Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 256 Reaching Consensus

Paul feels that things have been getting worse and worse recently.

Several groups of people, after entering Lak City, intending to find their true identities. Fortunately, the people behind the scenes were very cautious, and they didn't find out anything except Jenny.

But Huiman's people also understand that it is useless to get rid of one Jenny. Today, Jenny has an accident, and another person will appear tomorrow, and then the matter of Jenny's killing will be publicized again, and people will have less favorable for Huiman.

So completely eradicating the organization behind Jenny is the key to calming down this matter. However, getting rid of a spokesperson is really not very important, but will make Huiman's situation worse.

They are safe now, but their inside line...

Brandon Carter, Paul's college classmate, is not in the same department, but because they live together, they still have a very good relationship. After the outbreak of the virus, Brandon immediately notified Paul to find a safe place to hide as long as he could.

Paul immediately understood that things are definitely not as simple as an inexplicable virus. With the spread of the virus, the outside world's attitude towards Huiman, and the protection of Huiman by the government of Country A, it is impossible for a smart person like Paul to figure out the key.

Later, he finally got in touch with Brandon again, and he knew the whole story.

Gradually, a plan to make Huiman collapse was formed in Paul's mind. His family, wife, and sons and daughters could not escape from the virus. Now, the only purpose of his lonely survival is revenge. He doesn't have the skills of A Fei, so he can only secretly gather like-minded people to quietly retaliate against Huiman.

At the beginning, he did a lot of things and could not pose any threat to Huiman until the appearance of Jiesika and the others. It only took two days for the clever Jiesika to find him and put forward a bold plan for him.

At first, their plan was not adopted by Paul and others, because they all thought it was too child's a joke. In order to prove the feasibility of this plan, Jessie asked Jenny to tell reporters everything about them in the quarantine area.

It turned out that her idea was still very good. The government of Huiman A reacted greatly and immediately took action against Huiman and asked them to give an explanation. However, Huiman didn't seem to hear the government's words, completely ignoring them and continued to do his experiments and plans.

After that, Paul stole a lot of Huiman's information through Brandon, and then exposed them one by one. The government is becoming more and more unbearable, and countries have begun to gradually stop funding Huiman. Originally, everything went well. Paul knew that Huiman had a lot of people selling information every year in exchange for high remuneration, and these people were not doing well.

Therefore, he thought that Brandon would be fine, but obviously he miscalculated the form. Although the people who usually sell intelligence have nothing to do, it is because they sell normal research data, all ordinary specific drug research, not V-series viruses.

Huiman has always closed his eyes on things that can see people, but he can't be so casual about viruses. A large amount of information leaked, and Huiman immediately began an internal investigation. Within a few days, Brandon was arrested. As a result, it was simply "disposal" and a simple stroke.

A Fei reminded that Paul finally knew the seriousness of the matter. His friend was estimated to be more or less auspicious, and may even be the object of the experiment.

Not to mention losing his friend, there is not much information in his hand that can be used as a handle. If he wants to continue to put pressure on Huiman, he must have strong news.

glanced at the calm A Fei, who and Xia Fan were studying things on the computer. Paul frowned. They were really not ordinary people. Xia Fan was obviously a computer master. Listening to what he said, his information was stolen from Huiman's internal database.

With the help of such people, isn't it very simple for them to continue to use public opinion to make statements that are unfavorable to Huiman?

However, so far, Paul still can't see A Fei's purpose. Even if he wants to unite with them, he dares not speak without authorization. Now he is not alone. There is a group of people behind him, and he also wants to think about it for them.

Afei and Xia Fan have discussed enough, and they also saw Paul's current contradictions. They felt that it was almost done, so they said:

"Mr. Paul, whether this Brandon Carter is your friend or not, the internal form of Huiman is now very serious. Even if your friend is lucky enough to escape, he dares not have any contact with you in a short time. Moreover, I think the information you have is not enough to arouse any public opinion. If it goes on like this, reporters will also lose interest in reporting.

Afei's meaning is very simple. Paul has no choice but to cooperate with them now.

Is that right? Only Huiman knows whether the information in my hand is useful or not!" Paul still refused to give in. He always knew how many chips Afei had in his hand so that he could safely unite with them.

"Hehe! Mr. Paul is too cautious. Huiman's information is various, relatively peripheral, confidential, high-level, and top-secret. And in the top secret, there are many different levels. I have read the newspapers these days, and all you know is confidential and relatively peripheral things.

A Fei smiled. The information in Xia Fan's computer is basically top-secret information and the lifeblood of Huiman. In contrast, although what Jenny has exploded in the past few days is a little unexpected, it is not painful.

Of course, Paul knows that Brandon's position in Huiman is not high, and it is rare to have access to secrets. It is impossible for him to see anything at a higher level, let alone get it out for him.

"Oh? So what Mr. Fei has master is all top secret? Don't be funny. Do they know Huiman's head? Michelle looked at A Fei disdainfully and felt that he was bluffing and just wanted to take advantage of them.

A Fei raised his eyebrows, young man, you'd better shut up! Otherwise, Paul's classmate around you is likely to kill you with his eyes. A Fei smiled, put the computer in front of him on the table and looked at Xia Fan. The latter immediately took care of and issued a document.

"This is Huiman's recent action, called Rescue. At first glance, it is the development of a reagent, but this reagent has been successfully researched many years ago, and Huiman destroyed it all. The original name is Destruction, something that can kill zombies, but now this plan has suddenly been launched. The meaning behind it is intriguing.

A Fei slowly pushed the computer in front of Paul and let him see for himself.

The desk of

documents shows that they are top-secret documents, which makes Paul and Michelle stunned. It turns out that they really have top-secret documents.

Union is imperative. Paul and the others have no other choice. Fei doesn't mind giving them a little sweetness. Even if they read the documents, they don't know their real purpose.

Paul and Michelle looked at the things on the computer seriously. The first time they came into contact with Huiman's top-secret documents, they couldn't take their eyes off.

"The tentative implementation time of this plan is one and a half months later, when the eastern quarantine area expands to Huacheng. There is still time, you can think about it slowly. A Fei said with a smile. In fact, he didn't give much time. If he wants to give Huiman a heavy blow in time, he must hurry up, otherwise it will be useless to make the quarantine area close. Even if he says it, it is useless.

"What are you... your purpose?" Paul finally couldn't help asking. Fei showed them the rescue plan. In theory, it was not good for them at all. What can they get?

A Fei smiled, took the wine in front of him, looked at Paul, and said:

"You don't have to worry about my purpose. As long as you can use this document to make a big article and focus Huiman's attention on you, that is my purpose." Does this make it clear? You are the bait, leading the big fish around you, and they have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Looking at A Fei's gently smiling face, Paul admitted that the young man was not ordinary at all. The bait he threw was something he could not refuse, and he should have calculated this step from the beginning.

The negotiations reached a silent consensus in the smiles of the two. Both sides have got the desired move. As for who benefits more, hehe, who cares? As long as you think it's worth it, right...