Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 136 Unexpected Events

In the face of the sudden sword of the heart song, Ren Jingcheng was not prepared at all and was hit by the "broken empty chop" waved by the heart song.

The heart song never thought that this blow could really hit people. In his heart, this sword was just his dying struggle, but it hit people like this.

The heart song is a master. Naturally, it will not let the thoughts in the mind affect the movements of the hand. Almost instinctively waved the hidden killing again, and the "cracking sky" came out of the situation.

"Bunkong chopping" is a very special combat skill. It is not only a separate combat skill, but also a set of high-level skills of combos. With the subsequent "cracking air chopping" and "flying air chopping" sequence, it constitutes an advanced combat skill "three empty chopping".

"Three-space continuous killing and chopping" is one of the few advanced combat skills officially stipulated by the game company, and also because "three-air continuous killing and chopping" is a prescribed very dead combat skill, "breaking air chopping", "cracking empty chopping" and "flying" must be used in order before it can be combined into "three empty continuous killing chopping. Otherwise, it's just three ordinary combat skills.

Several advanced combat skills officially announced by the game company are strictly speaking, but it is actually a failed attempt.

Advanced combat skills can be roughly divided into these categories. The first one is the simplest upgraded type, such as "double arc chopping" is advanced from "arc chopping". This kind of advanced combat skills are not difficult to master, and with a little practice, they can generally be slightly achieved.

The second category is the combination class, which is often composed of at least two combat skills to form a new combat skill. Two or several of them are combined to form a much greater power than adding up. For example, the previous understanding of "block counterattack" is a combination of advanced combat skills. Representative. This category is relatively difficult to master, because to overcome the impact of the rigid effect of recruitment, it requires not only hard training, but also a certain talent.

The third type is a completely independent advanced combat skill. It does not need any combat skills to pave the way, nor does it need other combat skills to add power to it, because its own power can already be proud of the world. For example, the "air chopping" of Hongyan Beckham is one of them. This kind of advanced combat skills are the most difficult to master, because it pays attention to a way that is born out of nothing, completely relying on the player's own operations without any external factors. This is not only a training that can be practiced, but also requires talent and epiphany.

All three types of advanced combat skills have a characteristic, that is, randomness and freedom. No matter how players use them, the purpose effect is the same when they are used.

However, the "three empty continuous killing and killing" is completely different. It requires a specified order, standardized actions, and a strict interval between the three moves. It is like an old monk who has been practicing for a hundred years, and no deviations and minor changes are not allowed.

Of course, this does not meet the taste of modern public players. What they require is a sense of pleasure. As a result, it is more cumbersome than the rules and regulations of the school. Who has the heart to learn and use it. Therefore, more than a dozen advanced combat skills developed by game companies were abandoned by players and thrown into the trash can.

Naturally, these combat skills also have their advantages, that are easy to master. As long as they follow strict regulations, they can be easily done with the assistance of the system. This is especially suitable for the heart music of the eyes now. As long as he relies on his hand feeling, he will complete the "three empty continuous killings". For the requirements, just hand over the rest to the system.

"Oh, what a pity. Although Marloco has seen through the natural excellent dynamic vision of Xinqu, he is still unable to return to the sky. It seems that he is about to lose this game. The experience of Xinqu is still more old-fashioned!"

When Android saw that the heart song waved out, he could be sure that the remaining OP value of Ren Jingcheng could not resist, and sighed in advance that this heart song was going to win.

But the most surprising and unexpected scene of the whole game was staged. Just after the heart song's "cracking" hit Ren Jingcheng, he was about to add the last blow, and his whole body suddenly disappeared.

That's right, it disappears.

The heart song is completely in the eyes of tens of thousands of people, as if it has never disappeared in the field.

Ren Jingcheng fell to the ground and stood up in a hurry. Due to the perspective, he did not find the fact that the heart song had disappeared. He also wondered why the heart song wanted to let him go. At this time, he only had a little blood, and even if he casually mended it, he would lie down.

However, he was immediately surprised to find that the heart song was gone, and no matter how he looked for the heart song, it was not within his sight.

What's going on?

Ren Jingcheng is confused...

And the audience outside the stadium suddenly became unusually quiet at this time. Everyone, look at me, I look at you, with a confused face, strange why and how the heart song disappeared. Is it possible that it was kidnapped by aliens?

