Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 200 Aftermath and Competition

The news that Song Qiang was expelled from the Flying Tiger Club spread throughout the campus of P University on the same day. Many people are discussing and guessing what mistakes Song Qiang has made and is worth the direct removal of the eldest brother. Even many students who have returned home during the National Day holiday have specially posted on the campus online. Express your own opinion.

But this matter eventually became a mystery. Whether it is the official Weibo of the Flying Tiger Club or the special edition of the school online Flying Tiger Club, it seems that they want to deal with this matter in a low-key manner.

As a party, Song Qiang was naturally asked several times, but there was no other news except the slander and abuse of Feihu and the eldest brother, but his attitude also made everyone more or less understand the reason for his dismissal.

And Song Qiang was expelled. Except for a few sad, most of the club's members were just indifferent. Song Qiang's character is usually seen by everyone. Although he has not reached the point of boredom, it is always as if the world owes him to his attitude that many people are not used to.

Other people have a secretly happy attitude towards Song Qiang's dismissal. After all, Song Qiang's dismissal requires a team member to fill his starting position. Although there is a big brother to decide who this candidate is in the end, this does not prevent them from daydreaming and expect such an opportunity to fall on their own. On the head.

"Hey, do you think Song Qiang's expulsion from the club has something to do with Jingcheng?"

In the evening, dormitory 206 rarely carried out the most traditional project in the university - sleep talk, which was naturally about Song Qiang's expulsion. And the first speaker is of course Huo Siyang, who usually speaks the most.

"I think it must be that Song Qiang's attitude towards Jing Cheng is obvious to all. I don't think it's strange that you think he really did that kind of thing."

Qin Zhengshi thought about it and gave a positive answer. He was one of the club members who couldn't see Song Qiang.

"Yes, do you remember what the eldest brother said last time? He really did what he said."

After a moment of silence, Huo Siyang said again.

"When you said it, I really remembered it. The eldest brother said that he would investigate this matter thoroughly and give Jingcheng a justice. Now that he has fulfilled his oath, I admire him a little."

Qin Zhengshi responded.

"Big brother looks ordinary, but if you really want to know him, he will know that he is really admirable."

Li Dezhu also said something from the side.

"Jingcheng, Jingcheng, hey, why don't you talk and fall asleep?"

Seeing that Ren Jingcheng had not responded, Huo Siyang turned to look at Ren Jingcheng's bed and shouted a few times.

"No, I just don't think it's that simple."

Ren Jingcheng said softly.

"Why is it not easy? Tell me!"

Huo Siyang is usually a gossip. At this time, he was shocked by Ren Jingcheng's words and hurriedly asked.

"With my understanding of Song Qiang, I don't think he has the brain to plan this matter. On the contrary, I think there is a reason why the eldest brother fired him that we don't know."

Ren Jingcheng thought for a moment and then said.

"Come on, big talent, we know you were recommended here, but don't underestimate us ordinary people. Which one can be admitted to P University is not the smartest? Why doesn't Song Qiang have this brain?"

It was Li Dezhu who spoke. I don't know if he didn't match the eight characters. He just couldn't get up with Ren Jingcheng. He usually didn't talk. As soon as he spoke, he held a gun and a stick. This time, he mocked a few words without exception.

"I didn't mean that. I mean Song Qiang didn't have the mind to do these plots. If he really had a little mind, he would definitely not tell others that he had a problem with me. That's equivalent to telling everyone that he did whatever happened to me."

Ren Jingcheng was used to Li Dezhu's attitude and was not angry. Instead, he explained.

The other three people thought about it carefully and felt that what Ren Jingcheng said was very reasonable. Song Qiang was really not the kind of person who liked to play tricks and take the conspiracy route.

"Didn't the big brother wrong him?"

Huo Siyang figured it out and then said it.

"I don't think so. The eldest brother has known Song Qiang for much longer than us. The eldest brother will not know who he is. I agree with what Jing Cheng just said. There must be another reason for the eldest brother to fire him. It will never be because of this matter.

Qin Zhengshi lay on the pillow and shook his head and expressed his opinion.

The four people discussed for a while, but still didn't know why the eldest brother fired Song Qiang.

On October 2, Ren Jingcheng, Huo Siyang and Qin Zhengshi received a phone call from Li Cuiyun to gather at the club before 8 o'clock in the morning.

The three quickly washed up and rushed to the club.

You don't have to guess why the eldest brother asked them all to go to the club so early. Song Qiang must find someone to fill the hole when he left the team. According to the general situation, there will be substitutes to fill it, but with the strange style of the eldest brother, it is hard to say.

