Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 22 Forgot the team name

Ren Jingcheng was worried and difficult to concentrate when he was invited by the inexplicable team of the fire machine; Ye Xiaoqian's invitation to Sun Jianyang to join the team was rejected and taken advantage of. The two were in a bad mood for the next few days and didn't see each other for a whole week.

Desp this, the two are still busy.

Ren Jingcheng went to the official game hall on time every day to rent a game room for training. When he went home, he had to read game materials and took time to preview college courses, which made him physically and mentally exhausted. He was exhausted for several layers of skin. When he got home, he didn't want to do anything. He fell asleep and made his mother cry out when he saw his eyes. Baby."

What Ye Xiaoqian is facing is more severe. The pressure of the college entrance examination, the much-needed fourth member of the team, and Lu Xinxin's training attitude of fishing in the past three days, all made Ye Xiaoqian feel hard and breathless, especially the fourth member of the team, who saw that time passed bit by bit by bit, but never Any signs of resolution.

A week passed under such circumstances, and it was the weekend again. Today is the deadline for registration for the WarGame Competition in Donghua District, C City. Early in the morning, Ye Xiaoqian made an appointment with Ren Jingcheng and Lu Xinxin to sign up together. She had to face the reality that the team was likely to participate in the game without substitutes.

Although the competition requires four players, this is not a formal game. Many teams are temporarily put together, focusing on participation, and a considerable number of them are made up, so the prescribed things are gently let go with one eye closed, like him. It's not a problem for the three of us to sign up like this, but one less person in the game is equivalent to a chance to be resurrected as a substitute.

The place to sign up is the district government of Donghua District, C City. Ye Xiaoqian arrived first. Ren Jingcheng also arrived within five minutes. As for Lu Xinxin, she arrived more than an hour late. This time, the excuse was that she had a stomachache. She went to the toilet several times before going out, so she was late.

Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian are too lazy to pay attention to him, and they are even more disdainful of his excuses.

There are not many people who have signed up. After all, this competition has been promoted for more than three months, and it's time to sign up for the morning newspaper. Now it's just temporary people like them. After filling in the forms, Ren Jingcheng and Lu Xinxin found that there were only three of them.

"Cyan, where's the fourth person you mentioned?" Lu Xinxin was afraid that she couldn't count well and came many times. She found that no matter how she counted, there were three people, and finally couldn't help asking.

"He... has something to do and can't come, so only three of us can participate in the game." Ye Xiaoqian hesitated for a moment and said.

"Xiaoqian, to be honest, does he think our team is not good?" Ye Xiaoqian's embarrassed appearance did not escape Ren Jingcheng's eyes and said seriously.

Ye Xiaoqian bit her lip and shook her head gently without saying anything.

"Oh, don't come if you don't come. Why do you ask so many questions? With Uncle Lu here, one person can choose a team of people. You just wait to win the championship, ah ha ha!" Lu Xinxin waved her hand carelessly and laughed loudly.

This style attracted the surrounding groups of people to look at the three people, pointing to each other, and secretly laughing at someone's ability.

Ren Jingcheng suddenly felt abrupt after saying those words. Ye Xiaoqian was already uncomfortable when she couldn't find the fourth person. Why did she add fuel to the fire?

I was about to apologize to Ye Xiaoqian, but a voice intervened at this time.

"Ha ha, what a big toad!" The speaker's voice was cold with a little indifference and alienation. Although his words were smiling and sarcastic, others only felt his indifference.

No matter how stupid Lu Xinxin was, he knew that the other party was laughing at him. His tone was too big. His eyes condensed and he turned his head in the direction of the voice with a fierce face. He wanted to see who was so ignorant of current affairs. As a result, he didn't know him.

"Ah, sexual harassment man!" On the contrary, Ye Xiaoqian was shocked when she saw the man, covered her mouth with one hand, pointed to the other party, and screamed.

The comer is none other than Sun Jianyang, who refused Ye Xiaoqian's invitation last time.

"Low-chest girl, who are you called!" Sun Jianyang heard that Ye Xiaoqian's original cold face was a little colder, and the iconic peach blossom eyes were even cold, as if to freeze everyone around him into ice.

"Damn, which one are you? Your eyes are so lame. Why is it called Qianqian's low-cut girl? Her breasts are not low, and her size is just right!" Lu Xinxin raised her head high, looked down contemptuously at Sun Jianyang, who was a few centimeters shorter than him, deliberately sprayed her nose on Sun Jianyang's face, and argued loudly.

"Lu Xinxin, you bastard, you will die if you don't talk!" Ye Xiaoqian kicked Lu Xinxin and shouted in a low voice.

Turning around, he found that the crowd around him was saling at her chest, and even several people made a sound. Ye Xiaoqian's pink cheeks suddenly turned red with shame, and she couldn't help shrinking all over and flashed behind Ren Jingcheng next to her and hid herself.

