Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 121 Rekindling of War

"Oh, he still ran away!" Sun Jianyang slowly came over with a sniper rifle and sighed regretfully.

Ren Jingcheng didn't say anything, just nodded, thinking that the tactics he had racked his brains to come up with failed, and he felt quite awkward.

It's really a crime of war!

Ren Jingcheng's plan was very good. First, he let the fire machine take the lead to confuse the spark plug team, and then sneak into the opponent's position with Ma Chao to sneak into the red eyes as the commander. In order to be afraid that the spark plug team would find that a few people on their side also specially used an injury-for-injury pressure flow method.

The plan went well. Everyone played well and completed their task perfectly. However, none of them expected that the red eyes would get out of the infinite floating moves of the fire machine by self-detonation.

Ren Jingcheng took a deep breath and couldn't calm down. He came up with this plan after studying it overnight. After learning the basic information of the spark plug team in the old editor's notebook, he has been looking up the battle video of the spark plug team on the Internet. After watching it for four and a half hours, he found that the tacit understanding of the spark plug team actually depends on one person to center the deployment. This person is the captain of the spark plug team, red eyes.

Therefore, Ren Jingcheng made a battle plan for the red eyes to use the tactical characteristics of the spark plug team.

The defensive counterattack is a very passive tactic and lacks flexibility, and when it encounters the opponent's full force suppression, it will make people who are used to defensive counterattack subconsciously make a contraction defense, just like the spark plug team, which naturally adopts a shrinking policy in the face of the oppressive play of the passers-by A team. Policy.

Constrictive defense is the most correct way to deal with oppressive fighting. However, under the deadly explosion of oppressive fighting, the spirit of passively beaten people also needs to be extremely focused, because any mistake may cause the other party to attack more crazy, and then it is likely to be directly attacked by the other party. Take it away.

The essence of oppressive play is here. Use the disorderly combat mode to exchange injuries, blindly attack, and do not make any defense to force the other party to show flaws. Once the opponent has any laziness, the oppressive play will immediately turn into a continuous attack mode, even if the enemy cannot be connected. If you beat him to death, you will be half disabled.

Ren Jingcheng's plan was really successful. If it hadn't been for the red eyes to save his life, the current passers-by A team would have moved towards victory.

Again, "if" is always "if" and will not become a reality.

"There is still time. Let's think of another way. Since it has failed, it's useless to think more." The fire machine found Ren Jingcheng's inner entanglement and said comfortingly.

Ren Jingcheng nodded vigorously and motioned him to listen to his words into his heart.

"What to do now?" Ma Chao asked loudly.

"Go to the supply point and take a break and prepare for a hard battle!" Ren Jingcheng said.

When everyone heard the words, they nodded and headed for the supply point No. 2 in the opposite direction from when the spark plug team left. However, the atmosphere on the road seemed quite tense, especially Ren Jingcheng, who walked dejectedly at the end. Obviously, his spirit had not recovered.

"Spiritual point, we will definitely win..."

Ye Xiaoqian deliberately slowed down a few steps. When Ren Jingcheng came to her, she grabbed Ren Jingcheng's hand and said with a smile.

"I'm fine!" Ren Jingcheng looked at Ye Xiaoqian with firm eyes, smiled back, and then said.

The two teams rested separately, and the volcanic island map temporarily calmed down. Due to the fast pace of the battle just now, it didn't take much time. There are still 11 minutes before the end of the game.

After the No. 1 and No. 2 supply points were used separately, the key points of No. A have lost their value, and the two teams have entered the state of hidden marching and began to play hide-and-seek guerrilla warfare.

The lack of supply points made the two teams have some scruples. After several encounters, they found that there was no way to break the opponent's defense line, so they quickly separated and disappeared within the radar's detection range again.

"It can't go on like this!"

After coming and going so many times, Tiandi Feihua of the spark plug team became a little anxious and quickly ran to the captain's red eyes and whispered.

"There's nothing we can do. The other party seems to know us very well, but it's not hooked." The red eyes shook their heads and said.

He is also helpless. The defensive counterattack is to find the opponent's flaws in defense, which is more time-consuming, and this game is just time-limited. In order to adapt to this rule, Red eyes also threw several baits at the passers-A team, but they were easily flashed by Ren Jingcheng, but they didn't I didn't catch a single hair.

"Why don't we take the initiative to attack?" Tiandi Feihua made suggestions and said.

"Never!" The deputy captain who had been listening to the two people immediately voted against it.

