Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 137 Group D Session 1

Gong Yue's explanation is acceptable to the audience at the scene. After all, WarGame is a 12-year-old game. It is the first time they have seen him suddenly kicked out of the game like Xinqu. There has been no such rumor before, let alone heard of anyone who died of brain damage from playing the game.

Seeing that the audience's mood gradually calmed down, Gong Yue also breathed a long sigh of relief. If this kind of thing is not handled well, it will bring big trouble. Even if he handles the scene now, I'm afraid that the game company will face the review of the governments. This matter is not a child. Originally, governments treated WarG Ame is a little disgusted, and now it's an excuse to make such a scene.

"Okay, I believe that after listening to Chief Engineer Gong's explanation, you should understand the cause and effect. Please be sure that there is absolutely no problem with the security of this game." Android took over Gong Yue's words and promised to say in a firm tone.

"Another news reported that just now, because Xinqu players lost the ability to continue the competition, the organizing committee of the competition decided that Maroco would win the second game of Group C."

Android was actually quite worried when he reported this result, for fear of stirring up the excitement of the audience who had just cooled down again, because according to the situation just now, Maloco should have no chance of winning, but now he has been sentenced to win, which is really hard to convince people.

The audience really didn't feel any problem after hearing the news. They should accept the unexpected situation in the game. There have been many things in the history of sports that caused the backward party to win because of accidents. Now they can only say regret that this happened to their hearts. As for the judgment of Ren Jingcheng to win, it is reasonable. They can completely accept what they have done.

So, so far, the first three groups of the group stage were all over. Finally, Ren Jingcheng and the Blood Prison Knife won the first round of Group C and scored 1 point. Unfortunately, Ren Jingcheng will fight against the Blood Prison Knife. No matter who wins, at least one foot has After stepping on the threshold of qualifying in the group stage.

Since the second game of Group C of Ren Jingcheng and Xinqu took nearly 30 minutes, the game of Group D did not start directly after halftime in order to save time.

The four people in Group D are: Sun Jianyang of the passers-by A team, Sheng Langyuan of the Empire team, Zhuo Tao, and Chen Jiaqi, who participated in his own name.

The two matches were played by Sun Jianyang VS Zhuo Tao and Sheng Langyuan VS Chen Jiaqi.

Sun Jianyang went to the preparation room without waiting for the notice. He has been worried since he met Zhuo Tao in ShowTown. These days, he has also thought a lot. At this time, he feels that his relationship with Zhuo Tao is very similar to a replica of the relationship between the fire machine and him over the years.

In fact, for Zhuo Tao, Sun Jianyang's mind is very complicated. According to the truth, Zhuo Tao's status in Sun Jianyang's mind is not as good as that of a fire machine, but two years of brotherly dependence has made Sun Jianyang unable to give up this family-like feeling.

In the face of the two most important brothers in his life, Sun Jianyang also carefully thought about his thoughts. He found that he was angry with the fire engine and disappointed with Zhuo Tao.

And anger is always better than disappointment. Anger proves that you care about this person and hope to return to the previous relationship with him. Disappointment only means that you have let go and decided to move forward desperately.

But every time he thinks of Zhuo Tao, Sun Jianyang feels that he has not let go, so his mood is really entangled at this moment. Now he only hopes to finish the game without thinking about anything. Maybe he can get the answer he wants after the game.

After Sun Jianyang left the player's seat, Ren Jingcheng suddenly got up and walked over and sat in his seat.

"I haven't thanked you yet!"

After Ren Jingcheng sat down, he turned his head and looked at the fire machine next to him and said seriously.

"Thank you for what I did. Even without my reminder, you will find the special features of Xinqu sooner or later. You're welcome." The fire machine shook his head with a smile and said.

"No, I'm not talking about it!" Ren Jingcheng lowered his voice slightly and whispered in a melancholy voice.

"What else is worth thanking me for?" The fire machine was stunned when he heard the words and asked confusedly.

"It's about your earlier words." Ren Jingcheng replied.

"What are you talking about?" The fire engine still doesn't understand. He said too much. Ren Jingcheng is brainless. He really can't figure out what Ren Jingcheng is talking about.

"That's what you said at the beginning of the knockout competition. You should take the fear of losing as an attitude, have a fear of losing heart and win. Only in this way will you feel that all your efforts are worth it, have an unprecedented sense of satisfaction, and rush forward, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, how full it is. Thorns. Ren Jingcheng repeated the words of the lighter word by word, and it was surprising that he didn't say a word wrong.

