Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 21 Sudden Invitation

The Yunxiang Internet Cafe in Huaxin Community is another scene at this time.

"This is Ma Chao, this is Wang Jun, and they are all the backbone of our team." The fire machine first pointed to the young man sitting on the left side of the sofa, and then pointed to the one on the right, and introduced him to Ren Jingcheng.

"This is the little brother I mentioned to you, Ren Jingcheng, who has a good understanding and has a bright future." The fire machine turned its head and looked at Ren Jingcheng and said.

"Hello, hello..."

It's all young people who don't have so many rules for each other, and they already know each other after a few good voices.

"Ha ha, brother, you don't know how many times Brother Fan has mentioned you to us these days. He hasn't praised a person so much for a long time. I looked down on him very much when he met his brother. If it hadn't been for my achievements, I'm afraid I don't know where to lie down now." Ma Chao is a rough-handed man with a loud voice and a rough voice, mixed with a strong northeast accent, which is rare in the south.

"Liao Zan, I'm not as good as the predecessor of the fire engine said." Ren Jingcheng couldn't hear other people's praise and waved his hand in a hurry and said.

"Don't call me senior. I'm not that old. You'd better call me Brother Fan like them!" The fire machine interrupted with a smile when he heard Ren Jingcheng's exhalation.

Ren Jingcheng looked at the face of the fire machine that looked smaller than himself. The word "Brother Fan" wandered in his throat for a long time and couldn't scream.

"Brother, Brother Fan has a baby face. In fact, he is older than us. He just celebrated his 25th birthday a few days ago." Wang Jun is the person with the heaviest local accent in City C that Ren Jingcheng has ever heard. He speaks softly and in a low voice, as if he is afraid that a louder voice will scare others.

"Brother Fan!" Ren Jingcheng shouted awkwardly at the fire machine, looked at the face of the fire machine, and then thought of Xiaoya, and then remembered the same young and amazing Alan and A Ming. He couldn't help but feel funny in his heart. He felt that he has always met such a monster-like figure these days. Is it big? Do people in the play really have a childlike innocence and are less likely to grow old than others?

The fire machine did not know that Ren Jingcheng was slandering himself in his heart. He promised with a smile and began to pull up his family. Ma Chao and Wang Jun also interrupted from time to time, stirred up the atmosphere very warmly.

Ren Jingcheng is young and simple. How can he be the opponent of fire engines? Under the joint attack of the three fire engines, he has already said everything he doesn't want to say like a bean.

The fire machine always smiled and carefully observed Ren Jingcheng's every move. In fact, he said less than the other two people, but his ears were straight, secretly remembering all the things Ren Jingcheng said in his heart.

"Little brother, there is a computer here. Why don't you take out your data card and let us see your character?"

Seeing that it was almost done, Ren Jingcheng had completely regarded them as his own. Wang Jun secretly gave Ma Chao a look, and Ma Chao suddenly said.

Ren Jingcheng didn't think much about it, so he took out the information card. Wang Jun hurriedly got up and walked to the computer, opened the data memory, took the data card from Ren Jingcheng and inserted it into the slot.

"Lightweight speed model?" Wang Jun was stunned when he scanned the information and said in surprise.

"Oh!" Hearing Wang Jun's voice, the fire machine and Ma Chao were also surprised and came to the side of the computer.

"Little brother, why do you want to play such a similar role?" Wang Jun first stepped back from the computer and asked.

Ren Jingcheng scratched his head and explained that the fire machine left a deep impression on him, so he subconsciously took the role of the fire machine as a model when creating the character.

"God's will!" Hearing this, the fire machine walked to Ren Jingcheng's side, stood straight and looked straight at Ren Jingcheng with a pair of eyes. His eyes were full of complexness, with unwillingness, regret, sadness, capriciousness, grievance, and even a little hatred.

"Jingcheng, do you want to join our rapid team?" The fire machine took a deep breath, calmed down the mood, and looked at Ren Jingcheng and said slowly word by word.

Ren Jingcheng was stunned when he heard that the fire machine suddenly used such a close name as "Jingcheng". When he heard that the fire machine invited him to join the rapid team, he stood there stunned and stunned. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer, and there was a little ridiculous feeling in his heart.

The rapid team is not a playful team like Ye Xiaoqian. They are officially registered teams and are qualified to participate in professional competitions, although they are most often mixed with amateur circles.

Ren Jingcheng once checked the information of the rapid team on the Internet and knew that the rapid team is not only the first team in Donghua District, C City, but also can be called in the whole city and the whole province. Even in the country, their names are often heard in amateur circles.

At the most glorious time of the rapid team, the total number of people recorded by the team reached more than 500, the whole C city. Although the team finally adopted austerity policy and reduced most of the marginal personnel due to funding problems, there were still more than 100 loyalists in the team, which is still the largest battle in the city. Team.

