stopped and held a brief meeting. A Fei sent a message, Lao Ma and Chu were arranged on the container truck. The rest of the people, A Fei only took Guan Qilei, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, and the others were left in place to protect the vehicles and people without combat effectiveness.

There is nothing to cover around here. Three cars were parked on the roadside at will. After everything was arranged, A Fei asked Guan Qilei to turn the bus in a direction, left the highway and drove south.

When Jokes saw the bus heading south, he waited for a while and talked to Apache, saying that he had found a suspicious vehicle, informed them of the coordinates and direction, and then drove a helicopter to catch up with the bus.

The driver of Apache did not doubt and immediately replied that he would be there within five minutes. Jox smiled, drove the helicopter easily, and followed the bus not far away.

In the previous call, Apache's driver asked about Afei's situation. Jox made up a story, but did not reveal Afei's real strength, but said that they were armed and there were about five people. Such half-true and half-false information is generally not suspected, because there are certain cases that are true.

Not long after, Jox found a fast approaching light spot on the radar and smiled and said: It's coming so fast! Five minutes is really five minutes.

Although they are both helicopter gunships, Apache is equipped with a much stronger weapon system than Black Hawk. The rotating turret of the nose is equipped with a 30mm chain anti-tank gun, eight anti-tank* and tools can be hung at four plug-in points, and 19 rocket launchers.

It can effectively destroy medium and heavy tanks, with good survivability and ultra-low air-to-ground flight ability. Is there a car in Afei's fleet that can be compared with tanks?

And Gu Hengxuan's tanker. If the other party launched an attack and unfortunately hit the tanker, you can imagine what the consequences will be.

In comparison, Black Hawk is a more commonly used helicopter by the military of Country A. It mainly carries out the task of transporting assault troops to forward positions and attacking ground targets. Sometimes it is also used to rescue the wounded from the battlefield. It is more versatile.

Apache flew close and did not stop in the air. He flew directly to the bus speeding on the ground. Jox followed and flew over. He had no intention of attacking Fei and others. His main purpose was to interfere with Apache's attack.

In the rushing bus on the ground, Afei and Luo Ziyi's * are ready. Gu Hengxuan took the * borrowed from Liu Qi. The task of the three of them is to attract Apache's attention.

After the distance between Apache and the bus was narrowed, Guan Qilei began to move forward in a snake shape. Anyway, it was a wilderness with no road limit. He suddenly drove left and right, so that the buzzing guy above could not find the best angle to attack.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan were on one side, and A Fei was on the other side. Three people leaned out of the bus at the same time. At this time, Apache happened to be on Afei's side. He pulled the trigger without aiming, and then quickly withdrew his head.

Then Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan on the other side were also concocted in the same way. After firing, they shrank back, regardless of whether they were hit or not.

Apache's body material is much better than that of a reconnaissance helicopter, and it is not pierced by ordinary armor-piercing bullets. And Fei and others didn't expect to kill it like this. They were just bait, mainly depending on Jox's.

Apache's driver became popular, and the bus didn't go the ordinary way. Three people took turns to attack. Although the helicopter was not damaged, the driver felt that he was underestimated.

It seems that they don't show them any color. They don't know how powerful he is. Apache is an attack helicopter known as a tank killer, and every pilot has only one purpose when he is trained, which is to kill! The lethality of such a group of people on such a chariot on the battlefield can be imagined.

Afei can be glad that this Apache is not the most advanced model and is not equipped with an automatic locking target* called Hellfire. Otherwise, when the pilot finds them, they will be able to blow them to the sky.

In addition, this Apache is not equipped with many *, only two, because it is usually calm here and it is the first time to have an accident, so they did not bring a lot of strong things when they took off.

However, the 30mm chain anti-tank gun alone can turn the bus into scrap iron as long as the gunner gently pulls the trigger. You know, it is a thin bus shell that can penetrate more than ten centimeters of armor, which is not as strong as tofu.

Jox has been behind Apache and feels that the time is almost up. If he doesn't take action, Fei and the others will really be blown up. So he gestured to Hawkby to get him ready.

Hock laughed. His task is very simple, sneak attack! As for the method...

Looking at the four* in their hands, they didn't expect this thing to blow through Apache's skin, but only for the purpose of a raid, with a little fluke, so that the tank killer in front of them could lose his combat effectiveness.

