Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 306 Uninhabited Island

The sea at night is a little scary. The sea around it is dark. It looks like a warship. It is like a leaf in the sea, small and lonely.

The sea keeps patting the hull, rippled with a mysterious and melodious melody, which purifies the darkness of people's hearts and seems to wash the soul.

Luo Zi lay on the port of the ship and looked at the moon rising in the sea, and her mind calmed down a little. Since she learned that her mother was lost, she has not been in a good mood and speaks much less, not as lively as before.

Everyone felt her change, but there was nothing they could do. Even Luo Mingjun and Feiduo have no choice, and others have no idea.

Recently, Gu Hengxuan is very obedient and considerate, always quietly guarding Luo Ziyi's side. When she was quiet, Gu Hengxuan did not say anything, and both of them were silent and let time slowly take away the pain. When she wants someone to chat, as soon as she turns her head, he smiles beside her, so that she doesn't feel lonely at any time.

A Fei didn't say much about their affairs, but occasionally made small damage and made Gu Hengxuan make a fool of himself. However, Luo Zi smiled the happiest and most carefree at such a time. Gu Hengxuan, who was originally very resentful, also felt cost-effective when he found Luo Ziyi's smile, so he was relieved and was looking forward to A Fei's prank!

They have been walking at sea for five or six days. The good news is that Gu Hengxuan finally doesn't get seasick. The bad news is that Xia Fan still hasn't found Liu Jingqian.

Everyone knows that he has worked very hard, but if he can't find it, he can't find it. No one can do anything. It's up to fate.

The mysterious Liu Jingqian's whereabouts are still unknown, and people can't help but wonder whether he is dead, or whether he fled to outer space to go to experiment with aliens?

All kinds of speculations, all kinds of strange things, but if you can't find people, you can't find people, and their ultimate goal can't be completed.

With a sigh, Luo Zi got up from the side of the boat. As soon as she turned her head, she saw Gu Hengxuan still lying on it and looking at herself with a smile. I dragged my boyfriend back to the room. Although the sea breeze is refreshing, it will also get sick after blowing for a long time.

Recently, it is not Gu Hengxuan who is as silent as Luo Ziyi, but at the beginning. I don't know why, since she escaped from Huiman again and forced Liu Jingqian away, her mood has not been very high, saying that she is not feeling well.

Luo Mingjun has examined her several times, but it should be because there is no equipment, many tests cannot be done, and he has not seen what's wrong with her. However, he was a little worried. When he returned to Huiman this time, he began to experiment with Liu Jingqian's new virus. Luo Mingjun has never seen the virus. It was created by Liu Jingqian himself. No one knows what kind of effect it has.

Luo Mingjun suspected that Chu's recent discomfort may come from the new virus, but because he didn't know anything about it, he didn't dare to judge at will. He just let Chu pay attention to it. If there is any bad feeling, he must say it, and Luo Mingjun will try his best to solve it.

It is said that it is a solution, but it is not that simple. Now Luo Mingjun has nothing at hand, equipment, samples and materials, but he was directly rescued. Without even cleaning up his own things, he was taken out of Huiman. After that, A Fei and the others went back, Huacheng Huiman had been destroyed by zombies, and many valuable things were gone, so Luo Mingjun could only do his best.

At first, she seemed very indifferent. She just didn't want to cause trouble to Fei and others. If once the new virus she mutates and makes her a monster that can't control herself, she will know what to do, which is the best choice for everyone.

She also believes that once there is a day, A Fei will also know what to do. If she can no longer control it at that time, she believes that A Fei will help her.

It's not like that if you have been floating on the sea like this. Captain Hans said that it's better to berth on a small island near country A, which is a secret base of country A and is specially used for supplies. The island is a certain distance away from country A. It should not have been attacked by the virus. On the route to China, they can stop and wait for a period of time before leaving.

After half a month, it will be the monsoon period, and the wind and waves on the sea will be very strong, and there may be bad weather such as storms and typhoons. Not only can it not move forward, but it will also be very dangerous.

Afei didn't want to stay, but after hearing Hans say so, he still agreed with the captain's opinion. After all, Hans is an expert at sea, and they all think it's better to listen to him.

Hans appreciates this group of young people. Their response to different opinions is very special. They are not blindly followed or absolutely opposed. Although the final decision is generally made by A Fei alone, the people saved are all. As long as he makes a decision, he will support it and no one will deliberately stab him.

And Afei is very cautious about Hans's opinions. Whether he accepts or not, he will discuss with Hans to achieve the most reasonable judgment and will not cause trouble to everyone.

The island is not far from their current location, and it will be about a day. After the decision, they immediately modified the route early the next morning and headed for the island.

The island Hans said is really small, only as big as two football fields. There are buildings on the island, but there is no one. When Ah Fei and the others arrived, they were strange for a while.

After the captain came down, he also didn't understand why it was guarded here before, but it became an empty island at this time.

I checked the supply warehouse and found that food and water were all there, but there was no one. Hans asked A Fei to find their own place to rest and stay on the island for a few days. They had time to figure out what was going on.

Hans found the communication equipment and found that it was intact and not broken. I tried to contact the military, but I couldn't get in touch with them.

Hans has been to this small island several times. Although it is not frequent, it is still available once a year or two. Every time he comes, he will get off the boat and go to the island to have a look, but this time it is the strangest.

Back on the ship, Hans contacted the military with the communication equipment on the ship and reported the situation on the island. The superior was also a little strange. He did not order the people on the island to return home. Where will they go?

Afei also felt that the island was strange, and an intuition told him that something must have happened on this island. If it is a virus infection, then the infected person should become zombies, wandering around, instead of hiding, right?

Obviously, there was no one on the island. Hans also looked for it, and several of the original defenders disappeared. When he came back from the boat, he said that he had not let the people here evacuate.

That is to say, they either left their jobs without permission or were killed.

The base on such a small island is very hidden, and people who are not the military should not know about it. Why are people missing?

A Fei turned around the building of the base, and a bad feeling hit his heart. He had a vague hunch that the people here should be dead!

Although it was just a hunch, the killer's intuition told him that it should be like this. I asked Hans if there was any underground or something here. Hans took A Fei to the basement, but as soon as he reached the door, a strong smell of decay floated out, making the two frown at the same time.

Brambling into the basement door, Hans turned on the light, and everything in front of him made him stunned on the spot.

There are only six people in this base. At this time, many of them are in the basement, but they can no longer move. The rotten smell is so strong that it has been permeating in the basement, which is disgusting.

When the light shone down, Hans barely distinguished the pile of rotten meat, one by one. These people have been dead for some time, and their meat has begun to rot and give birth to many maggots. The body water flowed out, forming a small shadow around it.

Hans's stomach began to stir. He couldn't stand it anymore. He turned around and rushed out of the basement, but A Fei did not leave. He walked to the edge of the body to check the situation.

In terms of decay, it should be about half a month! The climate at sea is relatively humid and warm, and the corpses will rot faster, shortening the time by a few days, about half a month...

Isn't that the time for them to go to Huiman to save people?

People killed for no reason, an empty island. Who killed them, and why did they kill them...