Ren Jingcheng is very strange. How could such a large-scale and famous team find him as a rookie who can't even be regarded as shrimp.

"Brother Fan..." Wang Jun obviously didn't expect the opportunity to suddenly invite Ren Jingcheng to join the team and quickly reminded him.

As a result, before he could say what he said, he was pulled by Ma Chao next to him and shook his head to signal that he didn't say much.

"This... Brother Fan, thank you for your kindness. My classmate recently formed a team. I just joined it. As for your kindness, I'm afraid I can only refuse." Ren Jingcheng hesitated for a moment and refused.

"Really, then... that's not easy to force." The fire machine did not seem surprised to hear Ren Jingcheng's refusal. He still said with a smile, but there was another touch of disappointment in his eyes.

"Brother Fan, why do you want me to join your team?" Ren Jingcheng thought about it for a while and still said his doubts.

"Nothing, your character is a lightweight speed type, which is very consistent with the technical style of our team, so I want you to join our team as a backup player. After all, now the power-type and balanced characters are mainstream, and there are fewer and fewer speed-type players, and it is not easy to meet one." The lighter explained with a smile.

"I know that you feel that you are just a novice and are not qualified to join our rapid team, but I want to tell you, don't be arrogant. You have to believe that your future is unlimited. I am very confident in my vision. If you don't join us, it will only be our loss. , it won't be you who climb high. The fire machine reached out and patted Ren Jingcheng on the shoulder and said meaningfully.

Ren Jingcheng intuitively felt that the words on the lighter were half true and half false, and there must be some secrets that he didn't know, but it would be a little aggressive to ask questions again. Ren Jingcheng is stubborn and often has to figure out what he doesn't understand, but he still understands the basic worldly wisdom, and then nodded and accepted the explanation of the fire machine.

"Well... It's getting late. My house is quite far from here. If I don't leave, I won't have time to have dinner. Brother Fan, if nothing happens, I'll leave first." It would be a little embarrassing to stay at this time. Ren Jingcheng hurriedly found an excuse to say goodbye.

took a look at the clock on the wall and pointed to three thirty. Ren Jingcheng's excuse can't be said to be bad, but at this time, it is too serious to be eye-catching. The fire machine will not make such a mistake to arouse the disgust of others.

"Ok, Jingcheng, if you have something to do, just go first. Come and play when you have time. I will work in this Internet cafe for a short time. I'm not afraid that you can't find me." The fire engine said.

"Okay, goodbye, Brother Fan, two brothers, goodbye!" Ren Jingcheng waved his hand politely, greeted him and opened the door and walked out.

Ren Jingcheng walked to the door of the Internet cafe, and suddenly there was a running sound behind him.

"Little brother, wait, your information card." Wang Jun's voice sounded behind Ren Jingcheng and shouted quite quickly.

Ren Jingcheng was shocked and remembered that he was in a hurry to leave. Unexpectedly, his information card was forgotten there, and his footsteps stopped.

"Give it, take it." Wang Jun, who caught up, returned the information card to Ren Jingcheng. He originally wanted to turn around and leave, but he thought about it and said again, "Little brother, you have also joined the team now. I have something to tell you to guard against others. People like us don't know when they will become competitors. The information of the characters is the biggest capital in our hands, and it is also the foundation for settling down in this circle, so don't show the content of the information card to others, otherwise it will be thoroughly studied by your opponents, and you will be unlucky in the future.

"Oh!" After listening to Wang Jun's words, Ren Jingcheng didn't know how to react for a moment. He just subconsciously nodded, agreed, and took a few steps forward before turning around again. He looked at Wang Jun and said sincerely, "Thank you!"

Wang Jun, who returned to the room, was watching the fire machine standing by the window, looking out of the window and not knowing what he was thinking. Ma Chao also sat on the sofa silently smoking, with a sad face.

Seeing this scene, Wang Jun didn't say anything. He just walked to the coffee table and bent into the cigarette box and pulled out a cigarette. He silently lit it, took a deep sip, and slowly spit it out.

"Brother Fan, why did you suddenly invite that boy to join the team just now?" Ma Chao finally couldn't stand it and said first, "We have clearly discussed it. Today, we are just testing him, and then discuss whether he is the right candidate. Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

The fire machine turned its head by the window and took a deep look at Ma Chao without saying a word.

"We all know that you don't have much time. You can't bear to see the rapid team break up like this, but there are still me, Xiaochao, and a group of brothers loyal to you. You don't have to make arrangements so soon!" Wang Jun took a puff of smoke and opened his mouth.

"I waited for three years to wait for a novice who also chose a lightweight speed role. Now I don't make arrangements and teach him everything I know. How long do you want me to wait?" The fire engine looked out of the window and said quietly.

"I don't have time to wait any longer!"