After waiting for a while, she seemed to be unwilling. Ye Xiaoqian bit her lower lip and secretly looked at her chest. At this time, she was entangled and couldn't help thinking about whether she was big or small. Suddenly, a soft smile came to her ears. Ye Xiaoqian was shocked and suddenly looked up. She happened to see Ren Jingcheng's mouth raised and her eyebrows looked at herself with a smile.

"I... I... seem to be stained with... something dirty..." Ye Xiaoqian's face turned red and explained in a panic, but the more she spoke, the lower her voice became, and she couldn't even hear the last two words clearly.

"Don't worry, they are perfect!" Ren Jingcheng glanced at Ye Xiaoqian's chest, smiled and said.

Ye Xiaoqian was even more ashamed to hear the words. She raised her fist and lowered her fist on Ren Jingcheng twice and cursed: "Bad guy!"

The two flirted here. Lu Xinxin and Sun Jianyang were like a pair of cockfights, staring at each other fiercely and couldn't wait to send a laser in their eyes to turn each other into ashes.

"Hey, Sun Jianyang, what are you doing here?" Ye Xiaoqian waited for a long time. Seeing that the two were still endlessly looking at each other, she couldn't help saying.

"What did you say you came here for?" Sun Jianyang looked back at Ye Xiaoqian and continued, "Didn't you invite me to join your team? Didn't I come to sign up?"

"Register? Are you kidding? Didn't you refuse to join us?" Ye Xiaoqian looked at Sun Jianyang in surprise and said with an unbelief.

"I just said I would consider it, but I didn't say I would not join. It's just that you are self-righteous. Sun Jianyang put his arms in his hands and said with a smile at the corners of his mouth.

"Then why don't you let me know?" Ye Xiaoqian complained. This bastard sexually harassed man so that he couldn't eat these days and couldn't sleep. He was busy looking for new team members all day long. It's really immoral.

"You left so fast that day that you didn't leave any contact information. How can I inform you?" Sun Jianyang showed an innocent expression and said, "I just wanted to come here to try my luck to see if I could meet you, but I didn't expect good luck. You really came to sign up today."

Ye Xiaoqian wanted to say something more, but Ren Jingcheng suddenly took a step forward, stood in front of Ye Xiaoqian, and handed a few forms to Sun Jianyang.

"Welcome to join us, fill in a form first, and then we will sign up together." Ren Jingcheng said.

Sun Jianyang took the form and looked up and down, nodded, and went to the table next to him to fill it out.

"Surname Ren, which side are you from?" Lu Xinxin frowned and looked at Ren Jingcheng and said dissatisfiedly.

"Anyway, it is true that we have fewer people now, and no matter what his purpose is, at least it's on our side now. As long as it can help us win the game, there is no problem to accept him for the time being." Ren Jingcheng turned his head to look at Sun Jianyang and said in a low voice.

"I don't..." Lu Xinxin was about to say something, but before she could say something, she was slapped by Ye Xiaoqian.

"I agree with Jingcheng. The minority obeys the majority, you can't have any objection!" Ye Xiaoqian stared at Lu Xinxin and said.


"What are you? You don't train seriously. I'm looking for excuses to be lazy every day. I haven't settled with you yet. What qualifications do you have to express your opinions!" Ye Xiaoqian didn't wait for Lu Xinxin to speak again. She pointed to his forehead and pinched her waist and said.

Lu Xinxin was robbed and blushed, but she didn't dare to get angry with Ye Xiaoqian. She hummed heavily, went to the chair next to her and patted it, hugged her arms, gasped for breath, and sulked.

"What's the name of the team?" At this time, Sun Jianyang suddenly came over and asked.

"Yes, I seem to have forgotten something!" Ye Xiaoqian patted her forehead and said in shock, "I forgot to name the team..."

As soon as he said this, even Lu Xinxin, who had been sitting next to him, was a black line. The eyes that looked at Ye Xiaoqian immediately changed. I didn't expect that people who usually look very reliable would have such unreliable times. It's really awesome!

"Hey, there is a line on this form to fill in the name of the team. How did you fill it in?" Sun Jianyang asked.

People like him who are usually extremely calm can't calm down at this time. They regret that they have made such a decision. These people are so unreliable. Did they really choose the wrong one to join them?

"I didn't fill it in!" Ren Jingcheng answered honestly.

"Me too..." The tone was full of apology. This is Ye Xiaoqian.

"Me too!" The tone is full of care. This is Lu Xinxin.

"Why don't you name it quickly!" Sun Jianyang's forehead blue veins burst and roared loudly.

"Don't worry, don't worry. I've already thought about it before. The team is called '1, 2 3 4 Team'." Ye Xiaoqian confidently said the name of the team under the expectant eyes of several people.

"No--" Ren Jingcheng, Lu Xinxin and Sun Jianyang looked at each other and shook their heads neatly.

"Then what's your name!" Ye Xiaoqian looked at each other, snorted and said angrily.

As soon as this came out, it also made the three people silent and make a good name. This is a difficult problem!