Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 120 Loss

From the first strike of the fire machine, to Ye Xiaoqian's attack, and then Lu Xinxin's freezing, in fact, less than a minute has passed, but the passer-by A team has been completely at a disadvantage. It has been led by the spark plug team. It has not hurt the other party without saying anything. There are still two OP values on this side. Damaged.

After five seconds of the freezing effect, Lu Xinxin, who came out, did not want to "fold back" and retreat. She withdrew the sword surrounding him and the Ziyan carnival for a few meters. With a wave of five-point spear, she waved a sword towards the Qingcheng not far away.

The five-point spear is too long. If you want to hide with a sword, you can only raise your sword and fight with Lu Xinxin. Although Lu Xinxin's OP value is damaged, she is still heroic. Every move is a rush, leaving no room. Of course, the strength of Qingcheng's sword as the first attacker of the team is not bad. Under Lu Xinxin's step-by-step pressure, it is also evidenced and not lose its proportion.

Seeing that a sword was entangled by Lu Xinxin, they wanted to help. Unexpectedly, two bullets suddenly broke through the air and attacked the two. The two had no choice but to give up their previous ideas and protect themselves first.

It was Sun Jianyang, who attacked a sword and Ziyan carnival with a sniper rifle - hunting fox lying on the volcanic rock 100 meters away. He pulled the trigger in a hurry and stared at the two people one shot after another through the scope, and kept suppressing the two in place and still unable to help Qingcheng.

And the flying flowers on the other side were also entangled by Ye Xiaoqian. Although the damage ability of the supply soldiers is not high, the special * of various negative effects, bombs, mines, etc., also made Tiandi Feihua busy and tired of dealing with them.

As for the red eyes of the captain of the spark plug team, he was entangled by Ren Jingcheng. Ren Jingcheng adopted a comprehensive oppressive style of play, and the bullets fired by the eagle's pupils have been hovering around the red eyes, giving him no chance to breathe.

The red eyes dodged Ren Jingcheng's attack, but his brain kept spinning quickly. He was very strange about the behavior of the passers-A team. It is said that the passers-by team should shrink the defense line and focus on playing steadily after another. However, at this time, they are in a desperate posture, without considering themselves at all. They are all playing with injuries.

This is too strange. Even if there is a supply point, this kind of play can't last. WarGame's battle speed is very fast, and the playing method of pressing and oppression will be very effective at the beginning, but such a way of playing requires a lot of concentration and attention. Human beings will soon have mental fatigue in such a state, which cannot be maintained for a long time, as long as they can withstand this Under pressure, the passers-by team can only become fish under the knife.

I thought so, but my red eyes always felt that there was something wrong. I looked around and suddenly my heart beat and shouted: No!

Just now, the offensive of the passers-by A team was so fierce that he did not find that the other party had always been four people to deal with their counterattack. The fire machine that he was most afraid of only made an "arc blockade" against them and disappeared with the other person.

As soon as his body moved, Ma Chao in front of him also moved, opened the "raging", waved his gallbladder, and hit the "collapse of the mountain" and killed the red eyes.

This time, he couldn't save him. Locke, who just saved him, was targeted by Ren Jingcheng, who came empty. Locke's various combat skills were not blocked at all. Although he wanted to rely on himself to replace the position of the red eyes, he was getting farther and farther away from the red eyes under the intentional control of Ren Jingcheng's shooting angle.

The damage of "beng shan" is average, and the accompanying floating effect is the essence of this move.

The spear on the shoulders of the red eyes has disappeared, but his body floated up with the "collapse mountain". Ma Chao squatted down slightly, clenched the handle of the cracked gallbladder with his hands, and jumped up. "Sunglong Chopping" chopped on the body of the red eyes.

"Dragon Chopping": It is specially used for long weapons in close combat. It jumps up and hits the enemy with weapons from bottom up, causing 250% damage. At the same time, it will also produce a floating effect.

The floating effect of "Dragon Chopping" is much better than that of "Clapsing Mountain", and the red eyes have been beaten and flew higher.

And the fire machine quickly took over Ma Chao's work, "floating point shooting" shot after shot at the red eyes rhythmically, constantly reducing his OP value by dozens and hundreds.

"Floating point shooting" is a very test of personal operation. The angle of each shot must be perfect to make the floating effect continuous, which is not difficult for the fire machine. If no one disturbs, he can even keep emptying the red eyes to the OP value.

Of course, it is good if things go so smoothly, but in reality, it is impossible. "floating point shooting" requires a particularly high degree of accuracy. Red eyes naturally know that as the commander of the team, he is equivalent to the brain and center of the team. People with such responsibilities have several life-saving skills, and so do red eyes.

Although the continuous floating effect makes him unable to do anything, few people know the characteristics of the supply soldiers. The bombs of the supplyman are hidden in the ammunition bag. The ammunition bag is similar to the backpack in the game, but this backpack does not need to be opened to take out anything. All the ammunition of the supplyman appears directly in their hands, and it is not their hands that control the ammunition bag, but by their brains.

The red eyes can't move, but his mind is clear. It is not difficult to get a *, and because all parts of his body are out of control, this * naturally falls to the ground.

* fell to the ground and made a loud noise. The explosion caused an air wave to collide with the surrounding air, forming several invisible shock waves. The shock wave expanded rapidly and hit the red eyes in an instant.

Although the shock wave does not cause any damage, it produces a strong thrust, pushing the body of the red eyes crooked in the air.

At this crook, the "floating point shooting" of the fire machine lost its proper angle, and one shot fell into the air. Although the fire machine also wanted to adjust the shooting angle to reconnect the "floating air shooting", due to the explosion, the sky was covered with volcanic ash, completely blocking the sight of the fire machine.

The red eyes fell to the ground and got up. Looking at the OP value with only 500 points left, he smiled bitterly and breathed a sigh of relief. He was secretly happy to escape.

The red eyes were seriously injured and lacked a commander. The spark plug team had lost the ability to continue fighting and had to retreat first and return to the supply point to rest.

Although the passers-A team has an advantage on the surface, in fact, it is only barely supported in the bones. After all, the tight and oppressive play is too time-consuming. No matter how strong the physical strength is, the fatigue of the brain can drag down a person.

Looking at the flying spark plug team, Ren Jingcheng and others could only sigh helplessly and regretted that they had not succeeded in killing the red eyes.