Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 303 Final Plan

The person who died was Green Gree, the highest officer of the Ministry of National Security of A and the headquarters in Washington.

In the past few days, A Fei and others have been unable to attack for a long time, and he is also a little scared. How many of his subordinates died, either without any message or sinking into the sea. As the highest officer, he watched the fewer and fewer people under his subordinates and soon become a bare pole commander. How could he sit still?

Today's move was thought of at the last minute. After sending the first batch of people out, he felt that it was wrong. He felt that sending people to attack Afei and others was no different from letting them die. So another method appeared in his mind.

Pretend to surrender. After A Fei accepts them and let them enter the station, he will find an opportunity to drug them all and fascinate them all. At that time, not to mention this group of people, won't they capture everything in their hands?

Feeling that his plan was foolproof, Green even went out himself, just in case.

However, he went to battle in person and did not prevent this. A Fei and Ben did not believe their nonsense. After listening to his words, he threatened to kill them.

It can be said that Green still treats Fei too flat, underestimates an opponent you don't know, and most of the time, he sends his life to death. Fortunately, you can't die, which can only be said that your opponent is really flat.

Afei is the kind of master, especially for those who think highly of themselves and feel that the world is invincible and the smart earth can't tolerate it. He likes to trample such a person under his feet so that he can see the facts clearly and his poor wisdom, which is not as good as a fish.

Green's death was ultimately his own. If he hadn't been greedy and wanted to get the rescue and other things from A Fei without paying any price, he would not have paid more. He lost the lives of his men, not to mention his own.

Calculations, it seems to be a loss! But there is nothing he can do to compensate. Mr. Green has gone to another world, and A Fei will not compensate him or anything.

Burn some paper money for him at most... Wait, country A doesn't seem to believe this? Well, the paper money will be saved.

Green died, and the rest of the people were stupid. There were no superiors. They didn't know whether to leave or stay! But let's go! It's a death if you don't leave, and it's more important to keep your life. Anyway, haven't you already run one? They are not the first to eat crabs, but they just recognize the situation.

The man standing at the end quietly retreated two steps, watching A Fei not point his gun at him, turned around and ran away. If there is one, there will be a second one, followed by the third and the fourth...

Afei didn't shoot after that and even put away the gun, but none of these people dared to stay. This is simply a killer. They saw it clearly. When A Fei shot, he still smiled and even happier.

Especially when he saw the blood pouring out, A Fei's smile was simply a devil from hell, with a little excited look, and the people trembled from the bottom of their hearts.

The first reaction is to run. If he doesn't run, he will jump up the next second and dig out all your internal organs.

Everyone ran away, and A Fei clapped the non-existent dust on his hands. Oh, he had to prepare dinner. And he still has something to do before dinner.

called Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, asked them to prepare some cans, went to the kitchen with him, poured the cans into the pot and simply heated them up, and then asked Gu Hengxuan to put the pot directly and went straight to the attic.

Luo Zi thought that Afei was kind-hearted and felt that it was too inhumane to starve Reeves, so she wanted to give them a full meal. However, Gu Hengxuan has other ideas.

In ancient China, there was a custom of giving a full meal before the condemned prisoner was killed. Gu Hengxuan felt that Afei had a little meaning. I guess he didn't want to keep Reeves, so he gave him a full meal and didn't let them be starving ghosts.

Luo Ziyi and Bai Gu Hengxuan took a look. Has this guy read too many novels? What is this and what? The two followed A Fei to the attic, and they were still flirting in the middle. Hearing this, A Fei wanted to bring the pot of hot canned soup and buckled it to Gu Hengxuan's head.

The door of the attic is unlocked. A Fei is not assured that they will not run away, but that they do not believe that the door is unlocked.

After the three went in, they put down the canned soup. A Fei stuffed the spoon in his hand into Reeves's hand, then leaned against the door frame and nodded to Reeves, indicating that they could start.

A group of people who were so hungry that they had no strength climbed to Reeves' side. After getting the spoons, they couldn't wait to grab food.

Reeves and John didn't move and wanted to wait until they finished eating. These men are suffering from them. As long as they can barely survive, the two of them can give their share to them.

But these dozen people will not go too much. They will leave some for Reeves and John every time, so that they will not starve to death in advance.

"I didn't expect you two to be a little bosses. What a pity! Your superiors are just a little worse." Afei was a complete mockery, but Reeves and John couldn't refute his words. In fact, their superiors just climbed up.

In the final analysis, so are the two of them. Who is not? However, the previous incident made them see more things clearly. People who climb up on other people's bodies will sooner or later become corpses under other people's feet. This is what Fei taught them.

They just want to live now, and their lives are in the hands of A Fei. It's all about what he did. No matter how hard it is, it will only extend the time of suffering. If you think about it, the perspective of looking at things will be different. If it had been in the past, they would never give others a chance to live.

"Oi, eat it quickly! After eating, I can't afford to support you!" A Fei said with a smile, as if he was saying that the weather was good, and the clouds were light.

People who were busy eating didn't have time to pay attention to him, while Reeves and John on one side widened their eyes in surprise and looked at A Fei as if they were looking at monsters, as if he was saying that tomorrow was the end of the world and the zombies had arrived downstairs.

"What...what did you say?" John asked a silly rhetorical question and asked Fei to repeat it again.

A Fei rolled his eyes. Why, is happiness coming too fast? Can't believe it back to him?

"I said, we don't have enough food. We can't afford to support you. Let's go after eating! Where should I go?" After saying that, A Fei turned around and walked out of the attic door and walked down. Their own dinner hasn't been prepared yet!

"Wait? You...don't you kill us?" John was stupid again and asked such a question.

A Fei sneered, turned around, pulled out his gun, and said with a smile:

"If you strongly request it, I can satisfy you! You don't want to let you live, okay! If you want to die, just say something, and I won't be stingy with a bullet!" A Fei looked fierce, as if as long as John nodded, he would shoot immediately.

Reeves was shocked and quickly stood in front of John and said:

"Sir, that's not what he meant. We just don't understand. Do you really want to let us go? All of them?"

suddenly laughed again. A Fei took back his gun and tilted his head and said:

"Yes! I said, I can't afford it. Let's go! Don't waste my food anymore. After saying that, A Fei took Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan away.

Reeves thought for a moment and suddenly shouted at the door:

"Sir, what you want will be delivered to you as long as we go back, for three days at most. Please wait. I promise that it will never exceed three days."

It's more exciting for them to go back alive than anything else. Not to mention a boat and some food, even if A Fei asked him to take them to Jincheng and blow up their headquarters, he would be willing to do it.

did not go far, but A Fei, who was hiding in a corner that could not be seen in an attic, smiled and raised his eyebrows at Luo Zi one by one, meaning to ask, how about this? Is this trick?

"So, you're thinking about it. I really thought it was the last dinner?" Gu Hengxuan listened to Luo Ziyi paraphrase Reeves' words and looked at A Fei with a smile.

After making trouble for so long, I got what I wanted! I can't believe it!

Things have finally improved, just three days. However, they still haven't found that goal. Even if they get something, they don't know where to go...