Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 249 Muddy Water Plan

In the next few days, Xia Fan still spared no effort to investigate the intelligence of the mysterious organization, but the harvest was still very small, and they were all very basic situations.

This organization is currently very active in Lak City, but these active people are not the core figures in the organization, but just little ones. Jenny is one of the little ones. Unlike others, she was pushed to the front desk to speak for the situation and speak on behalf of the organization.

The mayor of Lac has been dismissed by the people. Now that this position is vacant, it seems that the people have the intention to elect the mayor. However, this organization does not seem to have the intention of participating, and still persistently targets Huiman and spreads negative remarks.

And reporters are also chasing news points and constantly reporting every day.

Xia Fan also admires the mysterious organization. They have a lot of information, all from Huiman. Many of the information he stole is the same, but it is not as comprehensive as his. But he is a computer expert. Not because of this, the Chinese military will not recruit him.

He felt that if there was not a master like him in the mysterious organization, or Huiman, and this person must have been able to contact Huiman's secrets. Or, they simply bribed Huiman's people and asked the spies to provide them with intelligence.

No matter which of the above, Xia Fan sincerely admires them. He is not only bold enough, but also has great ability.

This organization is becoming more and more popular now. Many people on the Internet have expressed their support for them. The opposition is getting smaller and smaller, and it is not as powerful as at the beginning.

Xia Fan knew that there must be Huiman among these opponents. But in the face of robbers, what these people can do is a drop in the bucket and have a very small role.

Now there are more and more people gathered in Lak City, and gradually there is a tendency to gather and go to Huacheng, which is not far from them, to attack Huiman directly.

but it's just a trend. The mysterious organization doesn't seem to go to Huacheng so soon, so this large-scale operation is just that some people have been promoting noise, but there is no intention of actual action.

Xia Fan secretly praised their leader for being very smart and knew that Huacheng was dangerous now and did not let the living power in his hand. In this way, I went to die in vain. The more capable they are, the more interested Xia Fan is in them and the more he wants to dig out their bottoms. Unfortunately, the other party was too cautious to find anything useful except Jenny.

Speaking of Jenny, the front page of the newspaper in Lac City has been occupied by Jenny for several days. She has different angles and expressions. Of course, her lines are different. However, the common point is that they are all aimed at Huiman.

Originally, it only appeared in newspapers, but the development of the Internet made the blonde girl angry and spread all over Country A. At present, she can connect to the Internet. Her remarks attacked Huiman again, and the head was right. Most people soon believed her and began to criticize Huiman.

Words such as letting Huiman get out of here and die, God will impose divine punishment and fill the whole network. Xia Fan dares to bet with his precious "wife" that Huiman's people have got the letter and are doing everything they can to kill Jenny!

However, they are not fools. If they kill Jenny, won't they have confirmed all the charges of Huiman? He also has to be charged with murder and cruelty. They are now embarrassed enough to cause trouble no more. Even if you really want to kill her, you have to wait until things calm down.

Xia Fan did not forget to pay attention to Huiman's movement. Strangely, they didn't seem to know about this matter and had no intention of taking action at all. Even if they can't touch Jenny for the time being, there will always be a basic investigation, right? Unfortunately, Huiman's interior is calm.

What the hell? Unexpectedly, she didn't react at all. Why didn't Huiman cooperate with Jenny's performance like this?

However, it doesn't matter if Huiman does not cooperate, and the very cooperation of the government of Country A is the same. Since Jenny disclosed Huiman's evil deeds in newspapers and quickly spread on the Internet, not only the government of Country A, but also countries around the world have begun to put pressure on Huiman.

Everyone is stating that the government will never tolerate such behavior as Huiman, and requires Huiman to give a reasonable explanation. If not, it will be forced to close the Huiman Research Institute.

But Xia Fan feels that it is unlikely to be shut down, because the vaccine has not yet been made, and they also need it to save their lives. Whether governments are sincere or not, at least the gesture has been made.

Xia Fan believes that what governments are most afraid of at this time is what they have to do with Huiman. At this time, they thought about how to dig out the people inside Huiman and then form their own team to study the vaccine.

As long as the vaccine is born, no matter which country, even the small country, will become the hegemon of the world.

Of course, Huiman can't let people go. It's not that simple for the government to think about them. Huiman, who has been able to wander among governments for many years, will never let them take advantage of it at such a critical moment.

Lac City can now be said to be famous in the world. Their newspapers are exclusive. Other cities do not have them, but on the Internet, it is also the newspaper of Lac City, which officially spreads news to the outside. A country has not been attacked by the virus, and many people are gathering in Lak City.

If Country A hadn't blocked the customs now, people from all over the world would have gone there.

Looking at today's latest newspaper, the front page is still Jenny. Her long golden hair is beautifully illuminated in the sun. Holding a document in his hand, although the photo can't see what is written on it clearly, it is also mentioned in the report below.

is a draft of Huiman that began to develop V-series viruses many years ago. Xia Fan also has this file, which is an old document of Huiman. It is an ordinary secret and is not included in the highest level.

"It's quite awesome. You can get this thing!" Xia Fan smiled and praised, but he was also thinking that if he made public all the documents from A from Huiman to the world, Huiman would be desperate and send someone to kill himself. Because he knows too much.

"Do you suspect that they have someone in Huiman?" A Fei didn't know when he stood behind Xia Fan and suddenly asked, which scared Xia Fan. He turned his head and stared at him and then said:

"If there is no one in Huiman, it will be the same as me. However, I think it may be relatively large. This document is from many years ago. If it is the latter, he can take out a more shocking document without using this. Xia Fan turned over his database and wanted to expose Huiman. A lot of information is available.

For example, the matter of catching survivors in the quarantine area.

Although Jenny also mentioned this, there is no real evidence, and it is not so easy to convince people. Xia Fan was thinking that if possible, he really wanted to show everything he had mastered. Even one document a day would be enough for him to play like this for a year.

A Fei nodded. Although Jenny has been showing some documents that are not itchy, they are enough for Huiman.

Huiman has no movement now. He should be waiting for the zombies to arrive in Huacheng and all human beings to die. Therefore, they can turn a deaf ear to Jenny's riots. In their eyes, it doesn't matter who they are or what purpose they want to make Jenny jump out and expose their background.

Because no matter how happy they are, for Huiman, they are already dead, and they will not see the same as the dead.

What Afei has to do now is to find this group of mysterious people and reveal something more ruthless. Huiman can calm down no matter how calm he is. Once the new plan is exposed, they will not be able to sit still.

Then the file to be selected must have a certain weight, such as the rescue plan and everything behind it.

Afei sneered. Huiman's intention is not obvious. At first glance, the rescue plan is just the development of a new reagent, but its function and the purpose of Huiman's restart plan are very intriguing.

As long as Huiman loses his calm and makes the government of Country A completely despair of them, then the pool of water will be stirred up by them.

Fishing in muddy water, of course, the water is getting better and better. In order to save the people who want to protect, let's stir it together...