Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 89 Training Plan?

Xiao Ou sat alone in the pavilion in the back garden of the Weishan Martial Arts Museum and looked at the training plan in front of him and fell into meditation. It is also a difficult problem for him to build a mature team in a limited three weeks. Although he was doing all the training plans of the early legendary team alone, at that time, both the training method and the battle mode were in a stage of exploration. Unlike now, all methods have been After many reforms, it has become extremely mature.

The Red Scorpion team is just a second-rate professional team. Ma Kang is not a famous professional player, but Xiao Ou has no intention of underestimate him. He is not afraid of his strength, but about the professional training method he brings. The members of the Tianhe team can grow into a kind of training after these almost demanding training. No one can say anything.

After the mountain climbing activity just now, he already has a general concept of the people of the passers-by A team.

Needless to say, he has also been a professional player for a period of time. Although he has not officially participated in any competition as a professional player, his short-term contact with the professional circle has also made the fire machine understand how to train to maintain his state and gradually improve himself. This can be seen from mountain climbing. Good physical fitness, sufficient physical strength, consistent speed for a long time, and full flexibility are all the characteristics that a professional player must have.

Lu Xinxin, who climbed to the top of the mountain with the fire machine, suddenly looked good, but Xiao Ou knew that this boy only relied on a strong and natural physical quality. This was one of his advantages, but in the process of climbing the mountain, Lu Xinxin also showed instability, curiosity and excessive risky spirit. It will be a very unstable factor in the team game, and coupled with his straight brain, Xiao Ou has to worry about whether Lu Xinxin is suitable to be the forward of the team.

Ma Chao and Wang Jun have similar problems. They have learned more or less from the fire engine over the years, but the habits of wild roads have penetrated into their bones. They are more familiar with the street style of 3VS3, and the official team game of 6VS6 is a little difficult for them, which is also Why has the rapid team been the first team in the Donghua District amateur team in the past four years, but it has never been able to achieve better results in the National Brilliant Cup?

Ren Jingcheng's situation is relatively special. Strictly speaking, he can only be regarded as a newcomer, which is not satisfactory in any aspect. However, Ren Jingchengsheng has a very clear and calm mind. Logical consciousness often makes him not consider other subjective factors. When he is broken, he often plays out some people. The unexpected wonderful attack helped the team win, especially in times of crisis, which can burst out unimaginable energy, which is naturally clear to Xiao Ou, his master. More importantly, Ren Jingcheng is silent and not rigid, proud and not conceited. He has an inexplicable power, which is a valuable quality for a team captain.

As for Ye Xiaoqian, it's a little complicated. This little girl Xiao Ou really doesn't know much about it. Although he has repeatedly watched the video of the Donghua District Competition several times, Ye Xiaoqian's performance still makes him very confused. First, it is because the little girl's appearance time is too short, and second, because she has a body that is completely inconsistent with her strength. Quality. It is not surprising that Xiao Ou appears on a boy, but it is confusing to appear on a girl. Thinking of this, Xiao Ou circled Ye Xiaoqian's name, and he had to observe again. He always felt that Ye Xiaoqian, the little girl, was hiding something...

Sun Jianyang is the one that worries Xiao Ou the most. He is very talented. This talent is also one of the few in the 13 years of WarGame professionalization. In terms of talent alone, Ren Jingcheng is not as good as Sun Jianyang. Maybe the talent is too high, so that Sun Jianyang only knows how to squander this talent, which is a little weak for the improvement of his own quality and technology. This can be fully reflected from his battle video. His most consideration is to defeat his opponents under his own safety. He is not decisive enough to take action and likes to hesitate and plot. This is not good news for a highly confrontational game like WarGame.

Overall, the advantages and disadvantages of the whole team of the passers-by team are equally obvious. If they play well, they can defeat their opponents several times stronger, but if they are caught, they will suffer a devastating blow. The speed of defeat can be more than anyone can imagine.

However, Xiao Ou is not worried about this problem, which is common for amateur teams. The reason why amateur teams are amateur teams is mostly for this. There is a lack of systematic training method and the adjustment of details given by professionals. It relies more on the excellent state of individuals to drive a team, amateur The team battle of the team sometimes looks more like 1VS1 than 6VS6 for no reason.

