Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 248 Mysterious Organization

A Fei looked at the screen and what Jessica was playing. He probably understood, but he was using the power of the people to pressure the government of Country A and let the authorities withdraw Huiman.

Jenny is a brainless girl. Let her come out and seduce Ben. The bloody teenager is okay. She can't do such a brainy behavior by herself. However, it is not easy for her to seduce anyone now. She lacks a hand. Although it has no impact on her appearance, it is always incomplete.

For good, she has a good mentality and just feels inconvenient for missing a hand and does not have too much impact on her.

In A Fei's view, Jenny is just a spokesperson, just because she has one less hand and is good-looking, which will arouse the sympathy of many people. Jessica deliberately arranged her to come out. Jenny's lines have probably been written for a long time. She just memorized them and said them indignantly.

Now Afei is thinking about how to use the power behind Jessica to promote Huiman to do more wrong things, let them fall into a panic, give them a better opportunity to sneak into Huiman and bring more convenience to his group of people.

If that's the case...

Ha ha, A Fei smiled. There must be Luo Ziyi. Jessica should be very willing to help them. Anyway, she is a lifesaver. Without Luo Ziyi, Jenny would have died, and the four of them could not leave the quarantine area. They could only watch their companions die one by one, and then watch themselves die.

A Fei is still confident about this. And he has always felt that Jessica is a smart person. What Fei and others have to do is much better than what they expose like this without conclusive evidence.

If this plan succeeds and rescues Luo Mingjun, they can also help Jessica. If you want to overthrow Huiman, you need evidence. Otherwise, with the support of governments, Huiman can completely deny it and say that it is a forged fact. To seize their handle, it is the best opportunity for them to enter Huiman this time.

A Fei began to calculate that the combination of the two forces should be able to cause a lot of pressure on Huiman. Even if they can't successfully defeat Huiman, they will lose the support of governments.

Originally, the government is now very disappointed with them. On the surface, it is just a kind of helplessness, because they don't rely on Huiman, and they really have no other way.

Once Afei handed over the data of Huiman's research on the virus and asked them to study the vaccine by themselves, they would almost immediately kick off Huiman, and then reorganize manpower and put it into the experiment.

Now A Fei and others don't want anything else. As long as Huiman can die, they can do whatever it takes. Of course, the premise is to save Luo Mingjun.

Such a group of people who have a deep hatred for Huiman have vowed a long time ago that they must completely eradicate this inhumane place. For a long time, they just want to live, because only living people can fulfill their dreams. And now, their opportunity has come.

From their current location, it is almost the same distance from Lak City published by newspapers to Huacheng, which is closer.

A Fei asked Xia Fan to collect information about Lac City and see what's going on there now. At lunch time, everyone ate quietly, and occasionally a few people whispered something, waiting for Xia Fan's information.

The person in front of the computer did not touch his share of food and kept focusing on the screen in front of him.

The more he looked for the information of Lac City, the more interesting Xia Fan looked. At first, he was still very calm, but he didn't know when he was smiling, and he still had an intriguing smile.

Soon after eating his share, A Fei looked up at Xia Fan, he was rubbing his chin and looking at the screen with interest.

"Did you find anything interesting?" Laughing like this, you must have found something interesting. A Fei came to Xia Fan's side and looked at the screen.

"I still underestimated Jecca and the others, you know? The current city of Lac, which is basically an independent country, is almost out of the control of country A. However, on the surface, they are not reactionaries, but just stand on the side of ordinary people and want country A to expel Huiman!"

Xia Fan pointed to all kinds of news and related information on the screen to let A Fei see clearly.

"Ha? Isn't it too kind? If it were me, I would let the authorities completely destroy Huiman!" Mu Jia came over and couldn't help saying when he heard Xia Fan's words.

Shaking his head, Xia Fan ignored him and continued to say to A Fei:

"Lak City is now very special, because there are people who support them all over Country A, and there are continuous gatherings. After the outbreak of the virus, although it has not been affected, the population has more than doubled. Under the secret operation of some people with intentions, more and more people concentrate here and feel that this is a safe haven.

Xia Fan looked at the text on the screen and smiled mysteriously.

A Fei stared at the text for a long time, turned his head to Xia Fan, and asked:

"You said you were a person with a heart. Who is he?"

"Awesome, I can see the problem at a glance. The people I'm talking about are people with intentions. No one knows who they are or how many people they have. What can be seen now is that these people are not simple at all.

Indeed, Xia Fan's ability to enter the system of Huiman and Country A is like entering no one's land, but he can't find this mysterious organization, which is already very telling.

Check, no, out? A Fei looked at Xia Fan unexpectedly. He couldn't find out, and things became more and more interesting. The more mysterious it is, the more challenging it is. Although their goal is not this group of mysterious people, it also makes A Fei feel that it is necessary to have a good contact.

"Our plan remains unchanged for the time being and will continue to plan. Change our destination, the first stop is not to Huacheng, change to Lac City!" Ah Fei decisively changed the content of the plan a little. Since there are acquaintances, why not take advantage of it?

Afei felt that his group of people and the people behind Jecca had the same goal, that is, the Huiman Research Institute. Since they have the same purpose, they are considered allies.

Unite all the forces against Huiman. Even if it can't be uprooted, Afei will make Huiman unable to stay in country A.

Recalling the rescue plan, A Fei is more determined and must not let them succeed. Otherwise, no matter how many people are alive, there is no room to turn over. They can only destroy their plans before Huiman's action. If they succeed, the world will really doomsday!

About this part, Fei has never told everyone that the people who know it are him and Xia Fan, and Xia Fan only know that Fei has paid attention to this matter, but he has not asked in detail.

"Brother, I want to say, even if we get to Lac City, how can we find them? Aren't they very mysterious? Even Brother Fan can't find the information. Can we see such a person when we go there?

Luo Zi asked while packing up the things on the table. It should be no problem for her to borrow help from Jecca. But how to get in touch with them?

When she blatantly said those words in the newspaper, Huiman will definitely not let them go. Jessica is so smart that she will definitely find a safe place and hide honestly for a period of time. When the wind is not so strong, she will come out and continue to poke Huiman's pain.

When they arrive, I don't know if Jecca will show up. If they can't find anyone, won't it be a waste of time?

A Fei smiled. It was a problem, but he was not worried at all.

"Don't worry! You think that such a mysterious organization is putting pressure on the government of country A step by step. Although it is not effective, this news will definitely attract the attention of country A. The environment is very dangerous, and they will pay a lot of attention to details. As long as someone finds out our existence, it will not be difficult for them to know.

No matter how mysterious the other party is, A Fei firmly believes that they will leave some traces for them to find out. As long as Jecca sees Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, she will automatically appear!

Although the appearance of allies has not yet been seen, the alliance is almost certain. As long as they appear and the people who know them will automatically explain how powerful they are. Huiman, wait and see...