Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 95 The game continues--

At 1 p.m. on August 5, the fifth round of the C City Challenge individual competition began. Ren Jingcheng was arranged to play first in the 18th group. His opponent came from a soy sauce team of the third echelon. He is not strong and belongs to the lucky player, but his good luck ends here.

Three minutes later, Ren Jingcheng has successfully advanced to the sixth round of the knockout stage.

And others in other divisions are not so lucky:

First of all, Ye Xiaoqian, whose opponent is from the Storm Hand team in the first echelon. The number of the Storm Hand team is not large and its reputation is not obvious, but its strength is indeed one of the best in C city, and it is obviously taking the low-key elite route.

Ye Xiaoqian's opponent is the deputy captain of the Hand of Storm team. The strength of the person who can sit in this position will never be bad. Facts also proves that Ye Xiaoqian fought with him for seven minutes and finally won by 1% more OP value than the opponent.

Then came Sun Jianyang, who was placed in the sixth game of the fifth round, and his opponent was a scattered man without any team. Generally speaking, such opponents are not very strong, but this one is different. The opponents of this brother in the first four rounds are all from the famous amateur team, among which there are members of the Tianhe team, and these people have been defeated by him and eliminated.

Sun Jianyang also knew that this person's strength was very strong and did not dare to underestimate him. He played very carefully throughout the battle, did not make any small mistakes, and would never leave any opportunities for his opponent. Although Sun Jianyang finally won this round, luck accounts for most of it. If he relies on his own strength, he is still a little worse than the other party.

As for Lu Xinxin, he was completely defeated. His opponent is the chariot from the Imperial Team. The opponent who failed to meet in the final of the last Donghua District Competition finally showed his minions, and Lu Xinxin became the first victim of the passer-by A team.

Lu Xinxin has been suppressed by the chariot in this battle, and there is no chance to fight back. What's more, Lu Xinxin's irritable temper was revealed in this battle, and she suffered psychologically. In the second half, she was extremely unbearable. If she hadn't seized an opportunity to fight back in the endgame, she would have been afraid she would The chariot won a zero injury victory.

Xiao Ou, who learned the news of Lu Xinxin's defeat after the game, was also quite helpless. Lu Xinxin's psychological instability is a big problem, but this is related to his nature, and Xiao Ou has no way to change this.

When it comes to the fire engine, there is nothing to say. No one knows what kind of strength this guy hides. Although his opponent is also powerful and is also a well-known team belonging to the first echelon, it is still not enough for the fire engine. It only takes one minute and 37 seconds to eliminate the opponent out.

Ma Chao and Wang Jun's two people were lucky. Ma Chao's opponents in the fifth round did not appear at all for some reason. Seven minutes later, they were directly judged by the system to win without a fight. Wang Jun was extremely unlucky. His opponent was one of the few people left by the rapid team. Although the rapid team did not participate in the name of the team this time, someone still signed up for the individual competition in his own name.

Wang Jun is very familiar with this person and knows him very well, and the other party knows him very well, so in this game, the two fought with fists to meat, sparks splashed everywhere, and wonderful. In the end, Wang Jun relied on the advantage of equipment to win this game.

After the fifth round, in addition to Lu Xinxin's defeat, other members of the passers-by A team successfully advanced to the sixth round of the individual competition.

The game will continue at 9:00 a.m. on August 6, and the sixth and seventh rounds will be held today.

After several rounds of knockout matches, the number of people who remain to continue to participate in the individual competition is no longer large. Excluding those who have been eliminated and will participate in the future after registration, the total number of people remaining is 1486. After two rounds of competitions today, all the winners will be gathered in the first division field to draw lots for the final knockout stage. .

Ren Jingcheng's opponents in the sixth and seventh rounds are well-known in City C.

First of all, the sixth round of the opponent's code name in the game is Love Mumu, which uses a balanced melee character. It is worth mentioning that this person is a girl, but she looks a little more like a dinosaur, which can't attract anyone's interest at all.

Love Mumu comes from a team in the second echelon. He belongs to the main player of the team. His strength is really good. His weapon is a long one short and two slender swords. This girl integrated the attack and defense mode of the Western sword into the game. The attack was mainly thorns, and the speed of her moves was extremely fast. Although there was no big move, killing and other support, Ren Jingcheng was also grinning and embarrassed.

Ren Jingcheng's speed should be faster than that of love wood, but because love wood uses one long and one short two thin swords, Ren Jingcheng always loses one when dodging. He can't avoid the long and short ones, and he is hit by the long one.

