Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 265 Preliminary Observation

After dawn, A Fei, who had been tired all night, did not wake up immediately.

Mu Jia's action today is to go shopping, and A Fei and others also need enough physical strength to do reconnaissance work.

The most worrying thing did not happen. She has always felt that there must be Huiman's equipment to detect biochemical reactions near Huacheng. Six of them have this reaction. If Huiman finds out, they will take action.

But after the night, everything was safe and there was no movement at all, which made her feel a little relieved.

Huiman did not take action for two reasons. One is that they did not install equipment in Huacheng, so they did not find it. Second, they installed equipment and found them, but they couldn't get out and couldn't move.

However, at first, I felt that the second kind of possibility was not great. Huiman did everything for the virus experiment and would not block their great cause because of the civilians demonstrating outside the research institute.

If it is the first kind, it is safe. They can move at will in Huacheng. Compared with A Fei, he also found this, or he wanted to test it, so he let Mu Jia and the others go out.

Although she thought of this at first, she has never broken it. Everyone knows that A Fei cares about Luo Zi, and his brother has done a good job. In order to keep Luo Zi from any danger, A Fei wanted others to test the water first and drown before acting boldly.

Since A Fei has the intention to test Huiman's reality, he was very happy at first. After all, in Huiman's eyes, people with biochemical reactions are far less important than her first generation. At this time, they have not been properly arranged, and they can't appear at the beginning, so that Huiman's people can find her. Even if the soldiers are under the city, they will try their best to bring her back.

The motorcade stayed next to a relatively remote building. There were few pedestrians here, not the city center. They hid all night and no one found them.

When everyone woke up, it was past ten o'clock. After a meal, A Fei, Guan Qilei, Pei Yufeng and Xia Fan, left their parking place first and walked towards Huacheng Huiman Research Institute.

And Mu Jia and others got out of their car an hour after they left and took the bank card given to them by A Fei to go shopping. In fact, several of them are not familiar with each other. It doesn't count as shopping. Generally speaking, they walk around. The most important task is to buy snacks for their eldest lady, Luo Zi.

A Fei basically doesn't have to deliberately look for the location of Huiman Research Institute. As long as they follow the people with various signboards, they can find the location of Huiman Research Institute.

I have seen Huiman's research institute on maps and various drawings, but when I really saw this building, I was still a little surprised.

The building on the ground of Huiman has eight floors. Although it is not higher than ordinary buildings, it covers a large area, like a football field. With the wall, it is like a complete stadium. This is only seen from the front. If you add some attachments to the back, it should be bigger.

A Fei and four others were among the protesters shouting slogans, and several people were not together, but slightly dispersed. Learning from the appearance of the people around them, they shouted slogans in a low voice while pushing forward.

Today's Huiman can be said to be a good thing, but this is not necessarily a good thing. Outside the wall, it was tightly blocked by the demonstration group. It was three floors outside, and there were crowds of people everywhere. Looking around, in addition to banners and various signs, there were people of all kinds of skin colors.

Inside the wall, there stood a row of heavily armed Huiman guards, each with a gun in his hand and pointed at the first row of the demonstrators. Looking at the waiting position, it seems that as long as the crowd moves, they will shoot immediately.

Afei has arrived at the front, but it is not the gate of Huiman. Guan Qilei and others have also arrived nearby. Several people are very scattered, some distances, but they are not far and far. If someone has an accident, at least one person can help.

Xia Fan didn't bring his computer out today, leaving it to Luo Zi and others who can't go out to play. But without a computer, it doesn't mean that he lost his database.

Yesterday, he found that the government of Country A had been furious. Huiman ignored their negotiation requirements, which seemed to confirm Jenny's words - Huiman wanted the whole world to die, leaving only Huiman's people, and then kill all the zombies with rescue reagents, so even if it was over.

This is really over, and even the governments of various countries will be destroyed. It is very difficult to climb to today's position, regardless of the size of the official position. If Huiman kills himself in this way, how can their group be willing?

A country issued a serious warning that if Huiman no longer accepts the negotiations, they will take tough measures to force a breakthrough against Huiman. At that time, no matter what reagents or viruses Huiman had, everything belonged to country A.

They felt that Huiman would be afraid because of this. Unexpectedly, their attitude was still simple - ignore it! People ignore what you say. If you want to shout, you can shout. If you want to threaten, you can threaten. You can't see it. You don't need to pay for your life.

The latest move of Country A is that they have withdrawn the right to use the weapons given to Huiman this morning and declare that as long as Huiman opened fire on the people, whether or not people were injured, the government will immediately send troops to carry out anti-terrorism operations against them.

Listen, anti-terrorism action! Huiman suddenly changed from a guest of country A to a terrorist. This change is very fast. As long as Huiman's guard impulsively hooks his fingers and pulls the trigger, even if he shoots at the sky, their nature will change from researchers to the target of snipers.

However, Country A said so, but they still dare not act rashly. Viruses, vaccines and rescue reagents are all in Huiman's hands. If the government's action is too tough and Huiman's people are cruel to destroy everything, then everyone waiting for them will still die or become zombies.

The government will not really take action against Huiman until it gets the research data of the V-series virus. Others may not understand this, but A Fei thinks thoroughly.

However, it doesn't matter, research materials! They also have one in their hands. If necessary, A Fei doesn't mind handing it over to awaken country A and let them destroy Huiman.

As for whether Country A has the ability to organize people to make the vaccine, that's their problem. What he wants is just to destroy Huiman.

Seeing the emotional people around him, A Fei glanced at his companions. They began to move tacitly, but the target was not the front, but the left side.

Huiman's wall is very high. Recently, barbed wire has been installed on the wall to prevent demonstrators from climbing. Fei suspected that the electricity above was still high-voltage. If someone desperately wanted to climb into the wall, he might die on the spot.

It's not enough to climb the wall. They need to find a relatively easy access path, and they also need to understand the bad environment around Huiman so that they can find a way out.

Several people moved slowly and moved behind Huiman without causing anyone to suspect.

The people of Huacheng are very great. They basically stopped all their work and came to Huiman to demonstrate. There are many people at the front door, and there are also many people next to them.

If it hadn't been for the fact that it was useless in the back, even if they shouted through their throats, few people would have heard it. I guess they would have surrounded the whole institute.

Finally saw the end of the crowd. A Fei did not walk out of the crowd, but observed carefully at a distance from the edge. Several people stood in front and behind, and the observation was also comprehensive.

There is still a power grid on the wall here, and A Fei feels that it is not just like this. Inside the wall, there must also be Huiman's guard. Even if you have the ability to climb over the wall, after entering, you will definitely be sniped by the people under the wall.

However, A Fei doesn't think that this kind of guard will be very rigorous. It's okay to deal with ordinary people, and it may not work to deal with people like them. And he also doesn't believe that Huiman will have so many people to fill the whole wall.

Xia Fan said that Huiman had sent a team, about 15 people to Lak City, and they were only about 60 in Huacheng. Fifteen people were sent, at least 20 at the gate, and the rest were only 20 or 30 people. Such a big Huiman should not be so strict!

The initial observation begins, and this process may last for a few days. After making full preparations, what kind of action will they take...