A team should have tacit cooperation, appropriate attack and defense. A unified pace is not a simple matter. This is a problem that requires long-term cooperation and training to solve. There are more or less these problems in professional teams. Xiao Ou does not expect an amateur team to achieve any qualitative breakthrough. He What can be done now is to weaken this personal consciousness and strengthen the cooperation and interaction between team members.

"How's the plan?"

Thinking deeply, Xiao Ou was shocked by the sound and suddenly turned his head to find that it was Shen Mo. At this time, he was holding a sandalwood tray with two cups of tea on the tray. Through the glass, he could clearly see the green tea swirling in the water, floating and falling, as if breathing the fresh air around him.

"It's almost like this." Xiao Ou picked up the plan from the stone table in the pavilion and handed it to Shen Mo.

Shen Mo quickly put the tray in his hand on the table, took the plan and read it in detail.

"Are you too harsh on them..." Shen Mo read the plan and hesitated to say.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Ou asked strangely.

"This plan is a little too much for professional players. They are just amateur teams. If they want to deal with it, they are also amateur teams. There is no need to be so strict." Shen Mo shook the plan and replied.

Xiao Ou was stunned by the words and thought about it carefully. He felt that what Shen Mo said was reasonable. He seemed to really want to train them to professional players.

"Tay me what you think." Xiao Ou said.

"The amateur team is always inseparable from the wonderful performance of individuals. In professional teams, players may need to give up their personal characteristics and skills to meet the team's tactical needs, but in amateur games, I feel that we should highlight this difference and use their characteristics to build a team. Shen Mo smiled and said.

Xiao Ou clasped his hands together, and his two index fingers kept tapping each other. He seriously considered Shen Mo's opinion. Because he was too distracted, he didn't even notice when Shen Mo left.

I don't know how long it took. Xiao Ou finally figured it out. He decided to accept Shen Mo's suggestion. Shen Mo was right. There is an essential difference between amateur teams and professional teams.

All the tactics of the professional team are formulated around a small number of ace players in the club. The other players mostly serve one or two club stars in the team. On the one hand, it is to make the team a whole, and on the other hand, it is also for the development of the professional club. After all, a professional club needs fan support and advertisers' gold coins to survive, both of which are inseparable from the star players in the club.

People often need a worship complex in life. Players are also human. They also need a hero to become their idols. Maybe it's a comic character, maybe it's an animated character, maybe it's maybe it's a film and television star, but these can't match the power of a professional player after becoming a star, because they are real There is more to have a connection with players, which is WarGame.

This connection makes the player willing to worship them, collect items they have used, buy peripheral products with their photos, watch their games, and be more convinced of the products they endorse. And these worships have also created a lot of profits for the club.

Star players are the basis for the survival of professional teams. Professional clubs are not enough to make money by relying on the ticket income of each competition. What they need is enterprise capital injection and advertising with peripheral products*. These are the ways for professional clubs to make money. As long as there is a star player in the team, there is no need for more, only If there is one, the rolling money will come like water and can't stop it.

Compared with these, the survival mode of amateur teams is more dependent on individuals and enterprises that support the professionalization of the game. They either raise funds or inject funds to enable these amateur teams to survive. They are unrequited. The only motivation for this is that they like WarGame from the bottom of their hearts and want it to have A good development model.

Based on the above reasons, amateur teams do not need to highlight the importance of a person. In amateur teams, everyone is the core and everyone is a star. They do not need to cooperate with the team's tactics or pursue the needs of the team. The only thing they need to do is to shine their own light and show the most authentic Self, show all the characteristics and technologies of individuals one by one in front of the audience who support them, presenting a wonderful, optimistic and memorable battle.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ou couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. Years of career have made him forget the impulse and enthusiasm, and forget the reason for playing games at the beginning, not for money, not for fame, but for the words that often hangs for the fire machine: playing games is to be handsome...

Well, let's play handsome in the challenge in C City!