"I think so too. The passers-A team is much better than I know, and we are not sure of winning if we take the initiative to attack. What's more, I found that the fire engine did not participate in the command work. It seems that it is intended to train someone. We can't help but keep a few hands to deal with the possibility of their sudden change of the commander. The red eyes nodded with consent and explained their thoughts.

When the flying flowers saw the red eyes rejecting their ideas, they kept silent. Respecting all the decisions of the captain, just like respecting the tactics of defensive counterattack will never change, which is the tradition of the spark plug team.

The time passed by minute by, and five minutes passed in a flash. The two teams met several times, but still played a few times without pain, and never found a chance to win or lose a battle.

After another round, the two teams met at point C in the northwest corner of the volcanic island.

Point C is a cliff facing the sea, which is quite wide and flat. The ground is covered with volcanic rocks, but covered with a thin layer of volcanic ash.

After many battles between the two teams, they have become very familiar with each other, and there is nothing to say. They fight directly.

The first thing to take action is the fire fighter on the side of the passers-by A team. As the defender mainly responsible for cover and support, this is his job.

This time, the fire machine chose the "storm bullet rain" as the cover combat skill, and hundreds of bullets splashed down the sky with the muzzle of the gun that moved slowly with the double fire flash.

Under the cover of the fire machine, Lu Xinxin and Ma Chao rushed towards the spark plug team.

The two successively used "rush" to cross more than ten meters to the front of the spark plug team. No matter who was standing in front of them, they handed out one spear and one knife, one left, one right and two fight one by one.

The deputy captain of the spark plug they killed fell with a sword. It is natural to walk in front of the team as a powerful melee.

Of course, the Qingcheng sword next to him will not let his twin brother fight against the enemy alone. With a swing of his sword, he has cut Lu Xinxin's waist.

Lu Xinxin ignored the attack of a sword and continued to attack the city with a sword. It seemed that she was determined to besiege a city with Ma Chao.

Qingcheng frowned slightly with a sword, but now he has no time to draw his hand and help his brother block the attack, so he can only continue to cut down the sword.

At this time, a "charge bomb" suddenly flew and hit the hand of a sword in Qingcheng. The hand injury would have a brief weakening effect. A swordman in Qingcheng was soft, and the sword was suddenly cut off.

And a sword was not hit by Ma Chao and Lu Xinxin. It was not so powerful that he could escape from the siege of the two people. After all, there were red eyes staring behind him. His support was faster than Ma Chao and Lu Xinxin. When he got out of his hand, two "electric lights*" hit Ma Chao and Lu Xinxin.

* explosion, the paralysis effect attached to "electric light*" made Ma Chao and Lu Xinxin stay in place, and even the action of the attack was fixed.

The two couldn't move and became the mutton sent to the tiger's mouth. The two gunmen, Tiandi Feihua and Locke, immediately took action and the bullets covered them.

Seeing that the bullet was about to hit Ma Chao and Lu Xinxin, Ye Xiaoqian's "frozen*" had been thrown in front of them.


In the dull explosion, the ice fragments hidden in * splashed everywhere, and the two brothers, a sword and a sword, reacted quickly. At the moment of the * explosion, they retreated quickly.

Ye Xiaoqian's blow really didn't mean to hurt people. Countless ice fragments shot into the air, just in front of Ma Chao and Lu Xinxin. The bullets attacking them were all blocked by the ice fragments, and none of them were hit on the bodies of the two.

At this time, Ren Jingcheng's "multiple shooting" also came out, and the bullets scattered, and he did not greet four of the six members of the spark plug team.

"Multiple shooting" is mostly used for harassment, and the damage is not high. Over the years, due to the increasing range of combat skills developed by medium-sized firearms developed by game companies, "multiple shooting" has gradually withdrawn from the stage. After all, the damage of light firearms is not enough, and such scattered attacks are similar to tickling.

However, Ren Jingcheng's original purpose was not to hurt the enemy, but to highlight an attack line.

Although the damage of "multiple shooting" is nothing, it is impossible for the people of the spark plug team to suffer, so the overall formation is a little scattered.

The formation of the spark plug naturally gave Ren Jingcheng a chance. Lu Xinxin and Ma Chao slightly opened the distance between each other, rushed directly into the middle of the spark plug team, and used the "fold shock retreat" together.

The "folded shock retreat" effect just covered all of the spark plug team, and six people retreated a few meters while being shaken.

Sun Jianyang, who had already prepared, shot a "spiral penetration bomb" at the red eyes...