Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 244 Hazard Plan

tilted her head and stared at the drawings of Huiman Huacheng Research Institute. I didn't know how many times I had looked at it, and no one knew what she was studying.

Xia Fan tried his best to give all the information that could be dug out from Huiman's interior to A. Although entering Huiman's database now is no different from entering his own home, Xia Fan does not want to toss again and again. Anyway, as for his technology, Huiman's people have never found him. There is no trace of what he has done, so he doesn't get more real goods.

Afei has never spoken. In fact, everyone is very quiet, but the rookies will talk or ask something if they have nothing to do. In addition to the sound of Xia Fan tapping on the keyboard, there is basically only the sound of personal breathing in the main control room.

Every action in the past did not bother this time. Xia Fan found out the information and consistency that he could find, which was convenient for them to have a meeting to discuss later.

However, he always put the drawings of Huiman's above-ground and underground buildings for the first time and let her continue to read. In terms of understanding Huiman, there is nothing more authoritative than her. Even Shouyi lives there, but his expression ability is really shameful, so it is better to find someone who can communicate, so as not to guess the meaning of his expression like a riddle.

At first, I looked carefully at Huiman's drawings and compared how it was different from the original main research institute. Although they are the same in general structure, there are many details that are different.

For example, export!

There are many vents in the main research institute. The first thing to consider about the underground structure is the problem of ventilation. Because it is underground, strictly speaking, it is a sealed structure. In order to let people survive in it, there must be an air circulation system.

Especially in a research institute like Huiman, the building is already in a very deep underground place. If there is no air, there is no way for people to survive in it.

Therefore, the main laboratory adopts an imported air circulation system with many vents leading to the ground. In order to ensure the circulation of underground air, there will be no death caused by hypoxia.

And the research institute in Huacheng also adopts the so-called air circulation system, but it is many times more advanced than the main research institute! There are many fewer vents on the ground, and some of them are also well managed. It is even more difficult to enter from here.

To enter Huiman's upper building, as long as you make some fake work permits or something, it is not impossible to sneak in. But it's not so easy to go down. Huiman's underground laboratory has always been highly confidential, and the experimenters on the ground basically know nothing about the underground.

Even if they know, they dare not talk about it casually. At first, I heard that there was an ordinary researcher who guessed the situation of the underground laboratory. As a result, the three people with this mysteriously disappeared that night, and there has been no trace since then.

After hearing it for the first time, I sneered and disappeared? No, they didn't go missing because they were curious, didn't they? So Huiman's people satisfied their curiosity and let them go from the top to the bottom. But it will never be a researcher, but an object of research.

With such strict protection, how can they enter Huiman?

Huiman seems to be just an ordinary research institute, but in fact, what he created has made the world a hell. Is it possible that such a place is very lax to defend? Obviously, Afei and the others also know this and are ready to do their homework before finding faults.

A Fei was also an experiment of Huiman, and he had a good understanding of Huiman's hypothesis that it seemed to be tight outside and loose inside. Although he has escaped from Huiman for many years, his eyes have never left Huiman and has always paid attention to them.

Since leaving Huiman, he has been afraid of them. Later, after meeting his master, he embarked on the road of a killer, and then he got rid of the shadow given to him by Huiman. Because he knows that he has the power to deal with Huiman, he doesn't need to be afraid anymore.

Later, Luo Mingjun proposed to let him take care of Luo Ziyi. A Fei, who originally wanted to unite a group of friends and destroy Huiman, readily accepted his father's request and obediently went to Yuanzhou to become Luo Ziyi's secret bodyguard and was willing to work as a school worker in her school.

And even if he became a bodyguard, A Fei did not stop paying attention to Huiman.

Since he left Huiman, he has used his own method to inquire about everything about Huiman, and has also come into contact with the more negative faction in Huiman.

Huiman's guard, on the outside, only the door is relatively difficult to enter. As long as he enters the interior, it is easy to do. But the fact is that they are also tight inside. Of course, there is no need to do very closely in ordinary research laboratories, but for underground research institutes, Huiman can't wait to equip everyone with a bodyguard. It is best to put the research institute directly into outer space, which is safer.

Although the attention is enough and there are such internal talents at the beginning, so far, they have not found a more suitable way to enter the interior of Huiman. All security systems of Huacheng Huiman Research Institute use the most advanced technology of Country A. From the inside to the outside, they are products of A's technology and have also witnessed Huiman's operation in Country A for many years.

"What do you think?" A Fei sighed and asked Chu on the other side.

"There are two ways, one is traditional, find an easier place to sneak in. However, in the current situation, there is almost no such place. At first, he said very objectively.

This is a fact. As a result she saw, there is no place for so many people to pass safely without being discovered.

"What about another method?" A Fei continued to ask questions. He was also thinking about a more dangerous method, but after thinking about it, the risk factor was too high. One of them would all fall into.

"The other is more dangerous, but it is very easy to infiltrate. But... I still don't recommend using this method." At first thought, I didn't make it clear. I just said that I didn't like this method.

"Let's talk about it and see if we think the same!" A Fei smiled, so relaxed, looking at Chu Zhi and wanted to beat him. She just made a package. What A Fei thought was the same way as her, but he didn't let himself say it.

"Obviously, I have already thought of... Six people in our group have biochemical reactions. I think there are many Huiman instruments near Huacheng. Even if they don't, there are many Huiman people looking for people with biochemical reactions every day. They need a lot of experimental products, if we automatically deliver them to our door..."

At this point, I didn't go on at the beginning, and everyone must have understood it. In a word, if they don't enter the tiger's den, they can't get the tiger. If they want to enter Huiman unconsciously, there must be someone inside.

Six people, Luo Ziyi and six of them are all from Yuanzhou. They have been tricked by Huiman since childhood, and they all have biochemical reactions. If they are found by Huiman's people, they will try their best to catch them and take them back for experiments.

As long as the remaining people move quickly, it is relatively easy for them to enter Huiman.

"But it's not that there is no problem... After being caught in Huiman, the actions of the six of you will be strictly limited, and it is not easy to get out of the place of detention. This should be arranged in advance, and if you want to deal with it.

Chu continued that she did not agree with this method, and it was also because of this. If one is not done well, all six of them will die in it. That is internal, and Huiman's internal surveillance is not generally strict.

"This requires Xia Fan's cooperation. Your task is to invade Huiman's monitoring system in advance and connect all their monitoring to your computer. Then, when the rookies take action, replace the video and let them watch the movie. As soon as the first words fell, A Fei picked it up directly, as if the two had discussed it before.

Sure enough... I knew he was also planning this! But how could he be willing to let Luo Zi go? What on earth is Fei thinking?

"I said, I personally don't agree with this plan. Although it's good, we don't have a better plan, but it's too dangerous. If something happens to the six of them, will you be happy?"

At the beginning, he suddenly made a very serious sound. Looking at Ah Fei's leisurely appearance, who was his mind thinking about?

A dangerous plan is slowly brewing among the crowd. Maybe they can succeed. No, they must succeed, because the cost of failure is too great...