Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 88 The Mountain Martial Arts Museum in the Mountain

"Weishan Martial Arts Museum"

When Ren Jingcheng and his party saw the red and black wooden plaque engraved with these four big characters, they knew that after three hours, they finally arrived at the place.

But the exhausted people did not find that Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian were opening their mouths with shock and staring at the wooden plaque on the door with a dull look, and they did not dare to move away for a moment.

"What's going on?" Ren Jingcheng leaned against Ye Xiaoqian's side, kept his voice to the lowest, and asked.

"I don't know!" Ye Xiaoqian also shook her head and said with an inexplicable face.

Ren Jingcheng turned his head and looked at the four big characters of "Weishan Martial Arts Museum", and the kind of time-traveling rush came again...

"Hey, what are you doing? Go in!" Seeing that Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian had been standing still without any intention of moving, Sun Jianyang, who walked at the end, shouted loudly.

This sound woke up Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian in a state of loss. Knowing that it was not the time to consider these questions, the two hurried over and followed the army into the gate of the Weishan Martial Arts Museum.

The interior of the Weishan Martial Arts Museum is no different from the one in the middle urban area. It is a wide martial arts practice ground, the houses surrounded by all-wood buildings on three sides, the winding paths and corridors between the two houses, and the flowery garden behind the house. If it hadn't been for the deep traces of time on every house and the quiet and silent surroundings With the disturbing atmosphere, Ren Jingcheng can't distinguish this place from the Weishan Martial Arts Museum in Midtown.

Everyone walked around the whole martial arts hall and fully felt the quiet beauty of the mountains and rivers after the empty mountain and new rain. They gathered in the hall facing the gate under the call of Xiao Ou.

The Weishan Martial Arts Museum is a standard ancient architectural form. The whole hall is a large open room. Two houses are separated by arched hollow carved wooden walls on both sides. There is nothing in the house. Obviously, no one uses it anymore. There is a incense case on the opposite door of the hall, which is also empty. There is no melon and fruit offerings, only a thick layer of floating earth. The color of the wall above the incense case is very different from that of the surrounding walls, and it can be seen that there used to be a huge picture scroll.

At this moment, footsteps came from the door of the hall. Everyone turned around and saw a man in his thirties walking in a practice suit with a bright smile.

Ren Jingcheng and Ye Xiaoqian looked at each other in surprise again, because the man's appearance was eight points similar to Shen Yan, and the two obviously had a deep blood relationship.

Xiao Ou greeted and walked to the man and shook hands with him in a friendly manner. It can be seen from the warm atmosphere between them that the two are very familiar, but there is always a trace of strange estrangement in this familiarity.

"Are they classmates?" Wang Jun suddenly whispered.

"How do you know?" Su Yuqing looked at Wang Jun in surprise and asked.

"The two of them are obviously very familiar with each other, but it can be seen from their movements and eyes that they want to separate a seat belt in front of them, so I don't think they are friends, but the kind of classmates they haven't seen for a long time." Wang Jun lowered his voice and explained.

Everyone has a sense of understanding why the strange feeling between Xiao Ou and the man came from.

"This is Shen Mo, the next generation of Weishan Martial Arts Museum and my classmate." At this moment, Xiao Ou and the man came side by side and introduced.

After listening to Xiao Ou's introduction, everyone turned their heads and looked at Wang Jun, showing admiration and worship.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Ou asked when he saw their strange appearance.

"Nothing..." Everyone replied with one voice.

"Hum, everyone, I'm Shen Mo."

Shen Mo's personality looks very similar to Shen Yan, cheerful and generous.

Everyone also hurriedly introduced themselves one by one until Ren Jingcheng. As soon as he reported his name, he saw Shen Mo stunned for a moment, walked around Ren Jingcheng, and looked at him carefully.

"Have you ever learned martial arts from someone from our Shen family?" Shen Mo's eyes glanced down Ren Jingcheng's body like an X-ray and asked.

"Yes, I have learned from Shen Yan and Brother Shen for almost half a month." Ren Jingcheng nodded and replied.

This answer surprised a group of people beside him except Ye Xiaoqian. They didn't expect that Ren Jingcheng was so thin that he was still a practitioner.

"Oc well, you went to learn martial arts without telling your buddies!" Lu Xinxin patted Ren Jingcheng on the shoulder and said with a little excitement on her face.

"Xhen Mo, how do you see that Xiaojing has learned martial arts from your Shen family?" Xiao Ou couldn't help asking curiously.

"Ha ha, no matter how long a person who has studied martial arts has practiced, he will more or less leave some traces, and a person who has been a soldier will unconsciously reveal some nuances to show that he has been a soldier, and the same is true of martial arts practice. And our Shen family's routine will leave this trace deeper and longer, so I can see it as soon as this little brother's body moves. However, he obviously just learned an empty shelf and didn't have any foundation. Shen Mo smiled brightly and replied.

