Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 307 New Clues

A Fei's intuition linked the time of death of these people with the time of their actions. He couldn't explain the reason clearly, but he felt it was related.

Hans said that the base is very secret. Only people inside the military know that there is a supply base here, not even a lighthouse. Ordinary people will not approach such a desert island, because no one knows what is on it, and Hans said that the island is not marked on the map.

There is no lighthouse, and there is no mark on the map. Generally, people who go to sea will not approach here, because the regular route is far away from here, and the island cannot be seen visually.

So, there are nothing more than two kinds of people who can go to the island, one is people who know here, and the other is people who don't know here and accidentally bump into them.

Both of these two people have the possibility of killing, but A Fei thinks that the latter is much more likely, but the former cannot rule out the suspicion. It's just that if it's the former, the reason is worth pondering, and the latter is easy to explain.

I mistakenly went to the island and met the defenders. The defenders were expelled, and the visitors did not leave. At first, the two sides disagreed. At first, they then used force and fought fiercely. Then the comers were relatively strong, killing the defenders and throwing the bodies into the basement.

As for why not abandoning the sea of corpses, this is because the building of the base is a little far from the sea, and it is convenient and fast to hide the corpses on the ground. If someone comes here to replenish, and find that there is only no one, and there is food and water, there will be no doubt. After the replenishment, they will leave, and the discovery will be later.

If A Fei hadn't been too**, they wouldn't have found the dead here.

In the rotten basement, he squatted in front of the body for a long time, but A Fei didn't feel it at all. He always stared at the body and couldn't take his eyes off it.

His intuition has always been very strong, and this time he has a feeling that the dead here has something to do with that person.

He got up and went back to the top. Luo Ziyi didn't ask about the situation, but asked them all to be on top and not to go to the basement. Fei found his backpack, took out the gloves from it, and then walked back.

Luo Ziyi and the others just saw Hans spit out, and there was a disgusting smell from the basement, and they all felt that something was wrong. And Fei warned that they were very obedient and did not approach the basement, but walked around the base.

A Fei returned to the basement with gloves, separated several bodies, lined them up, and inspected them one by one.

Some of these people were killed by bullets, hit fatal positions such as the head and heart, some were opened by a dagger, and some were cut off their neck.

Six people, three different ways to die, whether with a gun, opening a throat or breaking a neck, the technique is fast, fierce, accurate, clean and neat, fatal, and never let the opponent alive. This kind of skills is not like ordinary people.

Regular soldiers, killers, mercenaries! Fei only thought of these three possibilities. And he prefers the latter two people.

First of all, soldiers generally do not kill people casually. They have principles. Before the critical moment, they usually control the enemy rather than kill the enemy.

A Fei thinks it is most likely to be killers and mercenaries. But killers are rarely a group. Like him, they have always been alone and generally do not have anything to do with their peers.

Because of the competition, the hatred between peers is the fruit. If it's a person, it's impossible to kill people in many ways, right? If you have the ability, you can solve it all at once. There is no audience here. Why do you have to play so many tricks?

The mercenaries are different. Mercenaries are generally fighting in a team, and there are usually several people on the mission. If there are three or more mercenaries on the island, there may be different phenomena when they act at the same time.

Thinking of this, A Fei narrowed his eyes, mercenary...

There should be many good mercenaries around that person, so the deaths of these people are more related to him.

Thinking of this, A Fei lowered his head and carefully examined the body on the ground, and suddenly found that the hand of a corpse was tightly clenched, as if there was something.

Go to the edge of the body and break the clenched hand hard. The rotten meat flowed with sticky body water, which looked disgusting. But A Fei still doesn't feel the same, doing his own thing with a blank face.

Finally, the hand of the body was broken open, and a small metal badge was embedded in the man's rotten meat. A Fei pinched the badge, wiped it clean, and raised it in front of him to look carefully.

Sure enough, it's him...

A Fei put the badge in his pocket and continued to check for any clues about the body, but in the end there was no gain. A Fei got up, took off his gloves and threw them on the ground.

He has been here, and Hans said that this is in the direction of China, so is he...

Although it was a little far-fetched to think so, A Fei's intuition told him that this was right and should be like this.

closed the door of the basement, and A Fei walked back to it. Luo Ziyi and the others have not come back yet. A Fei found Hans and said that it would be better to burn the body below, otherwise it would not be possible to rot like this. Hans agreed and reported to the above that the soldiers here had been killed and asked them to send new defenders.

It will take a few days for the replacement to come, and there is no problem for A Fei to stay temporarily, so the upper level of the military did not talk much.

Xia Fan didn't like to move. The signal of this island was not good. He found a better place outside the building and sat down and didn't move. After A Fei found him, he asked him to find Liu Jingqian on the way to Huaxia.

Xia Fan, who was buried in front of the computer, slowly turned his head and looked at A Fei for unknown reasons. Didn't he feel that he wanted to go to China? Liu Jingqian would have the same idea, right?

A Fei knew what he was thinking, so he took out the badge in his pocket and let Xia Fan have a look.

"This...this is Huiman's badge, but it's a little special? Where did you get it?" Xia Fan looked at the badge and felt that there was something more than the ordinary Huiman badge, but he couldn't see it for a while.

"Yes, the badge is not worn by ordinary Huiman researchers, but by Liu Jingqian. Everyone here was killed, and a corpse held this thing in his hand. What do you think this means?

A Fei smiled and played with a small badge in his hand, but his eyes were quite sharp.

Xia Fan immediately understood what A Fei meant, but even so, he didn't think it was very likely to find Liu Jingqian.

"I have checked the Huiman Research Institute all over the world, and I have also checked all the Huiman Research Institute near China. T country has always been closed, and the virus infection is not very serious. After the outbreak of the virus, T country has expelled Huiman, the only safe country in the world, but even if the infection is not serious, it has spread to half of the countries. They can't take in Liu Jingqian.

Xia Fan's hand tapped on the keyboard, and the pictures on the screen jumped one by one, which were all pictures of T country. After a pause, he continued:

"Although the remaining countries are more serious than T countries, they also carried out a series of actions against Huiman after Huiman's scandal broke out. Even if there is no expulsion, Huiman Research Institute is still in the local area. Even if Liu Jingqian goes to these places, he can't stay for a long time.

A Fei thought about it, and yes, Xia Fan has been tracking the whereabouts of Liu Jingqian recently. Basically, the world's Huiman is under his control.

After thinking for a moment, A Fei's eyes suddenly lit up and hurriedly asked Xia Fan:

"Have you checked the Huiman Research Institute in China?"

Xia Fan was stunned and asked:

Is it necessary for China? The whole Huaxia is a zombie. He won't... eh? Not really! If he thinks the other way around, it is most likely that he will go to China!"

After thinking of this, Xia Fan buried himself in front of the computer again and crackled. A Fei has been standing beside him, silently waiting for Xia Fan to give an answer.

Will the person they are looking for be in the most dangerous place? Isn't there a saying that the most dangerous place is the safest? If you think so, it's really possible...