Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 97 Advance to the Ninth Round

No matter whether Ren Jingcheng can understand the words of the fire machine, at least his mood gradually calmed down.

The lottery ceremony was held in the basketball hall of the stadium. When Ren Jingcheng arrived, the basketball hall was already full of people, and hundreds of people crowded together to make the usual seemingly large stadium much smaller.

It is said that there is no need for people to draw lots. Everyone's numbers are randomly generated by computer programs, and then these numbers are dispersed by computer programs and redistributed. Finally, the two adjacent numbers will be opponents in the eighth round.

Originally, these things do not require participants to participate, but every year, some people will give up the competition halfway because of such and such things, so it is necessary to call all the players together to confirm one by one to ensure that there will be no victory.

To put it bluntly, this lottery ceremony is held to ensure that everyone is eliminated after the battle in the eighth round.

In the final statistics, 28 people did not arrive and were regarded as automatic abstaining, and the remaining number was randomly selected by the program to determine the list of the next competition.

Ren Jingcheng and their luck is very scattered. It seems that there is no chance to meet before the top 32, but it is difficult to say all this, because everyone has to fight next, and there can't be no victory without a fight. If someone withdraws among them, someone will move forward in order, so in the future The change of the battle list is still unknown.

The players in the eighth round of Ren Jingcheng came from a team in the second echelon. Their team is very similar to that of the passers-by A team, and the number of them are very small. There are only two more than passers-by A, nine people. This time, all nine of them participated in the individual competition. Only this buddy and the captain of the team were left to enter the eighth round.

This person's code name in the game is: black-hearted fangs, and the character used is a powerful gunner.

This kind of character is relatively rare. The main reason is that the gunner needs good mechanical power, and the worst part of the powerful character is mobility, but it is not without this. The first attacker of the world-renowned team SEG team is such a role.

Power gunners still have great advantages, mainly because they are very strong and can use many heavy guns that can never be lifted by balanced and speed characters. The most famous heavy gun is the Gatling machine gun.

The speed of fire of the Gatling machine gun is believed to be known by those who know a little about it. On average, 2000-4000 bullets can be fired per minute, and the highest record is the Soviet Gsh-6-23, with a maximum speed of 10,000 rounds per minute. This speed, coupled with six barrels and 7.62x54mm R bullets, can be said to be a cannon.

In reality, such weapons must be fixed and used by a single person or several people, and some even belong to vehicle-mounted weapons, which cannot be used by manpower. However, the use of such weapons by single players in the game has been realized, that is, they rely on powerful characters to operate, and such fierce weapons do not require special operations at all. Simple fire suppression can cripple people.

It's just that it's not easy to suppress firepower and want to play well, otherwise everyone will choose this role.

By the way, the Thunderstorm used by the captain of the SEG team was transformed from the Gatling machine gun: there are 16 barrels, with a rate of 32,000 rounds per minute. The "high-throw shooting" used by his hand is a real bullet rain. It is said that even Pete Srag, who is now ranked first in WTP in the world, can't break through his defense line by single power.

As an amateur player, of course, it is not comparable to the SEG team in the top five in the world. The gap between the two is too big to describe at all. Naturally, the weapon of black-hearted fangs is naturally not as good as the thunderstorm. After all, such a weapon is powerful and the repulsation force is also amazingly high. If the operation is not good, it is estimated that it will be directly hit by the repulsected force of a few shots.

The weapon with black fangs is a three-tube rotary machine gun with a caliber of 14.5MM and a rate of fire of 1600 rounds per minute. There is no name to prove that this weapon is not a boutique.

The black-hearted fangs also showed the courage of the powerful gunner. At the beginning, there was a continuous set of suppression combat skills, "high throw shooting", "arc blockade" and "storm quick-fire" Ren Jingcheng was uncomfortable. It's not how difficult these combat skills are to deal with, but because of the limitations of the field, the range of the martial arts arena map is very limited, about 50*50. It seems to be really difficult to avoid a giant that can shoot 1,600 bullets per minute within such a range.

Ren Jingcheng finally knows how this guy with different strength has been promoted to this day. This weapon is so disgusting that there is almost no way to crack it on such a narrow map.

For good, the strength of the black-hearted fangs is not strong, and they are not proficient in the control of combat skills. What's more, because the powerful recital force makes their hands tremble and unstable, the bullets that should have been scattered into one by one are all crowded together, making the gap between the attacks not small. Ren Jingcheng is not very fast. Defeated.

The most commonly used use of heavy firearms is to suppress attacks. It is a great test of personal operation to play beautiful combat skills for fast-fire weapons. Black-hearted fangs can advance to now, in addition to luck, it depends on the advantage of the field. When it comes to the control of combat skills, it is really a little poor.

