Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 257 Simple Happiness

After that, the meal finally tasted a little bit. Everyone changed their cups and ate delicious food.

After a meal, Paul asked Jessica and Michelle to take Afei back to rest. The specific matters should wait until Paul goes back to discuss with others and make a specific plan before acting.

They will have a result by tomorrow at the latest. Paul and the others were also very anxious. Without Brandon, he had no internal information from Huiman. It happened that A Fei's appearance filled the gap and allowed their plan to continue.

Afei promised that they could only use the information in Xia Fan's computer, and the only requirement was that Paul and they must make things big, the better. Of course, Paul is not stupid. Even if it is noisy, he will be safe.

Since the two sides have a consensus, it will be easy to do the rest. Everyone is smart. Many things don't need to be explained clearly. If you say too much, it seems to be talky.

Full of wine and food, this is the best meal they have had since they left the villa. It's either canned or hot all day long. The difference is just the temperature.

Luo Zi packed a lot of things when she left, and Gu Hengxuan happily took them back to improve their lives. Afei couldn't help feeling uncomfortable when he looked at Luo Zi carrying a bag and smiling very happily.

When did the child start to be so happy that he could take away a little leftovers? Although she didn't live a young lady before, she was also a child of a rich family. She has never suffered or suffered.

Now it's all right. I've suffered all the sins I shouldn't have suffered, and I've eaten all the hardships I shouldn't have suffered. Looking at her carrying food, talking and laughing with Jecca and Jenny, and her back, which was a little thinner than a few days ago, Fei had no reason for heartache.

His brother did not bring her a comfortable life, but made her suffer. I don't know how long it will take to live such a life. When can she continue her unfinished studies like an ordinary girl, and then fall in love properly and normally?

It's not far, it must be far! When this thing is over, he will definitely turn Luo Zi back into that ordinary student and live a simple and happy life. There is no need to run around like this and drift away with him.

Several people followed Jecca back to their temporary residence.

The people who were left behind are anxiously waiting for the return of Afei and a result. Seeing Luo Ziyi and the two girls come in talking and laughing with a bag of food, I intuitively felt that the result of their negotiations today should be what they wanted.

After taking the food in their hands, the four rookies were so surprised that they opened a bag of delicious food, regardless of whether it was clean or not.

After a period of canned life, they felt that they were about to become canned. Finally, they saw food that had nothing to do with canned food, and they were so happy that they almost had to go out.

Four people scrambled without image, and their hands flew around between several bags. The vegetable soup splashed on their bodies. They didn't have time to pay attention to it and just talked about it.

How can it be like a refugee? How long has it been since I gave you something to eat? A Fei asked for it and looked at the four rookies with a wry smile, these children! Fortunately, there are a lot of things brought back, otherwise Guan Qilei and others can only watch. At first, there was no response, just smiling and sitting in Luo Ziyi's ** to watch her fairy tale.

Shouyi is curious. What are they grabbing? He looked at it and felt that it was delicious, so he reached out and pulled it. Liu Qi fell to the ground, and the bag in his hand fell into Shouyi's hand.

I learned from them and reached into the bag to grab the food. As a result, I caught a piece of red pepper. Shouyi didn't know what it was, so he stuffed it directly into his mouth. After chewing a few times, his face gradually turned blue.

With a bang, he spit out the things in his mouth to the ground, stuffed the bag back into Liu Qi's hand, and kept it in place and only circled around.

was cheated! It's not delicious at all. It's spicy! Sticking out his tongue, he kept drooling. He stretched out his hand to pull his tongue and couldn't wait to pull it down.

Everyone laughed when they saw him like this. Luo Zi poured a glass of water and let Shouyi drink it. Looking at his face softened, she walked away with a smile.

After everyone finished eating, A Fei asked everyone to sit down and tell you the results of today's negotiations. The two sides reached a consensus, which is a very good thing. It would be better if the people in front of the stage had no time to attract Huiman to take care of other things, and even transferred their brigade guards out of Huacheng Huiman.

The result is good, and everyone is more confident about the next action. And they will soon leave Lac City and go to Huacheng. Before that, they had to listen to Paul's plan to see how they were going to make a big deal.

When he was full and the matter was discussed, Ah Fei clapped his hands and let everyone have a rest. Luo Ziyi's room was empty after serving as a temporary conference room.

Gu Hengxuan did not leave. Since he came back from Kancheng, he has been very used to living in the same room with Luo Zi. Today, Luo Zi took his backpack into her room in front of Jiesika, which announced their relationship.

Luo Ziyi finally had time to take a shower. After changing into clean clothes and coming out, she saw that Gu Hengxuan was already lying on the court and was drowsy. She walked over with a smile, pulled Gu Hengxuan and asked him to take a shower.

Gu Hengxuan didn't get up and played tricks with his pillow. While um, he reached out to drag Luo Ziyi. Throwing her to **, Gu Hengxuan reached out and hugged her, then closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Luo Zi had no choice but to hold him, so she just let him hold him and look at his increasingly thin face in a daze.

From Yuanzhou to Buyang, from Buyang to Beiyu, then left his own country and went to Country A on the other side of the ocean. He tossing around in the quarantine area until he came out of the quarantine area, Gu Hengxuan was always by his side, inseparable. Care, protection, care, spoiling...

With his actions, the boy told her how much he liked her. Since she put an umbrella on his head on that rainy day, she became the only one for him.

What happened a while ago made Gu Hengxuan really uncomfortable for a long time, and even thought of marrying Luo Ziyi... Ha ha, the more I looked at him, the cuter he became.

"What are you laughing at? Are you scolding me in your heart?" Gu Hengxuan closed his eyes and heard Luo Ziyi's laughter. He also picked up the corners of his lips and laughed.

"No! I just think... so happy!" Luo Ziyi made herself closer to Gu Hengxuan and said softly.

"Oh? Are you so happy to be held by me? Then I will sleep with you in my arms every day!" Tightening his arms, Gu Hengxuan seemed to want to rub Luo Zi into his body, almost strangled Luo Zi into his breath.

Earned and let Gu Hengxuan let go. Luo Ziyi's face turned slightly red. He looked at Gu Hengxuan's black eyes and said with a smile:

"As long as my brother is here, you are here, and everyone is safe, I feel very happy. However, if there are parents, I think they will be happier!" Thinking of Luo Mingjun, who was still in Huiman, Huacheng, Luo Ziyi couldn't help worrying.

In such a place as Huiman, any mistakes will lead to murder. Luo Mingjun created Shouyi, which is equivalent to completing a task that Huiman could not complete, and let Huiman's people know what they would do with him?

And the rescue plan, she doesn't think it's a good thing. Although A Fei didn't say it clearly today, she always felt that when A Fei mentioned the rescue plan, there would be a trace of uneasiness. It is definitely not a trivial thing that can make A Fei have such an emotion.

However, Luo Ziyi was not worried. Although A Fei was uneasy, he was still confident. He has confidence, that is, how confident they are all. He is the absolute leader and their core. Since he is the core, they will choose to trust him.

"I always feel that your happiness is too simple. You can ask me not to look at other women in the future, not to be unfaithful to you, and only love you or something. I can accept it all!" Gu Hengxuan pinched Luo Ziyi's chin and said very narcissisticly.

Luo Zi smiled, and her confusion about the future also dissipated in an instant

The future is illusory for them. A group of people living in the present have no energy to think about tomorrow. As long as the sun still rises and they can see it set, it is a kind of peaceful happiness...