Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 250 First time in Lac

The basic plan has been set, and A Fei and others have been busy with this for the next few days. After everything is discussed, they will leave here and set off for Lac City.

Laoma and He said that they are not among them. They have always been non-combatants, and even if they go, they can't help. Lao Ma still needs to carry out his research and strive to make a vaccine. Although he has nothing to do, he also understands what his situation is and does not require him to follow.

A Fei left them a lot of food, and some necessities were not missing. After they left, Lao Ma and He sent messages not to death.

On the day of departure, Lao Ma and his congratulatory message did not come out to see each other off, and A Fei did not expect the two of them to come out to express their reluctance. This is very dangerous. It is unknown whether they live or die. Even if they come out to send it, nothing will change.

The future is unknown, and they will never know what will happen in the next second, but it is enough for them to know that they are still working hard for their wishes. A group of lucky people who can live until now have long looked down on life and death. They have seen too much, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

There are also minivans and enough fuel for Lao Ma and He to go out occasionally. When everything returns to normal, they can get rid of the life of cave people and return to normal human society.

Afei drove a bus, followed by container trucks and tankers. A group of people and three cars set out from the valley and headed for everything unknown.

No one turned around, no one made a sound, waiting for the valley to go away and disappear behind him, and there was silence in every car. Even the unknown Shouyi felt a different aura, and obediently closed his mouth, sat honestly next to Chu, and looked back at Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan's car from time to time.

This time, they don't hide anymore. Although they are not facing Huiman, think about their future plans and the faces of Huiman's senior management at that time, which makes A Fei excited. Unfortunately, they can't see it.

They hid here because when they escaped from the quarantine area, they were chased and killed by the military of Country A. There was no safer place to hide, so they ran to the mountains to be a savage. It has been a while since they escaped from the quarantine area. Although the military of Country A has not given up looking for them, it has passed a more energetic time.

In addition, their group of people have hardly left any tacks in the military of Country A, and they have not even showed their faces. The people who have seen them are basically dead. Therefore, A Fei and others have no fear of galloped on the highway of Country A and headed for Lac City.

Along the way, they also met a lot of hitchhikers for the same purpose - Lac City. Now the city of Lac has officially announced that it will accept all those who oppose Huiman. They won't do anything to the government. They just want to pressure them to suppress Huiman.

Although the

method is circuitous, it still has some effect. At least for now, the government of Country A has made a serious protest against Huiman, hoping that they will hand over the vaccine as soon as possible.

Huiman's reaction is... no response, ignores all the voices in the outside world, ignores them, does not respond or refute, they just continue their own lives.

The government of A is also helpless and can't send troops to fight others, because the vaccine is still in their hands, isn't it?

When they left the valley, A Fei and others changed their equipment into ordinary clothes. At this time, people can see the Huiman logo on the equipment, which is just like looking for death. Now Huiman is no better than before. It has become a street mouse, and everyone shouts to fight. But no matter how you look at it, the mouse itself has no feeling at all.

Or they have feelings, but they pretend to have no feelings. Every time he thinks of this, A Fei will sneer and plan how to deal with Huiman and make them feel pain again.

In addition to picking up a lot of colleagues on the road, A Fei's motorcade walked quietly on the road for a week. At nightfall, Xia Fan said that they had arrived and were not far away. Afei decided to go to the city the next day, and they were still camping outside the city this night.

Although a lot of personnel have been added, many of them are just hitchhikers and bring their own food. Some of these people were lucky to come out of the quarantined area when the virus just broke out; some were full of righteous indignation and wanted to destroy Huiman; some were homeless and heard that Lak City accepted people and where to find vitality...

In a word, Mr. Lin, there are all kinds of people. Afei didn't care what they were. As long as he looked good, he would pick up the car. Gradually, the bus was almost unable to get down.

Looking at the strangers who were looking for a place to eat, A Fei smiled indifferently. I will bring so many people, mainly because it will not attract the attention of others. Their group of people are all oriental faces, and the appearance of oriental people in country A is very eye-catching.

There are so many A people mixed with their own people, which can reduce the vigilance of many people.

"Tomorrow is coming. Will Jecca really find us?" Luo Zi rubbed against A Fei's side and asked while stuffing food into his mouth.

A Fei smiled and shrugged his shoulders without any doubt. Who knows? He also guessed that if Jessica and they couldn't find it, he could report to find someone. After all, it is not in the quarantine area, and no media exists. In the normal city of Lac, there are many ways to find people.

Luo Zi curled her lips and looked in the direction of Lak City, hoping that they were all well now and there was no danger. But it's hard to say what they have done. Won't Huiman have found a way to deal with them?

The next morning, A Fei got up early and went to Lak City after packing up. In less than an hour, they entered the city limits of Lac.

It's a long-lost feeling. The streets are full of living people. They live a normal life. They can walk and run, talk and laugh. When they are angry, their faces are entangled. It's time for them to be moved and shed tears.

After living in the zombie pile for too long, I have forgotten what a normal human society should look like. The scene that came into the eyes was often seen in Luo Ziyi's hallucinations before. Now, it is really real in front of him, but it is still like hallucinations and looks a little unreal.

Every day, there are motorcades or people in Lak City. There is a single car, several people, and there are also groups, so their entry has not attracted the attention of anyone.

It's just that the population of this city is very large now. Fei and others have been looking for a long time and have not found a suitable place to stop.

When we arrived at the city center, the density of people had reached a peak, and many people gathered in front of the door of the municipal government building, not knowing what they were watching.

There are no banners, no protest, but on the steps in front of the municipal government building, the lights kept flashing, as if some big star had appeared. However, the fans around are very quiet, and there is no boiling or competing for autographs.

The car was parked outside the crowd, and A Fei called Luo Zi to get off the car in the walkie-talkie to let her see clearly the people who were arched by the stars.

When he got out of the tanker, Luo Zi approached the crowd a little.

"Jenny?" Luo Zi saw the people surrounded by flashes and crowds. Who was Jenny? She stood on the steps, the reporters surrounded her, and the rest of the fans surrounded the reporters. She is saying something impassionedly.

[It's easy to find someone!] Fei said on the walkie-talkie.

Luo Zi smiled and walked slowly to the crowd. There were a lot of people gathered here, but everyone was very quiet and listened to what Jenny was saying. Luo Zi pushed forward little by little until the front of the crowd, she stopped and listened to what Jenny was saying.

Her speech has come to an end, and she has been denounced Huiman's evil deeds. Luo Zi listened with a smile and watched Jenny keep waving her broken arm. She was very comforted. They were working hard. Jessica and others have been contributing to the living in their own way.

Jenny's task was finally completed, and the flash was still flashing. Luo Zi quietly approached the front and found a conspicuous position to stand.

"When did you arrive?"

Suddenly, a female voice sounded beside Luo Ziyi. She smiled and replied softly:

"Just now, I was looking for a place to live. When I passed by here, I saw Jenny." Without turning her head, her voice was so low that the people around her hardly noticed what she was saying.

"Come with me! Let Jenny see you, and she won't be able to control it. The woman said with a smile, and then turned around and went into the crowd.

Luo Zi smiled and followed, but it was not very close. After a distance, it was not just behind the person.

When they first arrived in Lac City, they met acquaintances, and then what would happen? Will the plan succeed? Will this open and dark force unite? Watch the change...