Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 201 Pioneer Weekly

Zhou Ting doesn't know if she learned from Ren Jingcheng. She has never used the role of Beauty Beckham in training and activities, but used a game called Sunwind.

I don't know where Zhou Ting found the number. The attributes are almost the same as Xiaobei. Except for the lack of a heart of slaughter in his hand, it is completely a replica of Xiaobei.

Ren Jingcheng guessed that the sun wind should be the role of Vice President Wang's nickname "Thousand People Kill", but every time Zhou Ting asked, she smiled and didn't answer, so he couldn't be sure.

This competition was the first time that Zhou Ting took out the role of Beauty Beckham, which was indeed very successful in deterring others.

The weapon with a DP energy value of 17,000 is an incredible value even if you look at the professional circle, and in the club of the school league, this is a divine existence.

Of course, it's surprising. It's not easy for Zhou Ting to scare others with a weapon. The key depends on personal skills. No matter how good the technology and consciousness equipment are, it can be placed as a beautiful vase.

As a result, after two games, everyone knows that Zhou Ting is definitely a fierce role of pretending to be a pig and eating tigers. This strength is absolutely the top in the school league. Even if the big brother can't take it in person, these little fish and shrimps are even worse.

It doesn't make any more sense to compare. The eldest brother has determined that Zhou Ting is the best candidate to replace Song Qiang, not to mention that the relationship between Zhou Ting and Ren Jingcheng is unusual at first glance. It is completely the posture of the legendary heroine. There is such a person in the team who can cooperate more tacitly.

However, the eldest brother did not stop to continue to challenge Zhou Ting. He would like to see if there were any outstanding talents.

After playing three more games, people who thought they were not strong enough had decided to give up the challenge. The eldest brother shouted several times, and one person stood up.

Everyone looked at the enviable handsome face and immediately knew that it was Luo Qiuchen who came out.

Luo Qiuchen's strength is surprisingly strong. Zhou Ting fell into the disadvantage at the beginning of the game. She was defeated by Luo Qiuchen and lost a lot of DP value.

However, Luo Qiuchen's ability to play such a situation has a lot to do with Zhou Ting's relaxation after the winning streak. After she gets serious, the counterattack is comparable to the overwhelming. The connection of several advanced combat skills is compact. Luo Qiuchen's DP value plummets, and the remaining DP value in a short period of time is less than Zhou Ting's. .

In the end, Luo Qiuchen still lost to Zhou Ting, but he lost more gloriously this time, unlike Zhou Ting, who still had at least 80% of the DP value after others were killed.

Big brother shouted a few more times and found that no one really went up to challenge this time. He was about to officially announce that Zhou Ting would fill Song Qiang's position, but his mobile phone suddenly rang at this time.

Big brother took out the phone and saw a strange number on the caller ID. After thinking about it, he still pressed the answer button.

When he heard what the person on the other end of the phone said, a strange look appeared on his face.

"Who is it?"

Waiting for the eldest brother to hang up the phone, Li Cuiyun took a few steps to ask.

"Is the editor-in-chief of Pioneer Weekly..."

Li Cuiyun was stunned when he heard the words, Pioneer Weekly is a cutting-edge game publication. The biggest feature is that each issue will be exposed in advance, which is faster than the Internet. Often, Pioneer Weekly broke the news first, and then online game websites There is reprint.

"Game news that we have never done"

This sentence is the slogan of Pioneer Weekly and the policy of Pioneer Weekly.

No one knows what the * of Pioneer Weekly is, so that they can get exclusive information in advance every time they are so powerful, but Pioneer Weekly, which has been published for more than 20 years, has indeed achieved the fastest and latest, and has never been surpassed by other similar publications, even on the Internet. Today, