Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 96 Fear of Losing

Ren Jingcheng's opponent in the seventh round is also an individual contestant without a team. Like Chen Jiaqi, he once had a legendary past, but this person was in the amateur circle rather than in the professional circle.

Three of the amateur teams in C City are the oldest. Among them, the most famous is the Sky Dance Team, which has been established for ten years. However, the owner of the Sky Dance Team is an ambitious person and has never thought of bringing the team into the professional league, so he has given up several opportunities to enter the professional circle. .

Then there is the Storm Team. In fact, it can also be seen from the name that such a popular name could not be obtained if it had not been registered very early. However, the name of the Storm Team is good, but its strength has always been up and down. Although it belongs to the team of the first echelon, the comprehensive strength is only reluctant.

The last one is the Fire Youth Team founded by Ren Jingcheng's opponent this time.

The Fire Youth team was established together with the Jiantiancheng team. At that time, the strength of the two teams was inseparable. They often fought to the death in the competition. The Fire Youth team was also the only opponent of the Jiantian City team at that time. The two teams worked together to be proud of the whole C city, and no team could The rival.

Unfortunately, Li Baoqing, the captain of the Fire Youth Team, was short-sighted. After an investor's capital injection, he privately misappropriated the team's public funds to speculate in stocks. The angry investor withdrew his capital without any notice, completely buried the future of the Fire Youth Team and lost the control of his only opponent, Jiantian The city team developed in an all-round way and finally succeeded in soaring, becoming the oldest rich team in the professional league.

Although the Fire Youth Team has not been disbanded, it has changed hands several times in the past 12 years, and there has been no infinite scenery of the past. Now it is only a position in the second echelon team.

And Li Baoqing has been kicked out of the Fire Youth Team after the accident. In view of his criminal record, although he has professional strength and technology, no other team is willing to take him in, so he has to retreat in the end, but sometimes he occasionally participates in some amateur circles, which seems to want to compensate for something. ?

So many years have passed, Li Baoqing is 34 years old and has long lost his courage. His skills are still there, but the various discomfort caused by aging in his body make it difficult for Li Baoqing to play his own level. It is not easy for him to enter the seventh round, and he is not far away.

He also had a lot of feelings in the face of Ren Jingcheng and Li Baoqing. At that time, he was also so high-willed, but only because of the momentary greed fell here, he was very jealous of these young people. They were so young and had many opportunities to create their own future, but he was too old to get along in the game circle.

Li Baoqing is old and old, and people's hearts are soft as soon as they are old...

Old and soft-hearted, Li Baoqing has long been strong. Whether he is unwilling or not, he still lost in the hands of Ren Jingcheng. At the moment of his fall, Li Baoqing suddenly had a clear understanding that his era has finally come to an end.

He has a wife and children, and now he should think more about them than chasing those lost in his youth.

The fire is youth, and youth is indeed like fire. When other people's youth burns, his fire is extinguished...

So far, the seventh round of the C City Challenge has ended. The passers-by A team Ren Jingcheng, Fire Machine, Ye Xiaoqian and Sun Jianyang advanced to the eighth round of the individual competition. Lu Xinxin, Wang Jun and Ma Chao were eliminated.

The situation of other teams is similar. The Sky Dance Team is also three out, and four of them advanced to the eighth round. It is worth mentioning that the vice captain of the Sky Dance Team encountered Ma Kang of the Tianhe team in the sixth round and was defeated by him in only one minute and 22 seconds.

The imperial team is superior in strength, and only one of the seven people was eliminated. The team captain Sheng Langyuan, the deputy captain chariot, and the first attacker Zhuo Tao all advanced to the eighth round.

The Tianhe team was a little surprising. Five of the seven people were eliminated, and only the captain Ma Kang and the deputy captain of the Tianhe team were promoted.

The spark plug team that eliminated Wang Jun had a remarkable record. Five people, including the captain and vice captain, were promoted, and the two were eliminated.

The Storm team, as always, handed over an examination paper for three people to advance.

Individual participants without a team shined in this challenge, and more than 50 people, including Chen Jiaqi, advanced to the eighth round, which was never seen in previous years.

Tomorrow, August 6, the challenge will enter the fourth day, and all the players who advance to the eighth round will move to the Donghua District Workers' Stadium in the first division for a new round of lot and start the eighth round and ninth rounds.

That night, the passers-by team came to the frequent KFC dinner again. The main purpose was to discuss tomorrow's re-drawing. After all, the next games will be held in one field, and the possibility of everyone meeting will greatly increase.