"Oh, why did you learn an empty shelf after learning for a long time? That's useless, useless..." Lu Xinxin waved her hand and said in a pity.

"In this society, there are people who don't really like practicing martial arts. There are no people who will seriously lay a foundation. Basically, it's just learning how to behave. It seems that he has worked hard at home. At least it can be seen that he has practiced his skills." Shen Mo didn't care whether he was empty or not, but spoke for Ren Jingcheng.

Everyone was a little excited when they heard this and asked Ren Jingcheng.

"Well, quiet, we're not here to discuss the issue of learning martial arts!" Xiao Ou patted his hand and said after attracting everyone's attention.

"Then what are we doing here?" Sun Jianyang asked first.

"We are going to stay here for three days. In these three days, three key points need to be trained, physical strength, speed and details. Xiao Ou said.

"You also know that WarGame is different from traditional games. All its tactical skills need to be combined with the player's own physical fitness. It is more like ordinary sports. The two teams need physical confrontation. In order to stand on the side of the winner, the strengthening of their physical quality is It's indispensable." Xiao Ou said to himself without waiting for everyone to ask questions, "Shen Mo is the assistant coach I invited. He will supervise your training courses. In addition, he is also your fighting skills coach. He will give you a lot of knowledge about close combat, and he will also tell you how to use your weapons more effectively."

"Everyone should learn carefully. I also came here in those years. All professional players have received this kind of guidance. Shen Mo has also been invited by professional clubs more than once to be responsible for the guidance of professional players. His experience is very rich."

"Okay, what's the problem?" Xiao Ou finally said.

Do you want to stay for three days? I haven't told my family yet..." Ye Xiaoqian raised her hand and said.

"Then let me know now." Xiao Ou replied.

How to notify? We are in the mountains!" Ye Xiaoqian said anxiously.

"Isn't there a mobile phone? We are just in the mountains and not in the Arctic, and the phone is still working!" Xiao Ou looked at Ye Xiaoqian strangely, and the waterfall sweated down.

Shen Mo also felt very depressed. He looked around and muttered to himself: Is it really so backward and primitive here?

Ye Xiaoqian's cheeks suddenly turned red, and she was also confused for a moment. What era is it? Where is there no mobile phone signal? It's really ridiculous to ask this kind of question by herself.

"Let's take a break and eat something. We're about to start training."

While everyone made fun of Ye Xiaoqian, Xiao Ou's voice came.

When Xiao Ou came, several travel bags were full of food, which was absolutely enough to be used for three days. In addition, the Weishan Martial Arts Museum originally had food, and this meal was extremely rich.

"Sister Yuqing, your craftsmanship is really good." Ye Xiaoqian touched her little round belly and sincerely praised it.

"Yes, yes, it's really delicious. The coach is really discerning and knows that if we only Qianqian herself can't eat anything in the next three days." Lu Xinxin nodded fiercely with consent and echoed.

"Lu Xinxin, are you looking for a fight again..." As a girl who can't cook, it is the pain in Ye Xiaoqian's heart. Lu Xinxin said so bluntly, how can she not be angry?

"By the way, Brother Shen Mo, why are there two Weishan martial arts halls?"

Ye Xiaoqian and Lu Xinxin fought loudly, and Ren Jingcheng also threw out the problems in his heart.

"Xilang Mountain was called Weishan in the past, and Xilang Mountain was renamed after liberation. Originally, there was a large stockade on the mountain, with the largest number of 5,000 or 6,000 people. After the ancestors of our Shen family came to this place to escape the war, they built this Weishan martial arts museum to teach the surrounding stockade people martial arts to resist the enemy.

"Later, there was the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Liberation War and so on. For several years, most of the people in the stockade were either willing or forced to join the army. There were fewer and fewer people here, and the stockades were gradually abandoned. After liberation, my grandfather moved the whole martial arts hall into City C and rebuilt one according to the original appearance of the martial arts hall. Shen Mo smiled and explained.

After hearing this explanation, everyone was quite surprised. They didn't expect that there would be such a monument in the mountains and forests outside City C.

"However, the annual maintenance cost here is very high, and it is still difficult to have the subsidy from the municipal government in the city. This one here has not been renovated for two or three years, and I don't know if my son will have a chance to come here when he grows up." Shen Mo suddenly turned around, shook his head and sighed.

"Ah! That's not a pity..." Su Yuqing learns dance and has a very deep affection for artistic things. The Weishan Martial Arts Museum has been preserved since ancient times and can already be said to be a huge architectural art. When she heard that such a work of art is about to disappear, Su Yuqing naturally feels sorry.

"Yes, it's a pity..."

Shen Mo said a low-pitched sentence and went on silent.