"Don't panic. For a moment, I'll ask the organizing committee of the competition to see what's wrong."

Androidran and Li Xiao were still dumbfounded when they saw this scene. After a long time, Androidran asked Li Xiao if she knew what was going on. Li Xiao shook her head with an expression of helplessness. While Android was surprised that Li Xiao also had something he didn't know, he didn't forget to appease the emotions of the surrounding audience.

Android turned off the microphone, took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone of the person in charge of the technical department of the organizing committee of the competition. Obviously, they were also ready to answer the phone with a rang. Before Android asked, they had already cracked up.

Android nodded all the time, and finally hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is there nothing wrong?" Li Xiao asked.

"It's okay!" Android shook his head and replied.

After saying that, he put the microphone to his mouth and turned on the microphone again. In order to attract the attention of the audience, he coughed twice to remind him.

"Cough, audience, everyone, please pay attention. Now let me explain what happened." Android Ran said, "The reason why the Xinqu player disappeared in the game was due to excessive brain fatigue, which triggered the automatic protection settings of the game. The system kicked him directly out of the game to protect him from brain damage."

Everyone present was stunned. It was the first time they had heard of such a thing. It sounded a little too fantasy. Playing games can also cause brain damage, which they really couldn't imagine.

At this time, everyone couldn't stand it. Suddenly, there was an unprecedented sound of anxiety and discussion loudly. This is a spiritual impact for all people. How can they suddenly get a brain injury after playing games for so many years? They really can't believe what Android said. It's all true, and some people have begun to shout that they will never play again, against (harmonious) WarGame and other slogans.

"Everyone be quiet!" Seeing the gradually noisy audience, Android shouted loudly. Don't be nervous. The game is absolutely safe and the heart song is fine. When he takes a break, he will meet you. Please wait patiently. Don't be nervous. The head of the technical department of the game company will come to explain to me.

It's hard to say how much Android's words play, but the audience gradually calmed down, looking forward to the heart song coming out of the preparation room and the game company to give them a reasonable explanation.

After what seemed to be the longest five minutes in his life, he finally lived up to expectations and came out of the preparation room. At this time, he not only looked pale and tired, but also staggered under his feet, looking weak.

When the audience saw this situation, they immediately believed 80% of what they said about the game safety, and everyone also gave warm applause to the heart song, thanking him for his wonderful game.

The heart song looked around the audience, smiled, and walked back to his seat on the player's seat.

After a while, Ren Jingcheng also came out of the preparation room, but he always lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Well, let Gong Yue, the head of the game technology department, explain to us all!" Android's voice sounded in the speaker again.

Palace worker?


After listening to Android's introduction, the audience laughed at such a funny introduction, and the slightly tense atmosphere just now seemed to be a little better.

"Well, Chief Engineer Gong, please!" Android also found that what he said seemed to be too much, and the next sentence was awkwardly adjusted slightly.

"Hm everyone, I'm Gong Yue. Now let me explain what happened just now." Gong Yue was probably used to his mocking names and opened his mouth quite easily.

"I believe everyone knows that everything we do in the game is virtualized after data processing, and what we have to do is so real. In addition to the virtual generator, more importantly, the virtual data sensor on our heads, I will not explain its principle, but the way it works is directly affected by me. Our brains use electrical signals to stimulate various areas of the brain, so that we have all kinds of feelings in the game, and because we can see, hear, speak, touch and so on in the game. Everything is processed by this thing.

"However, everyone knows that the brain is the most vulnerable and ** organ of our human beings, which cannot tolerate any damage. When we develop game equipment, our top priority is security, so we have installed a safety device on the virtual data sensor, as long as the player's brain is reduced to the safety line. Next, it will automatically work and make the player exit the game directly.

"As for the Xinqu player, because his dynamic vision is strengthened by the system and is in a state of overload operation, he uses his eyes excessively during the high-intensity and high-speed confrontation with another player, resulting in paralysis of the optic nerve and then dizziness and headache, which caused The security device took him out of the game.

"In a word, please rest assured that our game is absolutely safe. Don't worry too much about this. Support WarGame more. Finally, I wish you a happy game. Thank you!"