Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 300 Second Attack

After the man went back, there was no movement the next day, but A Fei asked everyone to secretly move from the back door and went to a building behind the restaurant to stay temporarily.

Many people didn't understand why he did this, but A Fei just smiled and said something safe, so he didn't explain anything.

Safe? Yesterday's situation can no longer be in the safe category, right? Why didn't you move yesterday and move today?

Although he doesn't understand, Afei always has his reason to do things, and every time he doesn't miss his decision. Afei always thinks that things are considered from the perspective of everyone's safety, so try not to explain, and no one raises any objection.

Anyway, they have no fixed place. As long as there is a tile covering their heads and a place for them to sleep and stutter, they can live.

With Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, A Fei and the three of them are still in the restaurant, and there are more than a dozen people in the attic! A Fei said that he wanted to starve them, but he didn't want to starve them to death. He had to be a little humanitarian. Give them some food!

In the previous night attack, A Fei and others did it silently. Reeves and the others did not know that they only knew that A Fei was making bad and deliberately did not give them food. There was only one meal a day, which was only enough for two people to eat, but they asked more than a dozen people to share the food. I'm so hungry that my eyes are dizzy. How can I have the strength to escape?

Afei kindly explained to them that they didn't have much food, and it was good to be able to divide these to them. However, as soon as he turned around, Afei asked Luo Zi if he wanted to eat steak or something else delicious, and even deliberately asked in A language. Didn't he mean to let Reeves know that they had delicious food, and there were a lot of them, but they just didn't give them food?

They are very angry, but they have nothing they can do with Afei. Their lives are in the hands of others. Can they still protest? Even if it is a protest, only A Fei's bad personality can pay attention to them!

He is so hungry that his hands and feet are weak, but Reeves still distribute food in a very planned way to ensure that everyone can survive and not starve to death.

In fact, they should be grateful. A Fei let everyone move, but he didn't forget them and sent them food on time. Although it was less, it was better than death!

A Fei didn't say anything to them about this. Anyway, in A Fei's opinion, they are not much different from the dead. He doesn't want to kill them, but their superiors may not think so anymore.

The man arrested yesterday said that their purpose was to capture their group alive for the rescue and the virus, but he did not mention Reeves from beginning to end. In Afei's opinion, even if they succeed yesterday and capture their group of people alive and get the rescue and so on, Reeves and the others will not be saved.

Not only will they not be saved, but in order to make themselves unable to argue, they will even kill Reeves and others and then blame them. Although Country A is now in chaos, the government still exists. Since the government exists, they have the ability to make them suffer with murder and other crimes, which will eventually be used for them.

The more able they are, the less the government of Country A will let them go. Those who can save from Huiman must be able to get more things from other Huiman. Such an idea makes the other party stick to their abilities and means.

In the final analysis, what they want is the research results of Huiman, whether it is the antidote to the virus, as long as it is Huiman's thing, is there any powerless?

With the rescue, the zombies of country A can be controlled, which is a miracle all over the world, so that countries will buy rescue from country A at a high cost, so that the first power that has lost most of its land can earn a lot of money.

Country A has always made a fortune by making a fortune from national disasters. In several world wars, Country A was a neutral country, and then sold weapons to both sides of the war and made a large profit. In the end, relying on war wealth, Country A has become the first power now from a small neutral country.

Now, looking at what they look like, they are going to go back to their old business and want to use the rescue to make a lot of money.

Unfortunately, the rescue given to them by Fei will only be enough for Country A to solve the eastern crisis, and it is not enough to destroy the zombies in the west. They are making a choice between saving their own country and making money. Fools also know that they have to choose the former. If the country is gone, is it useless to ask for money?

So, they need more rescue, so Fei and others have become the target, so, no matter what, they must catch Fei and others and let them hand over the rescue.

Of course, salvation is only one aspect, and more importantly, the virus. The people of the Security Bureau believe that since A Fei and others have been rescued, there must be a virus. They don't know anything about Huiman, but they just think that the virus and rescue should be put together!

With the virus, a biological and chemical weapon that is more terrible than nuclear weapons, it is not easy for Country A to continue to be the first in the world in the next few decades or even hundreds of years.

So, A Fei and others are really important. Therefore, no matter what method they use, they must get A Fei and become their people.

You can't say that this idea is naive. You can only say that they think too well. Afei and others are not puppets. You can move anywhere you want. How can such a group of people be at the mercy of others?

And they still have their own things to do, which is also something they must do. How can they give up their freedom and become other people's dolls for the benefit of others?

Now it depends on who compromises first. A Fei is not naive enough to think that if a night attack fails, the other party will be weakened. In the next period of time, they still have all kinds of actions until they are willing to surrender.

Afei felt that it didn't matter to play with them. Anyway, Xia Fan hadn't found Liu Jingqian's whereabouts, and they had time to play with them. When Xia Fan finds someone, he will not be so easy to talk.

Now they are just passively waiting for the other party to do it. Once necessary, Fei will not hesitate to take action to let them see whether the former world-class killer is a soft persimmon or not. Anyone can pinch it once or two.

The incomplete factor mentioned by Fei was confirmed the next afternoon.

Another group of heavily armed people entered the street in the afternoon, trying to suppress A Fei and capture them alive with heavy fire.

The sniper point upstairs also sent people to attack. Fortunately, A Fei changed the sniper point in advance, otherwise the rookies would suffer.

The heavy firepower hit the restaurant beyond its face, but when they entered the restaurant, they found that there was no one. I walked around the whole restaurant, but only found Reeves and the others in the attic.

Reeves's men thought they saw hope and their people came to the rescue, but this was not the case. Neither Reeves nor John is so simple. The expressions of these people don't seem to come to save people at all.

Sure enough, after the leader said sorry to them, he ordered to kill them all. Reeves sneered and was finally betrayed, which became an excuse for planting.

Maybe he had guessed it a long time ago, but he didn't want to admit it. After all, he is still an official. Maybe the people at the headquarters will take this into account and won't go too much.

He still thinks of his superiors as kind, and they can sacrifice everything for their interests!

While Reeves was about to die, a burst of gunfire suddenly sounded, and occasionally there was an explosion. The people who wanted to kill them left the attic one after another and went down to see what was going on.

Is this an escape? The door of the attic was open, but Reeves asked everyone to move. His own people came and were about to kill them. They are also the prisoners of Afei. They didn't say whether they had the strength to go out or not, but they said it. Which side they met, the result was the same, that is, death!

Stay here, and when things are over, they may still have a glimmer of life.

The gunfire downstairs sounded for a long time, but there were only a few explosions. When the gunfire gradually stopped, it finally calmed down. After waiting for a long time, Reeves did not hear the gunfire again, so he climbed to the door of the attic and equipped to see the situation.

Before he climbed to the place, the door of the attic opened. A Fei came in with a smile, kicked Reeves back to his original position, and said coldly:

"Why, do you know that your people are coming and want to escape? Or do you think they are here to save you? Don't be silly. If it weren't for me, you would have died long ago!"

People say that there are two, two, three, and there are three. They have time, so take your time! Let's see who will be afraid in the end, then he is the loser...