Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 302 Is it true or false

A Fei looked at their tearful statement, what kind of high pressure they survived, how mean they received, their salaries were low, their benefits were not good, and they couldn't even take a vacation...

In a word, after their statement, the Ministry of National Security of A became a hell and a ghost hole that cannibalism.

Luo Zi, who was hidden on one side, smiled secretly. She admired her brother's ability more and more. She could listen to them for such a long time without any impatient expression. Well, she admitted that if she had been there, she would have shot the speaker.

Afei has been laughing without any emotional fluctuations, but he seems to have made a judgment in his heart. When they finish speaking and make a concluding speech, he will send them away.

He doesn't want to kill them at all, but if they finish talking nonsense and still shamelessly, he is ready to kill one or two to prove that he is not an idiot and that no one can lie to him.

These people must have not studied the ancient art of war in China, or they have studied it, but they have not studied it. What kind of bitter meat trick, what kind of counter-game, what kind of serial plan... and so on, although A Fei doesn't know the art of war, these things are also used in life.

These people in front of us are obviously making a bitter plan! Looking at the bitterness on their faces, it's simply a bitter meat trick.

However, if people can't see the strategy, it's called a trick. If people can see it, it's called an idiot. If they think they will believe it, they will think they are idiots.

People in the world are always like this. They feel that they are unique and smart people and think that others are fools.

Afei is the person who treats himself as a fool. He has never felt that he is a smart person, nor does he feel that the world allows people to be deceived by him. This can be cheated for a while, but it can't be cheated for a lifetime. If you have the ability, you can tell a lie and lie to him all your life, but he doesn't know.

The people in front of him obviously don't understand this truth. Moreover, their lies can't be used for a while. When they appear, they don't need to speak, and A Fei knows their conspiracy.

If they are really dissatisfied with their boss, they can leave. Why do they have to come to Afei? Although most of Country A is now occupied by zombies, this situation is being alleviated. Soon, the eastern quarantine area will shrink, and the emergence of rescue will make zombies no longer a terrible nightmare.

The quarantine area in the west of Country A has always been very good. Recently, it seems that it has begun to clean up the zombies inside. The situation in the east and west is getting better, and these cities in the middle have gradually returned to calm.

If these people are really so suppressed that they don't want to do it anymore, they can go to these cities. Now Country A is so chaotic. After changing their faces and changing their names, there is absolutely no problem if they want to live a normal life. There is no need to surrender to themselves.

Today's attack has just ended, and they appeared like this, obviously planned, as if they had been sent out again to continue to attack them. But A Fei saw that their weapons were all pistols, not even a heavy weapon. The front batch has even used rocket launchers. Will they be so poor that they only have pistols?

A Fei secretly yawned and found that the person in front of him had not finished speaking. He didn't seem to be acting. Maybe he finally had the opportunity to complain. He simply took this opportunity to say all his depression at once.

If you type a wrong word in a file, you will be reworked and type it all over again... Please, that's stupid. Why don't you just redo which page is wrong? You have to type it yourself. Who can you blame?

What chat was caught and punished for sweeping the bathroom for a week... Are you lazy and caught by the boss? It's light for you to sweep the toilet. If it's him, he must ask you to sweep the women's toilet.

What kind of tasks, many things, no vacation... What do you do? Ministry of National Security! If you have a holiday, who is responsible for safety?

The more I listened, the more I felt that what he said was more nonsense than nonsense. When the man was about to complain about the grievances of the past few years, A Fei's patience reached the limit.

The muzzle was aimed at the man's head. A Fei looked at him coldly and tilted his head. He whispered:

"Tighty, or shut up completely!" He had had enough. If it hadn't been for his good heart, he would have been shot.

The man was stunned and quickly picked up his nonsense. He looked at A Fei with a sad face and prayed:

"Sir, take us in! I know you want to leave Country A. Take us with us! Stay, we have only one way to die!" Relying on A Fei letting him go last time, this man thought that A Fei was very pleasing to him, so he didn't kill him and let him go.

But he didn't know that Afei just picked someone casually. If he didn't stand at the back, he would have died long ago.

"Come with me? I can tell you that if you don't leave within three minutes, you will die miserably!" A Fei's muzzle pointed at the man's head and put his finger on the trigger, which could kill the man with one shot at any time.

The story is not smooth. I don't think there is a good draft before coming here. Do these people have a childhood? Haven't you read the fairy tale book? Why can't even tell the story well?

When the man heard this, he was stunned again and subconsciously looked at the person beside him. His movements were very small, but Afei's eyes were so shrewd that he immediately caught his eyes and looked at the man without a trace.

The man who was looked at kept his head down and focused his eyes on the tip of his shoes. Everyone else looked at A Fei, but he didn't look up. In addition, the speaker subconsciously looked at him, and A Fei knew that this man was weird. Is it possible that this person is their superior? It seems so. You really know how to take the lead! Unexpectedly, he put on his own clothes and appeared on the stage.

"Three minutes, the timing begins! If you don't disappear in three minutes, I will help you disappear. Fei raised his hand to look at his watch and began to calculate the time.

He is not joking. He has had enough of monkey play. He is also very tired. He has to prepare dinner for everyone later. He doesn't want to waste time with them.

After he finished speaking, more than a dozen people opposite you looked at me, and I looked at you, but they didn't move. They didn't seem to believe that A Fei would do it. There was only one person, sweating coldly, swallowing desperately, and his legs were still shaking, and he looked like he would turn around and run at any time.

is the one who was let go by A Fei and has just been complaining. He was the only one who went back to their attack, and no one survived the next attack. At first, he didn't believe in A Fei's means, but A Fei's eyes told him that it was better not to doubt that he would suffer losses.

"There are still two minutes left." A Fei accurately reported the time. When Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan heard him, they had drawn their guns and pointed them at the people outside.

The muzzle of the rookies has always been aimed at them. As long as A Fei shoots, they will also shoot. Therefore, if they still don't leave in two minutes, they will become a group of dead people the next second.

"One minute!" A Fei looked at the watch and counted down the last 60 seconds of their lives.

At this time, the complainer suddenly turned around and ran away, running and shouting:

"I'm sorry! He will really kill people. You can play for yourself!" Before long, the man turned into a corner and disappeared.

The rest of the people looked at each other in con's face, and Ah Fei suspected that he was their superior, and his face was even more angry.

well, a lot of people have been killed today. There is not much more, just him! A Fei thought, turned his gun to the superior and said with a smile:

"It's time!"

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the man was stunned and instinctively pulled a man in front of him. No matter who A Fei is, as long as they shoot, they will run away. He just wants to be quiet.

With a gunshot, the shield was shot in the head and his head was pierced, and the people behind him thought he could help him block the bullet. However, A Fei was very close to them. Such a short distance made the bullet pierce the head of the shield. The bullet penetrated his skull and still hit his superior's head.

Before he could be lucky, he fell down with the person in front of him with a proud smile on the corners of his mouth. Unfortunately, this is his most ridiculous smile.

A scene that seems to be true or false ended like this, and their purpose has never been achieved. However, some people's plans seem to have just begun from this time...