Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 258 I want to dominate

The next morning, Jiesica came to Luo Ziyi's room, and the young couple got up early, otherwise they would have been blocked by her.

Although the two have never crossed the last line of defense and officially promoted to the ranks of husband and wife, it is not clear what makes people raped in bed.

Jessica couldn't help but be a little disappointed when she saw the two well-dressed people. Luo Zi knew that she deliberately came directly to their room so early, just to see the two of them in untidy clothes and hugging each other in **.

Fortunately, both of them had the habit of getting up early, which made Jiesika's treacherous plan not succeed. They sighed at the two people with a disappointed face, as if they were saying that it would be better to come earlier. They would be able to press the two of them into the quilt and then greet everyone to visit.

The temporary conference room is still Luo Ziyi's room. At breakfast time, everyone automatically gathered in Luo Ziyi's room to talk about it. Jiesika and others can talk to the rookies who can speak English, and Gu Hengxuan can only chat with his own people. It's too troublesome to talk to Ben and others, and you have to bring an interpreter.

After breakfast, Michelle came to their room and motioned Afei and the others to follow him. He called Afei and Xia Fan, plus Jecca, followed Michelle's footsteps to the fifth floor of the building.

It seems to be an ordinary residential house, and many people are doing daily activities, but A Fei can see at a glance that these people are definitely not the original residents here.

When Afei and the others passed by, they all seemed to be okay and didn't look at them, as if they didn't care about strangers at all. But ordinary people will never have such a plain reaction. Even if they are used to the appearance of strangers, they will look more because of curiosity!

He smiled indifferently. Fei didn't plan to stay here for a long time. He didn't need to pay more attention to the people here except for Jessica. As long as his purpose was achieved, he would have completed a small part of the plan.

When she got to the innermost room, Michelle knocked on the door, and then pushed the door to let A Fei and the others in, but she stood against the wall after closing the door.

Paul sat on the sofa in the room, next to several people, listening carefully to what Paul said. He saw Ah Fei and the others come in. After simply explaining to those people, he got up and invited Ah Fei to sit down.

The rest of the people he had never met did not go away. Fei estimated that they were all related to the next plan, so he didn't say anything, just waiting for Paul to give him an answer.

Paul didn't have a master like Xia Fan, but there were also people who could use computers. An ordinary notebook pushed over and let A Fei and others see the plan above.

A Fei did not move. Xia Fan looked at it with a very intuitive probe, frowned slightly, and turned to look at A Fei. With a light smile, Xia Fan felt that Paul and others were really good at hype. He also thought of this method, which really impressed him.

However, I took a rough look. Although this plan is good, it needs a lot of technical personnel and necessary ordnance support. Of course, they have no problem with ordnance, but they don't know where other technical personnel should come from.

nodded to A Fei. A Fei still didn't look at the plan, but just listened to Xia Fan whisper a few words, but he still smiled.

Paul looked at A Fei and couldn't see what he had to do with the plan itself, but Xia Fan's expression told him that he was basically satisfied.

He asked if A Fei had any other opinions. A Fei lowered his head and thought about it and found that everyone around him, except Paul, looked at him with bad eyes, as if as long as he was picky, he would immediately jump up and beat him.

smiled. Ah Fei was not interested in opposing this non-strategic plan at all, but felt that something could be added to make a scene more realistic.

"There are a few questions, such as explosives, *, firearms, do you have any decent ones? I mean, can you convince people that you are professionals? The second question, some technicians are very demanding. We don't have such talents. I hope you have them.

After saying that, A Fei looked at Paul quietly and waited for his answer.

"We have technicians. There are many people gathered in Lac City now, and I also have many relevant talents under me. Don't worry about this. As for the guns... we only have pistols, and there are not many bullets. I don't know if it's decent?

Paul is very confident that they have a lot of pistols in their hands, which should be convincing, right?

A Fei smiled. Paul still knows little about Huiman. Do you really think it can be made into a scene?

"Mr. Paul, I don't know if you have heard that Huiman has his own guard, and their equipment is definitely the best in the world. Pistol? Do you think it's okay?

A Fei did not say his opinion directly, but asked a few questions to let Paul think about it himself.

"Well, we don't have it. Do you have it?" A black man sitting next to Paul suddenly sneered and felt that A Fei was talking nonsense. They have a lot of people and weapons. There are only a dozen of them. Can there be anything good?

Afei did not answer, but borrowed his mobile phone from Jecca and contacted Chris downstairs. As soon as Luo Zi answered the phone, A Fei said something quickly in Chinese language, and then returned the phone to Jecca.

Smiling, Afei and Xia Fan were laughing. After looking at each other, they said nothing. One looked at the plan on the computer, the other played with this finger, and did not know what they were waiting for.

Paul just heard A Fei say that he would let Luo Zi come up with his equipment and didn't hear anything wrong.

"What does this mean? If you are not satisfied with our plan, just say it. What's the matter if you don't talk? The black man patted the table and pointed to A Fei and shouted.

"Have I ever said that I am not satisfied with your plan? I just want to prove that your pistols are not convincing!" A Fei still smiled and pointed to him, turning a blind eye to his smeared hand.

Stupid! If he hadn't needed Paul and the others to do it now*, he would have separated this finger from its owner! A Fei felt that this man should go and pray to his God. It was the god who let him escape.

What else did the man want to say, but the door was opened at this time? Two people in black equipment outside the door seemed to have guns in their hands.

When the muzzle turned, I saw two masked people holding submachine guns in their hands and two pistols in their pockets. He tied a knife to his leg and carefully walked into the room.

There is a mark of Huiman on their equipment, just like Huiman's escort.

"People of Huiman!" The black man wanted to draw a gun, but one of them came to him with an arrow, and the dagger came out across his neck, making him unable to move.

"Idiot! If they were Huiman, you would have died long ago! Ziyi, you are good at it!" Jecca now scolded the black man, got up and walked to the man with the dagger, patted her on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

Retracted the dagger and put down the gun in her hand. Luo Zi pulled down the cloth towel on her face, turned her head with a smile, and looked at Jecca.

"There is no way. In the quarantine area, the speed is not fast enough, and you will die!" After saying that, he looked at the people at the door. Gu Hengxuan also pulled down the cloth towel, came over with a smile, hugged Luo Ziyi's shoulder, and walked behind A Fei. Both of them stood there with a smile.

"This...this is..." Paul pointed to the two of them. He knew him, but this equipment...

"The equipment is from Huiman, that is, as I just said, Huiman's independent escort, each of us has a set. If your plan is equipped with such equipment, I think even Huiman himself will believe it!"

A Fei is very confident. Huiman dares not admit that their guards are wearing such clothes. After they got this dress by chance, they helped them a lot. Although it is not in the quarantine area now. But it can also help, can't it?

It won't let others dominate completely. This is a natural shortcoming of some people. In the next plan, they still use each other to help each other. It's not who owes anyone...