When the three arrived at the club, there were already many people waiting there. Ren Jingcheng took a general look and found that they were all reserve players and substitutes, and ordinary club members were not among them.

After a while, Tao Jing and Gao Xiaoliang also arrived, and then four or five more people came one after another, and almost all of them arrived.

After chatting for a while, the eldest brother led Zhu Xin and Da Ming out of the captain's office.

"First of all, let me say one thing. Don't discuss why Song Qiang was fired. If you have any questions, you can ask me, but I told you all need to be kept secret and can't talk to anyone."

"The second thing is that there is one less person here after Song Qiang left. I thought about it all night. It's not good for me to bring this person directly, so I still use the most commonly used competition in the club to decide."

"When we go to the stadium, the map will choose the martial arts arena. You can sign up as the challenger by yourself. After that, others will challenge. If you win, you will be the next challenger. Until you defeat everyone or no one challenges you, the winner can fill Song Qiang's departure."

The eldest brother stood in front of the crowd and told them the reason for taking the opportunity this time.

Everyone took the reason for the big brother's call, but they didn't guess that the big brother would use such a way to decide the new starters.

For the big brother's decision, it can be said that some people are happy and some people are worried. Those who are full of confidence that they will definitely win. Those who are worried lack enough self-confidence and always think that they are not as good as others. Considering whether to humiliate themselves.

However, no matter what you think, you will definitely go this trip, so soon, more than 20 people in the line will walk towards the location of P Stadium.

"Brother, come here for a moment. I have something to ask you!"

The eldest brother was a few steps behind, patted Ren Jingcheng on the shoulder and whispered.

Ren Jingcheng nodded when he heard the words, slowed down with the eldest brother, and gradually fell to the end of the team.

"Brother, why did you fire Song Qiang?"

Before the eldest brother could speak, Ren Jingcheng asked first.

"See that you never gossip with others, but I didn't expect you to be curious!"

The eldest brother looked up and down at Ren Jingcheng, as if he knew him for the first time.

"I know that you may feel that it has something to do with the article that framed you on the intranet of Q University. I admit that I am very suspicious that Song Qiang is the one who did this, but there is no evidence, and I will not jump to conclusions. The bigger reason why I fired him is that he did not have teamwork spirit in the last friendly match, which will affect his emotions, which I will never allow.

After ridiculing Ren Jingcheng, the eldest brother explained the reason why he fired Song Qiang.

Ren Jingcheng nodded his head and realized that the eldest brother expelled Song Qiang solely out of consideration of the club.

"I want to ask you, has the legend contacted you? Do you want you to go over to their side?"

The eldest brother then asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

"They contacted me after the press conference. I swear they never looked for me before."

Ren Jingcheng smiled bitterly. Big Brother is not the first person to ask about this matter. Since the video was widely circulated on the Internet yesterday, Ren Jingcheng has been asked many times. Even Ye Xiaoqian and Sun Jianyang specially called to ask.

"Sure enough, it's almost the same as I expected..."

The elder brother suddenly appeared when he heard the words and muttered in a low voice.

"What's really like this?"

Ren Jingcheng looked at the eldest brother's expression and suddenly had a feeling that the legendary intervention must have an inesight relationship with the eldest brother.

"Come on, I'll confess it all to you..."

The eldest brother knew that he couldn't hide it when he looked at Ren Jingcheng's sentimental appearance. Suddenly, he began to talk about it when he visited the legendary club with a video, and then said that he found that it was strange to confirm which Ren Jingcheng's master was. When he asked the legendary club for help, he told him all about it. Ren Jingcheng.

After that, the two did not speak any more along the way and walked silently to the stadium of P.

Work together to build the venue, and the competition officially began.

Before the big brother opened his mouth, Zhou Ting had already stood in front of everyone.

"I'll go!"

Zhou Ting raised her hand and said directly.

Seeing that someone volunteered, the eldest brother also had some emotional saliva left, which directly made Zhou Ting ready to enter the game first.

Seeing a girl Zhou Ting playing first, a group of boys had a trace of hesitation and felt that it was not honorable to win, but under the urging of the eldest brother repeatedly, a small boy in the reserve finally came out.

There is no need to say more, wear a game suit and enter the map.

But when Zhou Ting pulled out the heart of slaughter known as "Thousands of People Kill", everyone was dumbfounded. The DP value of 17,000 made them doubt whether they were dazzled and looked at one more zero. After confirming that it was correct, the collective had a sense of whirlwind.

When Zhou Ting saw her opponent looking at her weapon in a dumbfounded, she immediately sneered and attacked her body.