Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 308 Find the target

Xia Fan followed the direction of what A Fei said and reinvestigated Huiman around China. Although he didn't pay attention to this direction at first, he often looked at it and still had no clue.

A Fei said that the time of death was about the same as the time they saved people in Huiman. That is to say, if Liu Jingqian really came to this island and the people here were killed by his men, then he arrived here soon after escaping from Huacheng Huiman.

It has been nearly half a month. If he wants to go somewhere, it is estimated. Unless Liu Jingqian is suspicious and returns to Country A after turning around, he will definitely leave traces in other Huiman.

Besides, he took a helicopter when he ran. How far can he run without fuel?

It is estimated that if it was really Liu Jingqian, he accidentally bumped into the island and found that this was a secret supply station of Country A. Then he had a bad heart and came up with the idea of resupply.

So when the defenders on the island found them, they had just mistakenly on the island and ignored them. When Liu Jingqian's men approached, they were on alert. But it was too late. Liu Jingqian's personal guard was naturally the best, so when the two sides fought, the defenders were defeated and were all killed. Liu Jingqian and others took supplies away...

If things develop according to this plot, they may go to many places, not necessarily the countries around China. However, thinking that their means of transportation is helicopters, no matter how many places Liu Jingqian wants to go, he should also consider the situation of the plane, right?

Xia Fan asked A Fei what type of helicopter Liu Jingqian was riding at that time, and it turned out that Huiman privately purchased a military transport helicopter that could carry a considerable amount of supplies.

But after Afei went to the island and found that there was no one, the first thing to do was to check whether the supplies on the island had been stolen. Hans said that he didn't know how much supplies would be stored here, but a box of things were still neatly placed and there was no trace of robbery, so Liu Jingqian and others took away the supplies, and the quantity would not be very large.

As for fuel, because there are no containers, I believe they can't take too much.

There is not much supply and fuel, radiating from this island to the surrounding area, the nearest place is country A, followed by country T, and then China.

Country A is unlikely, but all the various logos on Liu Jingqian's body are printed on the helicopter! Even ordinary people will not let them land when they see it.

The situation of T country is even more special. If Liu Jingqian and others go there, they are likely to be shot down directly. The danger is greater than landing directly at sea, so T country is also excluded.

Well, A Fei's feeling is right. No matter from what direction he analyzes, Liu Jingqian is the most likely to return to China. Xia Fan thought and searched to the extent possible. Even T country did not let it go completely and checked it by the way.

I was busy for a long time, but the result was still the same. I didn't find Liu Jingqian's clues, and I didn't even have relevant information. He seemed to have evaporated from the world. After escaping from Huacheng Huiman, his whereabouts became a mystery. If A Fei hadn't come to this island by boat, it would have been that Liu Jingqian's whereabouts would not have been in this guess.

Xia Fan frowned at his baby computer. Why? Obviously, the clue is so obvious that Liu Jingqian can only step in place?

Did the old boy get into the sea, or was he buried in which cemetery? That's why I can't find him...

Hmm? Ground...underground...

Huiman's favorite thing to do is to build a basement. It should be that the virus experiment cannot be seen, so all laboratories related to the virus are built underground.

At the beginning, I also gave him a hint that Huiman had several very secret laboratories. I remember that at that time, I first talked about the role of these five secret laboratories, just in case!

For Liu Jingqian, the current situation is just in case, right? Therefore, these five places are the most likely.

However, only one of these five places coincides with the clue of Huaxia, which is the Beiyu Laboratory, which is built under the nursing home.

At the beginning, Xia Fan did not check the situation of the Northern Language Laboratory at all because Huaxia had been completely occupied by zombies. But now it seems that Liu Jingqian may return to China, coupled with the particularity of a Northern language laboratory, so it is very possible to say that Liu Jingqian is there now.

When he figured this out, Xia Fan scolded himself for his carelessness. It took him so long to think of such obvious clues.

began to work in front of the computer. Xia Fan seemed to have entered a fixed state. He had no feeling about the things around him, and his eyes only had the data that kept jumping on the screen.

A Fei looked at him like this and didn't disturb him. Presumably, Xia Fan thought of something and needed time to prove it. A Fei had to sit next to Xia Fan and quietly wait for Xia Fan's result to come out.

There is still playing with the small badge in his hand. Liu Jingqian's badge is not the same as that of ordinary Huiman people. There are differences from the materials made to the shape and size.

A Fei, who had been in Huiman for a period of time, only met once or twice, but when he knew that the person named Liu Jingqian was the head of Huiman, and his suffering came from him, A Fei would never forget this badge again.

The time in Huiman is not long. Compared with the beginning, the time A Fei spent is very short. However, even if you stay for only one day and see so many terrible experiments, I guess people who are not crazy will be afraid or hate Huiman, right?

Time flies. In a blink of an eye, Huiman is no longer the scenery of the past. It turned out to be a street mouse, and people are beaten awkwardly. However, A Fei believes that even if he sees Liu Jingqian now, he is still that virtuous.

An arrogant and mysterious look, as if he could use his so-called research at any time to bring back all the disadvantages with a confident smile, looking at others proudly, as if everyone else is a mouse except himself.

But it is true that he is not married and has children. If he has a wife and children, A Fei has no doubt at all. As long as he thinks it is suitable, even his own son can be pulled to do experiments.

Turned his head and took a look at Xia Fan. He seemed to be still looking for some information. Once Xia Fan enters the state, it is estimated that it will not come out for a while. A Fei got up and saw Hans carrying the dead soldiers out of the base building.

Luo Ziyi and others all came back at this time and looked at such a rotten body. Although they all frowned, they did not dodge or show any disgust.

The bodies were carried to the seaside, poured gasoline, and their bodies were cremated.

Looking at his sister, he came over with his friends and stared at the flames rising in the distance for a long time. No one said anything.

Afei walked to his father and handed over the badge in his hand. Luo Mingjun's badge was stunned at the moment. For a long time, he looked up at A Fei and nodded. Like father and son, he remembered this badge and would never forget it.

Put away the badge and A Fei pressed his pocket. Where else can you escape this time? Unless you really go to hell, even if you have been buried, you will be dug out and whipped, otherwise people all over the world will feel unhappy! A Fei thought with a sneer.

Xia Fan has been in a fixed afternoon. Except for A Fei, everyone was surprised that he inexplicably entered the state. However, no one bothered him.

It was not until after dinner that everyone was full and ready to rest that Xia Fan jumped up and held his baby computer around. The signal in other places was not good. Xia Fan turned around for a long time and was almost fell down before shouting A Fei and saying that he had found it.

After hearing this, A Fei put down what was at hand and ran out quickly. Luo Ziyi and the others also heard Xia Fan's shouting, wondering whether he had found Jinshan or Yinhai, and they were so happy.

"What did you find?" Luo Ziyi couldn't help asking curiously.

"Hehe! Of course... Liu, Jing, Qian!" Xia Fan didn't sell the key and announced the answer directly. After hearing that name, a group of people's expression changed!

So, this guy hasn't evaporated? That's good. He needs to pray from now on, praying that the miracle will come and really make him evaporate. Otherwise, the consequences of meeting Afei should not be too good?