In fact, there is nothing to discuss. Everyone knows the cruelty of the individual competition. Doing so is just everyone's heart.

The next day, on August 6, Ren Jingcheng got up early in the morning and rushed to the Workers' Stadium in Donghua District after playing a fist with Shen Yan.

At the gate of the stadium, Sun Jianyang and Ye Xiaoqian walked in together with the fire engine.

This is the second time that Ren Jingcheng has come here to participate in the WarGame competition. This time, his mood is completely different from the last time.

Last time Ren Jingcheng came with an indifferent attitude without any nervousness and boredom. For him, it was like a spring outing. It doesn't matter whether his grades are good or bad, as long as he has a good time. Although he won a championship inexplicably in the end, Ren Jingcheng didn't feel anything special. He just felt lucky.

However, Ren Jingcheng felt surprisingly nervous this time. His forehead, palms and armpits were all sweaty. The uneasiness made him feel extremely difficult to walk. Every step he took seemed to exhaust his whole body's strength, and his breathing suddenly became more and more difficult. In his mind, there was even a kind of recklessness to turn around and escape. The idea of leaving kept playing, urging him to leave quickly.

Ren Jingcheng knows what this is: pressure, great pressure, unprecedented pressure...

These non-pressures are not only afraid of what will happen if you lose the game, but also a desire to win. Ren Jingcheng never knew that he had such a heavy competitive spirit. In the past, he thought that competition was a very stupid thing. Even if he won, it was just a few applause from others without any substantial benefits. Such a thing was not beneficial to himself at all, and he just want to annoy him.

Whether it's reading or sports, he just wants to do his own thing, such as other people's praise and other people's envy, but he has heard it, read it, turned his head and forgot it.

But now he has a desperate mood to win for the first time. He hopes that he will always win. No matter what kind of opponents he faces, he wants to defeat them until he can never win again.

"Jingcheng, why are you in a daze? Let's go!"

Ren Jingcheng, who was thinking about his thoughts, did not notice when he stopped, and Ye Xiaoqian, who walked beside him, also found that Ren Jingcheng's face was red and white, as if he was stunned. Ye Xiaoqian, who was a little scared, couldn't help pushing Ren Jingcheng.

"Oh, it's okay. Keep going!" Ren Jingcheng, who woke up, smiled and said casually.

The others looked at each other inexplicably and continued to move forward in confusion, but before they came out five meters away, Ren Jingcheng's footsteps stopped again.

"Xiaojing, what's wrong with you?" The fire machine felt that something was wrong and stared into Ren Jingcheng's eyes and asked seriously.

"Do you think we will win?" Ren Jingcheng hesitated for a moment and said in an erratic tone.

"Are you worried about losing?" The fire machine stayed for a long time after hearing this question before he seemed to have an understanding.

Ren Jingcheng nodded heavily, and his eyes were full of confusion.

"Yes, I never worried about winning or losing before. I think the argument of winning or losing is very boring, but now I have a sense of fear in my heart when I think of losing, and I feel that breathing has become difficult..." Ren Jingcheng took a deep breath and said slowly.

Sun Jianyang and Ye Xiaoqian showed strange expressions when they heard the words. They didn't understand what Ren Jingcheng was going to express.

"This is a good thing!" Only the fire machine seemed to understand Ren Jingcheng's mood at this time, smiled and said happily.

"Good thing?" Ren Jingcheng looked at the fire machine strangely. He didn't think it was a good thing. He thought it was a cowardly idea and an escape.

"It's a good thing." The fire machine paused and then said, "Afraid of losing is a human instinct. Because of fear of losing, people will work hard, struggle and make progress, because only continuous efforts and progress will not lose. You should regard fear of losing as an attitude, have a fear of losing and win. Only in this way will you feel that all your efforts are worth it, have an unprecedented sense of satisfaction, and rush forward, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, how full of thorns.

"A heart afraid of losing..."

Ren Jingcheng read this sentence silently and fell into deep thought.

"You are still very young and may not quite understand the meaning of this sentence, but I hope you can remember this sentence. Yangyang, Xiaoqian, you are the same. I also hope you can keep this terrible loss, regard it as the grinding of your mood, let your heart go through its polishing, and in the end, you will find that you have It's unusually powerful." The fire machine looked at Ren Jingcheng, turned to look at Sun Jianyang and Ye Xiaoqian, and said seriously.

Keep a heart afraid of losing?

Ren Jingcheng nodded slowly and had already realized something.