Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 263 Go straight to Huacheng

How influential Jenny was was confirmed that afternoon.

The major media in Lac City are very powerful. Perhaps because what Jenny said in a few days was so shocking that they did not dare to waste time. After Jenny left the square, they immediately went back to issue a press release.

For a long time, people who had been paying attention to the situation in their residence saw Jenny in the noon news on TV.

The documents in her hand were also photographed and put on the news, which were Liu Jingqian's signature and the whole content of the rescue plan. At the beginning, many people thought that Jenny was hyping and what she said was false, then at this time, they had to believe it.

The kidnapping incident last night, coupled with the documents taken out by Jenny today, may not be able to explain clearly even Liu Jingqian himself. Even Jessica, who was at the scene with Luo Ziyi, said that Jenny's performance today was better than before. She was probably really scared, so her true feelings were revealed.

In just a few hours, today's news has spread all over the Internet, and there was a lot of abuse. Of course, they are all scolding Huiman. Everyone claims that if Huiman does not immediately hand over the rescue and relieve the power of zombies around the world, he will wait to bear all kinds of blows from all sides.

The government of Country A reacted very quickly. After receiving the news, it immediately held a press conference, saying that it had indeed supported Huiman's "legitimate" research before. It was Huiman itself that moved the funds to the wrong aspects. This matter has nothing to do with the government of Country A. It is completely Huiman's own business.

And the government also claimed that it had asked Huiman to stop research on the virus and asked them to hand over the rescue to save people from water and fire.

Now, the government has sent negotiation experts to Huiman to negotiate to reassure the public and not to be impatient...

Looking at the press conference of officials of State A, Fei and they all laughed. Although the government of Country A has taken action, what is the use of such action? Negotiators are all very powerful people, but they also need to be able to enter Huiman. Even if you go in, you must be able to come out alive.

Afei can only say that Country A still underestimates Huiman. Since they can make a rescue plan, according to A Fei's idea, they are going to subvert the world. In the end, all the people are dead, leaving Huiman. At that time, they will use rescue reagents to kill all the zombies. Then the world...

The last people left in the world are all inside them. There will be no more people like Jenny who oppose the speech, no more people who agree, no more money to threaten them, and naturally there will no more Fei and others who want to subvert them.

The world is theirs. History will change whatever they want. They become saviors and let the rest of the people live. People from future generations will naturally praise them. The executioner suddenly became the god of creation!

Then, governments of various countries have made similar responses and said similarly, but this time, the people have not been easily comforted, and they no longer trust the government.

After the press release, Country A first fell into chaos, and the demonstration procession could be seen everywhere. The requirements were very simple and let Huiman get out.

The government is unreasonable and dares to stop the people from the marching. The demonstration is getting bigger and bigger, more and more people are participating, and the situation is becoming more and more uncontrollable.

Huacheng is even more interesting. Before the government's press conference was held, Huacheng Huiman has been surrounded by the people. Originally, there were many people demonstrating here, but now there are more people. Huiman's people can't get out, and the people outside don't go in, so they are deadlocked.

The government of Country A once gave Huiman the right to use weapons in times of crisis. To put it bluntly, they can shoot.

Huiman has always concede that he has this right to threaten the outside demonstrators, but now it's different. Almost all the people in Huacheng, men, women and children, have gathered here to get them out of the human world.

There is a very interesting slogan, saying that the human territory here, Huiman people will come home quickly!

It means that Huiman is not human! Well, to some extent, it is quite correct to say so. For people who have lost their humanity, they can't be regarded as real human beings at all, right?

At the beginning, Huiman ignored everything when they were all air. But now more and more people outside gather. I heard that many people near the city are also rushing here. Huiman's high-level officials can no longer sit still.

The right to use weapons? Yes, Huiman and the escort, their weapons are very advanced, not to mention the group of people outside, the whole world has been messed up by Huiman. What is this person?

But the consequences are also relatively serious, and the current situation is really unfavorable to them. If a crime of unprovoked murder is added, it will be difficult for Huiman not to get out of the human world.

The senior management of Huiman is very strange. They have arrested the betrayal intelligence personnel for experiments. Why did their top secrets still leak? Is there anyone else? They couldn't believe that the people inside Huiman were not spared from this investigation. All of them were investigated to the bottom. There can't be a fish that escaped from the net!

So continue to ignore it? Yes, but if it continues like this, they will have ghosts if they are not dismantled by people outside. Now there may be only one thing they can do - find Jenny, no matter what method she uses, and ask her to withdraw her foreword, saying that it is a rumor and a way she wants to be famous.

Although it is unlikely, except for this, it can only get out of the human world. In contrast, the former is still feasible.

Huiman reacted at the first time and sent the elite of Huiman's escort to Lak City secretly.

At the same time, A Fei and the others also began to pack up their bags and prepare to go to the chaotic Huacheng, which could not be more chaotic, to complete the last step of the plan.

is about to part. Jenny, who is in the limelight today, is red in her eyes to help Luo Zi clean up. While packing, she also told her to come back to see her after she fulfills her wish.

As a goddess in the eyes of outsiders, she cried like a little daughter-in-law in front of them, nagging, as if she had told her husband, and everyone shook their heads.

The most serious one shaking her head is Jenny's current boyfriend, Ben. I was depressed about whether to rob people with Luo Zi, but when I think about it, I feel naive. The other party is a girl and has a favorite person. It's a problem for him to be jealous!

Jessica is not like Jenny, but she has been telling them to come back if they can't, and they will talk about something in the long way.

When they have packed up their things, it will be dark. Originally, Paul wanted to stay with them for another night, but today's response was so good that it was all thanks to Fei. It's good to invite them to have a meal and practice it.

However, A Fei refused. He wanted to sneak into Huacheng and wait for the opportunity to move while Huacheng was in chaos. Before leaving, Afei asked Paul to change their place of residence immediately. Jenny's most experienced action must also be careful. Huiman has sent people. The target must be Jenny and the forces behind her. They are the most dangerous now.

Paul understood that he had already begun to prepare to change places. After listening to Ah Fei's words, he decided to find a safer place, and Jenny couldn't appear every day.

Both sides have almost explained. In Jenny and Jessica's reluctant eyes, A Fei and others set foot on the road again and moved towards their ultimate goal.

Huiman, is it finally time for a decisive battle? A Fei drove the car and thought about their plan to save people. This plan belongs to Luo Ziyi, but A Fei has been thinking about another plan in his heart.

If you save people alone, Afei doesn't have to make things so big at all. Taking this opportunity, Afei wants to do something that he has wanted to do since many years ago.

But this must not be known to Luo Ziyi, because Ah Fei has planned to die this time. And Luo Ziyi will never let him make such a dangerous decision, so A Fei will not tell anyone about it this time.

Secret, the absolute secret this time!

Three cars are speeding on the highway, their targets are ahead, and the guns are ready. Everything is waiting for the next sunrise and sunset...