But he had no impression of what he said more than half a month ago. On that day, he said such a thing just to appease Ren Jingcheng's nervous mood, and he forgot it completely afterwards. Now if Ren Jingcheng hadn't mentioned it, the fire engine would not have remembered what he said in his life. Words from the heart.

But at this moment, the fire machine felt embarrassed and said thank you with gratitude. How are you? You are so good that you have forgotten everything. This is really too heartless. It is completely a specific manifestation of naked indifference. So what do you mean by what you said that day? Is it all nonsense? And he said it was just playing with people?

"You're welcome, as long as you can help!" The fire machine knows that many words will be lost. He simply doesn't say anything, just say a word or two perfunctory politely.

Ren Jingcheng's expression suddenly stiffened when he heard this, and turned his head up and down to a large number of fire engines, as if he were looking at aliens again.

"What...what's wrong?" The fire machine was looked at nervously by Ren Jingcheng and stapt a little.

"This doesn't seem to be your style!" Ren Jingcheng leaned back slightly, frowned and continued to look at the fire machine with puzzled eyes, and then said.

"My style?" The fire machine pointed to himself and said inexpertively.

"Yes, you are a person who has a great sense of life and likes to talk about big principles. Shouldn't you say some more big truths after I finish saying those words?" Ren Jingcheng said.

"What I don't have is that I weigh only a few pounds. What can a high school graduate say? You think too much. Now those words are said after racking my brains. Now I'm confused and can't say them. The fire machine shook its head in a hurry and tried to deny it.


Ren Jingcheng pulled a long tone and nodded, as if he believed the fire machine.

"The game has begun!"

The fire machine was relieved to see that Ren Jingcheng did not delve into it. In order to divert Ren Jingcheng's attention, he quickly reminded him that Sun Jianyang's game had begun.

Ren Jingcheng's attention was immediately attracted. He turned his head and looked at the screen seriously, as if he had forgotten the conversation just now.

The first round of Group D on the field has just begun. The map of this competition is slightly unfavorable to Sun Jianyang, and it turned out to be a desert.

The map of the desert existed when the game was first released. At that time, because the game had just been developed and the consideration was not comprehensive, the map of desert sandbar was very awkwardly designed. The area of the whole map is larger than the map of 1VS1, but it is smaller than the map of 3VS3, which makes people There is no accurate positioning for this map, so it has always been used for 1VS1 and 3VS3, which is quite unprofessional.

In addition to the area, the most criticized area is the terrain of the map. The barren desert, as the name implies, should be full of yellow sand, endless, but this map is not like that at all. Not to mention the tall cactus everywhere, there is even a huge rock pestle in the middle of the map. If it is high, it can block the sight of others. As a result, the height of this huge rock is less than The width of people's knees is not small, with a full radius of 120 meters. In addition to these, there is also an oasis on the map, where green water is cute, fresh flowers, green water trickling, like a fairyland, without a trace of desert.

Such a map is simply a joke in the eyes of players, and it seems to be untrue!

In fact, the heart of the game company is good. They want to show various terrain environments on one map, which is conducive to the experience of all professional players. However, players care more about the processing of game details and game experience, and don't like this kind of hodgepodgepodge. This is the game company that wants to show that has no IQ. Well, I still want to say that the player's IQ is not enough, and he doesn't even know what the desert is.

Sun Jianyang couldn't help frowning as soon as he walked into this map. There were too many cactus, one every few meters, like a forest composed of cactus.

That's why snipers don't like this map. Snipers need to hide in commanding heights or secret places to strike at the right time, but it is completely impossible for these cactus around to replace the role of trees. This thing is a sharp thorn from top to bottom. Who dares to lean up? Not to mention climbing to the top of the cactus, you will probably become full of it even if you lean against it. The thorny hedgehog.

In addition, although the balanced characters are all medium-sized armor, they seem to be just some thick leather products in the game. Except for the bulletproof vest, there is no iron piece to block it. Walking in the jungle of cactus, they will be stabbed from time to time, although there is no pain in the game, so there is no feeling. I feel that every time I am caught, there will be a stiffness of 1 to 3 milliseconds, which is not good news for snipers who strive for a stable environment.

On the contrary, Zhuo Tao's powerful role, because of his full-cover combat skills, his body is wrapped in thick metal materials, which can completely ignore the influence of cactus spikes and move freely in the jungle of cactus without hindrance.