The distance is almost over, and Jox gave Hawke a gesture to let him move. Hawk went to the cabin door and opened the door. Due to the low altitude of flight, the airflow here mainly came from Apache's propeller. Looking at the distance, Hawk estimated the time and then pulled out the *.

* has a four-second delay, and it will not explode until four seconds after he let go.

After Hawke was ready*, he held the hatch with one hand and leaned half of his body outside the helicopter. He let go slightly, and a second later, he threw * at the tail of Apache.

When the gunner on Apache was about to launch an attack, a shock caused by an explosion shook the fuselage. As soon as he subconsciously moved his hand, the 30mm rocket launcher in front of the plane roared.

It's just a pity that because it deviated from the target, after a series of explosions, the bus was still moving forward in an intact snake shape.

Before the pilot stabilized the fuselage, the second explosion came again. The explosion was near the aircraft door. Although it was not injured, the impact of the airflow was even greater. The pilot almost tried his best to keep the plane from being pushed away by the airflow.

"What's going on!" The driver cursed to find out who was attacking them.

The driver decided to leave the original position first. Anyway, the target has been locked. Even such an attack is futile for them.

turned sharply, and Apache changed its direction briskly.

Not to mention Hawk's * is useless. He just saw that the tail of Apache seems to have been slightly damaged. Retracting the cabin, Hawk looked at the two * in his hand. Do you want to do it again?

Jox changed his direction very keenly and dared not approach Apache again. They were suddenly attacked, and they always used * on the ground. Where did the explosion come from?

If it hadn't been a long time to repair the plane, Jokes began to consider hitting Apache directly with a black eagle. The safety of Black Hawk is particularly good. Even if it hits the ground directly, as long as there is no explosion, it can be repaired and fly as usual the next day. It's just that their conditions are not allowed, so he is not impulsive.

The curse of the Apache driver came from the headphones. Jox was too lazy to listen to his curses. He replied with an idiot, and he took off the headphones.

"What are you going to do next?" While being careful of Apache to attack them, Jox looked at the bus that was still flying on the ground.

Afei saw two consecutive explosions and sat down happily. Apache will fly far away, but they will definitely not be willing to come back for revenge!

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan poked out of the car again and saw that Apache came back. It seemed to be aggressive. Maybe they wanted to solve them with one blow!

"Qi Lei, a little more ethereal, the air killer should be popular!" A Fei said loudly to Guan Qilei, who was driving.

After receiving A Fei's instructions, Guan Qilei drove more irregularly. After a while, he suddenly turned to the right and moved forward disorderly in order to buy more time for Jox and the others.

In addition to A Fei's balance, it is more difficult for Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan to stand firm, let alone continue to provoke.

As soon as she stood firm, Luo Zi wanted to look at the distance of Apache. When she probed, she suddenly heard a huge explosion. Although the bus was not blown up, the airflow and destructive power generated by the explosion almost overturned the bus. The unlucky Luo Ziyi happened to be at the window, so it was reasonable that she was too late to scream and was thrown out.

thought to herself, this was dead. Luo Zi felt very unwilling, but before she could think about what else she had not finished, she suddenly felt caught.

She opened her eyes in surprise and saw a person who was a little similar to her face, but her solid chest told her that this was a man.

"You..." Before Luo Ziyi said anything, the man sent her to the ground. He roared at Apache, who passed over his head in the air, but made a voice that did not belong to human beings. To put it, it's more like the roar of zombies!

Guan Qilei finally stabilized the sound of the car, but he heard A Fei and Gu Hengxuan roaring at the same time and asked him to stop, saying that Luo Zi fell down. But isn't this stop to die?

With a decisive turn of the steering wheel, Guan Qilei did not consider that this was just a bus, and the performance was completely incomparable to that of racing cars. He drifted directly in the high-speed driving.

The friction between the tires and the ground raised a cloud of dust. It was also because of Guan Qilei's sudden change of direction that they could avoid another Apache*.

drove back to the position just now, but saw Luo Zi standing there intact, but there was a man in black clothes beside him.

A mysterious person, what identity he is, everyone is curious. Whether he is an enemy or a friend, he can't judge yet, but one thing is certain that he is definitely not an ordinary person...