Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 255 Silent Negotiation

Paul is a quiet person, speaking softly, and his smile is as gentle as the warm spring sun, which makes people feel comfortable.

However, A Fei dares not underestimate this person at all. The quieter he is, the deeper he is. Even a person like A Fei dares not say that he has a good grasp of his mind.

A Fei did not retreat at all and directly explained his intention to Paul. They came to unite. Since the purpose is the same, we will do everything to make Huiman pay the price. So Fei believes that as long as his request is not too much, they will definitely accept themselves as an ally.

Paul is waiting for A Fei to say what they have in their hands. However, Afei is not stupid. Everything in Xia Fan's computer is Huiman's top secret. Any explosion will make the world in an uproar. And Paul and others can get everything, but it's just Huiman's information, and it's not very confidential.

And Huiman's people are not idiots. They have made such a big news that Huiman's people should have begun to suspect that someone inside has betrayed their information and will soon start checking internally. Once Huiman's internal tightening, Paul's source of intelligence will be cut off, and their plan will be terminated.

So, Afei and others came out very timely. As long as they have Huiman's information, whether it is top secret or not, Paul and others will unite with them, but...

They are looking for a point where both sides feel balanced. That is to say, they can accept the conditions, which is also a matter of the dominance of both sides.

Although A Fei doesn't want to do anything about other people's organization, he can only say that he is not interested in such an organization. Hiding behind and doing small actions and putting pressure on the government of Country A through the ability of public opinion, he felt that although this method was safe enough, it would make him lose a lot of fun.

If you want to unite with Paul and others, take advantage of the fact that they have gained a firm foothold in Lak City, release * to Huiman, and cover up Afei, which is what Afei really wants to do.

To take advantage of others, the first thing is to give them a little benefit, and any information in Xia Fan's computer will surprise them.

However, Fei will not say anything for the time being. He wants to see Paul's attitude. However, Westerners, who have reached the age of 40, are also very smart. They have always smiled and don't say much. Nod, nod, nod, not even a um.

A Fei's heart is clear. This guy definitely feels that the information in their hands is similar to theirs and has no excessive value. They want it, but they will never give a high price!

At this time, he said everything that should be said, and A Fei didn't want their value to be too low, so he began to eat quietly and say nothing more.

Paul admires Afei very much. First of all, he can force Michelle to contact him, which has shown that Afei is powerful. After that, he didn't say anything, just listened to what A Fei said. Although what he said was very sensational, Paul retained a trace of doubt.

In Huiman, he does have someone, but recently Huiman has been in the wind, and an internal investigation is under way. His informant, who is too scared to move, has been dormant.

He also has a lot of information at hand, but most of them have no specific significance. Country A's attitude towards Huiman is becoming more and more obvious, but this is not enough. Paul wants to force the government of country A to impose coercive measures on Huiman, expel or simply arrest him.

But Paul also understands that without a vaccine, no matter how much pressure the government of country A is, it is impossible to move at all. He has always wanted to get the formula of the V-series virus and specific research data. With this, as long as it is handed over to the government of country A, they can give up Huiman and develop their own vaccine.

However, his informant's level is very low, and it's good to have access to these materials. He hasn't even seen such a top secret as the formula.

Generally speaking, Paul and others have relatively high-level secrets, which are what Luo Ziyi once told Jessica. I heard that Luo Ziyi was present today that he was willing to appear and meet.

However, he didn't know that there was also a powerful fox behind Luo Ziyi. Since the conversation, he has been interested in and yearned for everything he said. But Ah Fei just revolves around the core of the problem and always doesn't get to the point.

Paul is calm on the surface, but not in his heart. He really wants A Fei to be more specific, but he always cleverly changes a direction and continues to play Taijiquan when he comes to the key issues immediately!

Speaking of now, Michelle can't sit still. He hasn't heard of some of what Fei said, but he has an intuition that it's all true and will definitely make Huiman completely lose government support.

turned his head to look at their boss. Paul, who was usually calm and frightened at the critical moment, was so calm that Michelle was about to jump, but he still smiled slightly.

Jessica has always regarded herself as an escort and took Luo Zi to eat and drink. She heard A Fei's words, but there was no response.

Theoretically, she is on Luo Ziyi's side, so Luo Ziyi must be on A Fei's side. She didn't say anything to help anyone, but she was helping Fei invisibly.

Because there is a friendship there, it is only four of them and Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan. If she opens her mouth, A Fei will definitely look at Luo Ziyi. No matter what she says, she will join the category of his consideration, which is invisibly helping Paul and others.

In the final analysis, the relationship between her and Paul and others is just a mutual use. Her sense of belonging to Luo Zi is stronger than that of Paul and others.

In her opinion, without the arrival of the four of them, no matter how smart Paul and they are, no matter how much information they have, it will be useless. Because the idea of getting Jenny in the newspaper was provided by Jecca. At the beginning, Michelle, the little fox, disagreed and said that the method was too circuitous.

Now that the plan has succeeded, he sits safely beside her. Does he still count on her help? Come on, she would rather help Luo Ziyi than help their foxes.

A Fei was still eating his own food. Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan did not intend to participate from the beginning. Xia Fan slammed on the keyboard on his baby's computer. For a moment, there was only the sound of ticking keyboard in the whole private room.

"Finished!" Xia Fan, who had been facing the computer, suddenly shouted, and everyone here was shocked by him. I just took a sip of Ben, and I was scared by him and almost choked to death.

"What good things have you found again? Look at what makes you happy." A Fei was also scared, but soon returned to normal. Looking at the happy Xia Fan, A Fei intuitively found a new secret in Huiman.

"You guessed right, it's definitely a good thing. Yesterday, I found that Huiman began an inventory five days ago, and I have been waiting for their results. Just after A got the list of all the researchers in Huacheng Huiman, the results of the investigation came out. Fresh and hot, do you want to have a look?

Xia Fanle's face is like a flower, don't mention that pride. After handing the computer to A Fei, he finally made time to eat well.

A Fei looked at it, then smiled and asked Paul:

"Mr. Paul, I sincerely hope that none of your friends is named Brandon Carter."

Paul has been smiling faintly. When he heard A Fei mention the name, he finally saw a slight change.

"Mr. Fei, what you said..." Paul changed his Chinese language, and his expression became a little serious. No, he won't be found, will he?

A Fei did not answer, but whispered the content of Xia Fan's computer:

[Investigation, Brandon Carter, a junior researcher of the V-7 team, received bribes from unknown people and leaked the internal information of the institute, causing serious losses. Upon the decision of the senior management, Brandon Carter was removed from all his duties and handed over to Group V-7.

Listening to A Fei translate the text on the screen into Chinese in a very slow tone, Paul's company began to turn pale.'s really him!

"I hope Mr. Paul can calm down, because Huiman's so-called disposal..."

"Death... I know, I know..."

"There are also things you don't know. Death is just a kind of kindness. If I guess correctly, their methods will be more fierce and cruel to deal with traitors." Fei also restrained his smile. After all, Paul is now immersed in a panic.

Panic, yes, the more flustered the better. He is not chaotic, how can others take advantage of it...