Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 243 Huacheng Huiman

The people gathered in the main control room kept stimulating someone with a happy atmosphere. Everyone's faces were smiling, and even Shouyi smiled with everyone inexplicably.

There is only one person, and I really can't laugh - A Fei is very depressed. The happier everyone is, the more depressed he is. Today, this girl has been calculated by this girl. The desperate virtue of her face just now has been seen.

Originally, everyone regarded him as the leader, respect, some, fear, some, worship, some...

This time, it's good. It's embarrassing in front of everyone. There's nothing left! However, Afei still believes that as long as he says a word, they will still listen to it, just that they will not be afraid of him again!

After being entertained by everyone for a long time, A Fei himself was too lazy to forget about it. Only when he saw that everyone had laughed enough, he raised his hand to make everyone quiet.

Without saying much, since there is nothing we can do, let's go to Huiman together according to the original plan. Of course, Lao Ma and He's message are not included in this plan. The two of them will stay, and one will continue his research and strive to make a vaccine. Even if it does not benefit the public, Huiman will not be beautiful.

The other... The other continues to be her housewife, and there is no day in the huge base. This is also her own will, and A Fei has completely completed her.

Everyone restrained their smiles. It's better to be serious when it's time to be serious. Even Lao Ma and He's messages, who have nothing to do, are sitting upright, waiting to study the plan with everyone.

A Fei nod his head, and Xia Fan pushed the computer into the middle of the table and began his original plan. No matter how smart a person is, his wisdom is also limited. Xia Fan only has made a rough idea and everyone can come up with a relatively complete plan.

Huiman Huacheng Research Institute is not in the center of Huacheng, but in the industrial area. Their surrounding industries are also there, right next to the research institute. Xia Fanliu reached Huiman's main database and stole the drawings of their building, which was very perfect.

But what makes him and Fei strange is that from the function of various drawings, they are all departments of pharmaceutical research, and there is no trace of V-series viruses.

They suspected that Huiman was hiding the virus research department in these obvious departments. However, this is just speculation, and there are also unreasonable points.

Even in the Huiman Research Institute, the drug and virus research department is not transparent. In general, the drug research department does not know where the V-series virus team is, and it is an internal confidential process for them. As a result, many people in the Huiman Pharmaceutical Research Department did not know about the virus at all.

It is unlikely to say that they don't know about the virus, but the virus research group is very mysterious, and the position in Huiman is also relatively high. The information is confidential internally and usually does not appear in normal research groups.

In this way, if researchers and laboratories of V-series viruses are mixed with ordinary laboratories in Huiman Huacheng Research Institute, this kind of confidentiality will not exist. Among other things, the research of viruses must have zombie samples, and they can't stay where they are honest. They must be in an extremely dense place.

Unless there is no general drug research department in the Huiman Dust Research Institute, all of which are virus research, which makes a statement. But what's going on with the surrounding pharmaceutical factories? In this way, Huiman's research institute is full of contradictions and unreasonableness.

A Fei originally wanted to go to Huiman by himself, go deep into Huiman to check the specific situation, and then take action. Now that everyone wants to go together, the situation is different. More people have a big goal, and he must do it more carefully.

At first listening to Xia Fan's story and looking at all the maps on his computer, he frowned tightly. Strange, this is too strange!

As the person who knows Huiman best here, she also found the strangeness of the building, and the more she looked at it, the more strange she felt. She has never been to the Huiman Research Institute in Huacheng, but in terms of structure, it is a little similar to the Group Research Institute in Huaxia, but there is a big difference in one place.

I glanced at Shouyi beside Luo Ziyi, and now I need his help.

Pull Shouyi and let him go to the front of the computer. At first, he looked at the screen and whispered:

"Where do you live?"

Although Shouyi didn't understand the world and mostly didn't understand everyone's words, he almost understood the first words, because what she said was simple enough. Yes, you can't communicate with him in a very complicated way. The simpler the better. If you can say it in one word, don't use two!

At the beginning, he turned his head to look at the computer screen. There were many maps on it, and he was dazzled for a moment. Picking and picking, he finally chose a real picture, pointed to the open space next to the real picture, and looked back at the beginning.

"This is an open space! If he lives in the open space, can he still come here? Xia Fan looked at Chu puzzledly, which was absolutely impossible.

Shouyi is a legendary heresy. For Huiman, he should be treated at the same level as Chu. However, the meaning between the lines in Luo Mingjun's words is that he has developed heresy by himself, and Huiman doesn't know it at all. If Shouyi stood so clearly in front of Huiman's people, he would have been pressed early and forced to do experiments!

"No, he is not referring to the open space, but the bottom of Huiman." Chu put his hands on Shouyi's shoulder, and it was really the same as she thought. Since the structure of Huacheng Huiman is much different from that of Huaxia's group research institute, then...

"The bottom? You mean..." Xia Fan looked at the first serious look, and then turned his head to look at the drawings on the computer. Reaching out and crackling on the keyboard for a while, he easily entered Huiman's database.

"What a shame. I didn't expect that they had underground buildings. It seems that the drawings found are just buildings on the ground and the lower part! How cunning!" Xia Fan muttered and cursed while searching for what he wanted.

People around laughed. It seems that Shouyi has other functions besides creating a chance to be jealous for Gu Hengxuan!

"The architectural structure of the research institute in Huimanhua City is similar to where I used to stay, but I usually stay in the lower building. If I hadn't sneaked out, I wouldn't have known that they had built on the ground!" He said with a sneer. She has made up her mind to give Huiman some good looks. Liu Jingqian, you have to live longer and wait for me to avenge you!

At first thought, it was finally time for her to fight back. It was best that when they arrived in Huacheng, the zombies had already arrived there. That was her army, her most powerful helper!

Even if there is no zombie outside, the zombie sample inside Huiman alone is enough for her to make a scene. Therefore, no matter what others are going to do or what their purpose is, she just wants to take revenge. It's better to bite Liu Jingqian to death!

"I found it! I found it. There is indeed a cave below, but it is still a very big cave!" Xia Fan excitedly pulled the clothes of the people around him, no matter who was pulling.

Shouyi looked at his clothes that had been pulled away by Xia Fan and had no expression. He just looked at him obediently and didn't know what he was happy about.

Push the computer so that everyone around can see that the drawings on the screen are more than twice as large as those just now, which is the detailed picture of the whole Huiman building.

"Looking like this, Huiman's underground building is much bigger than the ground!" Guan Qilei rubbed his chin and stared at the drawing.

In the underground part, there is a long vertical passage, which should be an elevator, followed by a passage, followed by a circular building. The drawings show that the circular part has about ten floors, which is twice as large as the buildings on the ground. The buildings on the ground are only eight floors, and the floor area is only half of the bottom.

"The building below the ground is the main part of Huiman, so the area is much larger. In addition, for the V-series virus experiment, it is necessary to have living humans as experiments, as well as zombie samples, so the building is very large and more reliable than the above-ground part.

The person who knows Huiman best is Chu. She knows that in the ten-story building underground, more than five floors are used as places to store samples and experiments. On the remaining five floors, there is a very employee's residence, which is only a little more than three floors, which is a real laboratory.

A group of people began to study the drawings to see where it was convenient for them to get in and out. But is it really easy to be beaten into a place to study viruses...