Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 264 Night in Huacheng

la ke City is not far from Huacheng. A Fei and others set out as soon as it got dark. At three or four o'clock in the morning, they fell into Huacheng City.

This is not like Lac City. No one can answer them. A Fei and others found a place, stopped the car, and prepared to spend the night in the car.

It is not the same as the overcrowding in Lac City, and the population of Huacheng is decreasing little by little. If it hadn't been for Huiman's here and more and more people demonstrating, the number of people in Huacheng would have decreased, because zombies are coming soon.

So far, the exaggeration of the eastern quarantine area has not been controlled, but has a tendency to increase. Country A has urgently dispatched troops to the west, but it's too late.

The expansion of the quarantine area can no longer be controlled. Even if the western garrison is more experienced than the eastern one, it is a drop in the bucket. The form of expansion can no longer be blocked by more people, but just delaying time. Nowadays, the number of zombies is several times that of the army. If you want to completely eliminate the zombies, it is tantamount to fantasy for the current garrison of Country A.

The exposure of the rescue plan has given the A government hope that if Huiman really has such a thing, then everything can still be saved. However, they have proposed negotiations, but they are rejected by Huiman, that is to say, Huiman will not hand over the rescue and will not care about the life and death of others.

When Xia Fan told A Fei about this, he just smiled coldly. He had already guessed Huiman's reaction. Huaxia and Huiman's motherland could be destroyed without blinking, let alone Country A.

In other words, if all the people in the world are dead, then the rest are Huiman people, most of whom are Chinese. Is it regarded as the revival of their own country?

A Fei felt that Huiman must have used this excuse to comfort himself, but in A Fei's opinion, this was a joke. A good country has been destroyed by them. At this time, they will come back to revive? Is it the same as killing people and saying to the deceased, "It's okay, I'm still alive, our kind, I'm alive and you're alive"?

It was already early in the morning, and the streets of Huacheng were quiet. Fei did not approach Huiman Research Institute. They are the faces of Orientals and a team of people. If they approach Huiman rashly, it will definitely arouse suspicion. And Huiman's people may have Luo Ziyi's information, and their actions must be hidden.

Afei and others are not in a hurry to act. There is still more than a month left before the zombies are close to Huacheng. Afei wants to make their situation more rigorous during this period.

This plan is different from the past. At the beginning, he had to return to Huiman. The first thing A Fei thought about was how to ensure the initial safety. Shouyi will secretly sneak back to Huiman after arriving at Huiman for the first time to prepare for the first time.

It's just that Luo Ziyi, the bodyguard, has something wrong with him. Maybe it's okay to let him go back, but it's a little difficult for him to act according to everyone's ideas.

Shouyi's thoughts are relatively simple. Without Luo Ziyi, there will be no him. If Luo Zi doesn't move, he will not move. The simplicity is a little unacceptable, but no one can do anything about him.

He listens to Luo Ziyi very much, but he doesn't understand many words. Even if he is obedient, it is an understandable part. At first, he was able to communicate with him, but his priority in executing orders was like this. First, Luo Ziyi. Second, Luo Ziyi, third, Luo Ziyi.

Although he can communicate with him at the beginning, as long as Luo Zi speaks out, he has no status at the beginning. Therefore, the problem of keeping one must be solved.

The best way is for him and Luo Ziyi to act together, but if they want to take Luo Ziyi, Gu Hengxuan will definitely follow. There must not be too many people in their actions. Gu Hengxuan's problem should also be solved.

I didn't get out of the car to eat. This is not in the wild or Lak City. They can't attract too much attention, so everyone has a meal in their own car.

After dinner, A Fei pressed the call button and held a walkie-talkie meeting.

"Tomorrow, Qi Lei, Yufeng and Xia Fan and I will go to Huiman to see the situation. The rookie can move freely, but we must not make trouble. Xiao Ziyi and Chu can't go out. This is Huacheng. You two must be careful.

After saying that, A Fei put down his hand and waited for everyone's response.

[Ah? You can still go out! Great! This is Liu Qi's voice, which seems to be still stretching.

[Ziyi and Chu are really miserable. Girls prefer to go shopping, but only the two of them can't go out.] This is Mu Jia on the bus.

[You should gloat less. You have to bring me back what I want. I'm the only one who saves trouble! Luo Zi was banned. Although she didn't want to, she had no emotion.

[Ah? Is that so? All right, anyway, it's just snacks... However, we have a serious problem.] Mu Jia suddenly remembered a problem, which was quite serious.

[What's the problem? Hurry up and don't have a appetite!] Gu Hengxuan made a sound and asked Mu Jia not to make Luo Zi anxious.

[Well...we seem to...seem...probably...maybe...we don't have any money!]

As soon as Mu Jia said this, everyone was silent for a while. That's right! They don't have any money!

For a long time, they have been tossing around in the quarantine area. Whether in China or Country A, they have cans, food and water are not a problem, so they haven't used money for a long time. In Lac City, they were taken care of by Jecca, and Fei and others did not spend money, but now they have arrived in Huacheng, and the situation is different.

Although it's also messy here, it won't be free. And because the zombies will soon arrive in Huacheng, prices here are soaring and money is more important than before.

No matter which car they are in, everyone is looking at each other. Maybe they have been in the quarantine area for a long time, and they have forgotten the normal system of this society.

A Fei smiled, pulled his backpack, and rummaged through it. It took him a long time to find the wallet he had not used for a long time. He found a card from inside and flew back to Mu Jia. A Fei whispered:

"There is still a lot of money. Just swipe whatever you want to buy. The password is Xiao Ziyi's birthday." If Mu Jia hadn't mentioned it, he would have ignored this problem. Fortunately, he hadn't lost his wallet.

Mu Jia followed Afei's card, smiled and carefully put it into his pocket.

"Well... Brother Fei, Ziyi's birthday is..." Since they began to roll in the zombies, they have forgotten that they have a birthday. All they want to remember is when they will die.

A Fei rolled his eyes and just wanted to say something, Shouyi, who had been silent, suddenly said:

"January 10, 1987, 28:00 p.m., Yuanzhou First Hospital, Fourth Maternity Room." After saying that, he sat honestly, his head twisted all the time and looked back.

The people in the car were silent again, and even A Fei was shocked. Of course, he knows Luo Ziyi's birthday, but it's not so detailed! How does Luo Mingjun usually educate him?

Fortunately, Shouyi didn't have a walkie-talkie. Luo Ziyi was in the oil tanker behind and didn't hear this. I guess she doesn't even know such details. She will be embarrassed to let others say it.

"Okay...okay, I know." Mu Jia smiled dryly and broke the strange deadlock.

[Hello? Isn't it true that everyone has no money? Luo Ziyi's voice came from the walkie-talkie. Everyone looked at each other and decided not to tell her.

"Yes, I still have some savings. Earlier, I thought we might leave the quarantine area, so I still took it with me. Don't worry, you won't miss your snacks. A Fei said to Luo Ziyi.

Huiman is finally in front of them, and their tense nerves must be even tighter. A Fei leaned against the back of the chair and looked at the night outside the car window. His mind was a little confused.

The road after

is difficult and dangerous. Can these people continue to be so simple and happy after the end of things? They may be able to, but he...

No matter what, he will take revenge. It is worth doing anything for what he suffered many years ago, for those who died innocently, and for Luo Ziyi to live a peaceful life in the future.

The night is thick, and the cold Huacheng is waiting for the subversion of their group. Maybe they won't succeed, but this night will always remember what such a group of people have done...