Because high-speed heavy firearms have extraordinary ordinary attack capabilities, there are not many combat skills to match them. After the three axe-like suppression skills, the black-hearted fangs saw that they could not hold Ren Jingcheng, and suddenly panicked. His control of the weapons was not enough, and as a result, the flaw was even greater.

The bullets of high-veloap weapons are used very fast, and switching the magazine is also a special technology. Seeing that the bullets in the magazine will be exhausted, the technology of switching the magazine with black fangs is also ordinary. Coupled with panic, the movement is not a little slow.

Such a slow motion is synonymous with opportunity in Ren Jingcheng's eyes. The eagle's pupil roared harshly, and the bullet crossed a distance of dozens of meters and instantly hit the black-hearted fangs.

The black-hearted fangs were suddenly shaken, and the magazine in his hand unexpectedly fell to the ground. Seeing this scene, the black-hearted fangs suddenly burst into tears, the heart was full of death, and the fighting spirit also disappeared in an instant.

After that, the matter was simple. Facing Ren Jingcheng's fierce lion-like attack, he was killed by the black-hearted fangs with only symbolic resistance.

So, Ren Jingcheng successfully advanced to the ninth round of the individual competition.

On the other hand, the fire machine also defeated its opponent and successfully advanced. After a while, Ye Xiaoqian and Sun Jianyang also defeated their opponents respectively.

After the eighth round, all four members of the passers-by team advanced to the ninth round.

After the break, the ninth round of the game began. Ren Jingcheng's opponent turned out to be a member of the imperial team. This person's code name in the game is Poison Scorpion. According to the news provided by Sun Jianyang, this person is one of the main forces of the imperial team. He is strong, and Ren Jingcheng is ready for a fierce battle.

The character of Poison Scorpion is a balanced close combat character. The weapon is a two-foot-long dagger. The name of the dagger is very good, called Chixia. The name of this dagger is a little feminine, but these two daggers are still a little famous, because their manufacturer is a well-known "technician" in C City. This "technician" is also a girl like Xiaoya. Chixia is her famous work, and the price is really expensive.

After the poisonous scorpion took out the red glow, the players and spectators around them were also surprised. After all, most of such famous weapons are controlled by professional clubs, and few of them are exiled to the amateur circle. Now the poisonous scorpion can take out such a weapon, which makes people can't help guess his origin.

The body of Chixia's sword is gradually red, and the closer it is to the tip of the sword, the lighter the color is. The biggest feature of Chixia is their hilt, which is two naked women.

Ren Jingcheng also understood that Boss Luo was really careful about the challenge, otherwise he would not have invested a lot of money to buy such a pair of famous swords.

The DP value of Chixia is as high as 13,000 points. The theory is that it can withstand the consumption of three "explosive DP". Of course, in practical applications, it is impossible to have so many opportunities to "explosive DP" because of the mutual cancellation of armor energy and weapon energy, but it must be said that it is a great threat.

The scorpion's movements are particularly flexible. Ren Jingcheng's opening attacks did not even touch the corners of his clothes, and Chixia has left two scratches on his armor. If it hadn't been for his fast movements and the scorpion't had time to use combat skills, I'm afraid the wear and tear of his armor would never be low.

Poison scorpion is well versed in the way of close combat. He knows well the advantages of Ren Jingcheng's speed character in terms of speed. The "double propulsion" instantly reached Ren Jingcheng's side, and the "damaged limb" attacked Ren Jingcheng with one move. He wanted to rely on the paralysis effect of the "damaged limb" to limit Ren Jingcheng's movements.

The attack of the poisonous scorpion is fast and fierce. The most important thing is that there is no sound. Ren Jingcheng, who has never practiced martial arts with Shen Yan, will definitely be able to avoid it. But now Ren Jingcheng is trying to integrate the martial arts movements he has learned into the game. After a day and one-night study, it is also a small achievement. This poisonous scorpion attack just gave him a Opportunity.

Just when the tip of the sword of the poisonous scorpion came, Ren Jingcheng actually took a small step when it was not allowed to be sent. This small step is very ordinary and has no fancy. It also belongs to any kind of method recorded in "Tactical Skills 101", which is a simple step, but this step makes the poisonous scorpion spectacular. The "damaged limb" fell empty.

Poison Scorpion is still very confident in this blow. He never thought that Ren Jingcheng would crack it in such a way, and the following actions of Poison Scorpion's surprise naturally slowed down.

Ren Jingcheng did not fight back with eagle pupil this time, but picked up the rather strange close combat technique, waved his fist up, and hit the chin of the poisonous scorpion fiercely with a "up hook".