Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 301 Surrender

Reeves just wanted to see the situation, but was caught by A Fei at the door. No matter how he looked at it, he wanted to escape, so he didn't expect A Fei to believe him.

He was already so hungry that he had no strength and was kicked again. Although A Fei didn't use much force, his kick, even if he didn't use force, was very powerful.

Revis was kicked aside by Afei, covering the kicked shoulder and didn't dare to say anything.

The shackles of their group have long been untied, but none of them has physical resistance. After what happened just now, they are more like frost and eggplant, listless.

He became a prisoner. He was hungry and didn't give him food. He couldn't go home, let alone see his partner. He didn't feel safe, and he had to act according to his face. Now it's better. Even people don't want them. They treat them as pawns and say they don't want them.

Despair, there is only despair left!

If A Fei doesn't kill them this time, his own people won't let them go. These people also have families and rooms. They are not only high-class old mothers and children to be fed, but they also have wives, children and relatives. In the present situation, I'm afraid they can't say goodbye to their families.

They didn't dare to look at A Fei for fear that he had a gun in his hand and the muzzle was aimed at them.

A Fei looked at them and sneered. Now they should understand why he always looked at them with sympathetic eyes, right? He thought they were dead, but there was nothing wrong with them.

Shake his head. Since they are dead, there is no need for him to kill them again. He still needs to keep bullets to deal with the next group of opponents?

After making sure that they were all OK, he closed the door and said nothing more.

A Fei left, and after the door closed, Reeves and the others were stunned. A Fei didn't let him kill them? What does this... mean? What else does he do with them? Do you want to starve them to death? Well... this is so cruel!

Reeves also had this idea, but he felt that Afei was not that kind of person. He starved himself and waited for others, but he just didn't want them to escape. Although his purpose in retaining them was unknown, there should be no malice.

After getting off the attic, A Fei looked at the devastated restaurant and felt very sorry for the shopkeeper. If he didn't cover it again, it would be impossible to use it again.

The group of people who came today were much more stunned than yesterday. They directly blew up the restaurant with rocket launchers, regardless of whether there was anyone in it. A Fei was not polite. After the rookie on the commanding point informed him, he took Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan to hide. It was not until they finished bombing that they came back.

In order to thank the other party for their attention, A Fei did not keep a low profile and dealt with many people with Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan. With Guan Qilei's * attack on their periphery, A Fei and the three of them soon killed this time.

There is no need to leave anyone to ask this time, so they didn't keep their hands and killed them.

After this time, the restaurant can't be used at all. In addition to the above, the hall on the first floor is completely out of sight.

Fortunately, they moved in advance, and they will not be displaced, but Reeves and others in the attic still need to be taken care of, so A Fei still took Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan to the restaurant. Three meals a day are still cooked here, but they are sent to the building behind, and only the three of them eat here.

A Fei studied the sniper position outside and found more positions to let the rookie and Guan Qilei hide in one place, which will be seen sooner or later. The other party is a crafty person, so it's better to be careful.

This time, the people who came here are much more fierce. They must not want all of them to catch A Fei alive. It is estimated that they can catch as much as they can. Anyway, the virus is the most important thing, and they can have as many people as they want.

A Fei just sneered at this and was naive to a certain extent. Knowing what kind of people you are, will he be fooled so simply? In the future, they will deal with it this way. They will kill as many people as they come. When they can't beat it, they will decisively run away. Country A is so big that they can grab a lot of things directly.

If he didn't want to make unnecessary sacrifices, A Fei would take people deep into the quarantine area and kill a bloody road. When they get to the seaside, don't they get what they want?

Before Afei had dealt with the restaurant, the rookie on the commandment sent another message that someone had come again. It's close to this block, and it's very fast.

A Fei cursed, casually found a chair that seemed to be able to sit, and made it up. Is this a sea of people tactics? He doesn't care, but it's almost time to cook dinner. If someone comes back, their dinner will be postponed today!

It's really troublesome. If I had known it, I would have dealt with their old nest directly, and it would be faster than cleaning it up a little bit.

Last time I heard from the person who was put back, there were only more than 50 people. After calculation, after several attacks, there are only a dozen people left that the other party can call. Those high-ranking officials don't really intend to make them become light pole commanders themselves, right? Since you are not afraid of death, you have almost sent people.

Afei is not afraid to kill him, but he can't do this, can he? Don't let them eat! Is it possible that the other party thinks that this can starve them, and they will surrender because of this?

Forget it, don't think about it, let's prepare to fight! The other party is about to arrive.

Afei informed everyone that the knife came out of the sheath and the gun were remangun, and he was ready to reach out again. He is not afraid of making trouble with these people to the point where he can't clean up. The more he can't clean up, the more beneficial it is to him. With so many people lost, their superiors will not be given good fruit to eat when they ask.

And Afei and others, if they go too far, they will leave. If they go somewhere else, they may be chased and killed by the other party, but as long as they enter the quarantine area for the first time, they can naturally get along like fish in water and make them worry outside.

The rookie on the commanding heights kept the situation informed. At the beginning, the distance was far away, and they did not see it clearly. After those people approached, they saw through the telescope that this time it seemed that the people did not come to die, but surrendered!

This is ridiculous. They are tit-for-tat opponents... In fact, if they are not greedy, want to save something for themselves, and don't want to spend too much, they won't become opponents.

A Fei's conditions are not too much, and he does not require him to be the president of country A and let the current one be his deputy or something, but they just want something. They just don't give up and have to take advantage of it for nothing, and things will not go to this point today.

It was originally an opponent, but after several battles, someone came to join? It's not that Afei is suspicious, but what era is it now? How many people will believe such a thing?

However, Afei still did not order the attack, but put those people at the door of the restaurant... If there is no door panel, the surrounding walls will collapse in half, and it can still be called a door.

Those people raised their hands and held their weapons in their hands. They looked very sincere, as if they really came to surrender. However, A Fei is not that stupid. He believes them when he sees them like this.

Let Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan hide well. A Fei walked out of the restaurant alone and looked around at these people. He smiled coldly.

The leader is the person Afei released that day. The purpose of his arrival seems to be really to surrender. However, A Fei still doesn't believe it. In this case, if they pretend to vote, he believes it's true and leaves them behind. In case they actually have a conspiracy to harm them, it will be overturned in the sewer!

Those people handed over all their weapons at the first time to show their sincerity, and the person Afei released told them all about the location of their headquarters.

"Sir, we just want to live. The superiors will not care about our lives. After several attacks, we have almost died. In order to save our lives, we can only tell you that we are no longer theirs!"

What the man said earnestly almost denounced the unkindness of their superiors with tears.

However, Afei's expression is still very indifferent. If they don't let you live, will he be soft?

Things have taken a sharp turn, and there seems to be a different change. The surrender? Will they be true? And will he believe their words...