This game is the most difficult game played by Ren Jingcheng. Compared with the opponent's three kills in the fourth round, love wood is more difficult to deal with. It is not that the three kills are weaker than love wood, but determined by their respective styles. Three kills is the standard offensive mode, which is completely based on the video of those professional masters, which can be said to be based on the book.

As long as you figure out his attack mode to deal with such an opponent, you can generally know what he will do next. In terms of prediction, it is very simple and can be done well, which is crucial for a gunman, so three kills are not difficult to deal with in Ren Jingcheng's eyes.

Love Mumu is different. Her attack method is completely self-created, and then integrates into the combat skills in the game. It can be said that she can do whatever she wants, and she doesn't play cards at all. This type of person is the most annoying among gunners. Because bullets have flight time, if they cannot (harmoniously) correctly predict the opponent's movements, the gunner will have a feeling of slow half a beat. Often waiting for the bullet to fly over, the opponent has already run away.

Love Mumu is actually not as good as three kills in terms of equipment and strength, but her strengths just restrained Ren Jingcheng's attack, making Ren Jingcheng have nowhere to use it, and can only find opportunities to fight back in defense. But Ren Jingcheng's close combat strength is really not strong, and he is suppressed everywhere. With the passage of time, the flaws in his whole body are clearly felt by her.

However, there is a reason why Love Mumu can only be mixed with the amateur team in the second echelon, that is, the problem of attack routines. Love Mumu's weapon is a thin sword. This weapon can't be cut, can't be split, can't be cut, and can only stab this attack method, which greatly limits the choice of combat skills.

Although Love Mumu perfectly controlled the rhythm between moves and moves, the singleness of the offensive mode, insufficient attack power and other problems were still seized by Ren Jingcheng to fight back when the game lasted 5 minutes and 20 seconds, and a set of consecutive moves directly took her Half-damaged.

Although Love Mumu tried his best to fight back in the next minute, Ren Jingcheng, who had seen through her routine, would not give her a chance. Finally, he seized an opportunity to directly "explode DP" and use the enhanced "speed continuous shooting" to eliminate Ai Mumu out.

After winning the game, Ren Jingcheng was in a bad mood and deeply felt that he still didn't touch the essence of WarGame. This game has a high degree of freedom. Except for tactical skills that require certain assistance from the system, any action is completed by the players themselves.

Today, it is undoubtedly a huge impact for Ren Jingcheng to see Love Mu integrates the technology of Western sword into the game. It was not until today that he realized that WarGame can still play like this.

Thinking of the martial arts movements he had learned with Shen Yan these days, Ren Jingcheng thought carefully and felt whether he could do this...

Ren Jingcheng won with difficulty, and the members of the passers-by A team in other sub-fields also faced their opponents one by one.

In the end, Ye Xiaoqian, Fire Machine, Sun Jianyang and Ma Chao were successfully promoted, while Wang Jun was unlucky to meet the captain of the spark plug team of the first echelon. After playing for seven minutes, they were judged to be out by the system. So far, two people in the A team have been out.

By this time, there was no soy sauce party left, and the rest were the main players in each team. There were more people left by the teams in the first and second echelon, and almost all the teams belonging to the third echelon were eliminated, and most of the left were the captains and vice captains of the team. For those who are far stronger than the average strength of the team, there are several individuals without the team, but there are not many, belonging to the weakest group.

The seventh round of the game started on time at 1 p.m. This time, Ren Jingcheng's appearance was relatively backward. He hasn't played yet, and the others have finished the game.

Sun Jianyang won easily. Ma Chao did not survive the seventh round and was eliminated by a single contestant, but it was not wrong to lose to him. This person's name is Chen Jiaqi. He was the first auxiliary attacker of the Jiantiancheng team in his early years. He retired at the age of 26 three years ago and is 29 years old this year.

Although his strength has declined sharply in the past three years, less than half of his peak, he successfully eliminated Ma Chao after playing some small tricks with rich experience.

The biggest surprise came from Ye Xiaoqian. This little girl, who seemed to be the weakest in the team, had an amazing tenacity. In the seventh round, the captain of the Yonghua Internet Cafe team facing the first echelon did not show any decline at all, and seized an opportunity at 433 seconds and sent it out of this time. The venue of the city's challenge.

After receiving text messages from everyone, the seventh round of the game was coming to an end, and it was time for Ren Jingcheng to play.

The pointer of the clock pointed to 412, and he was arranged in the penultimate battle to enter the field.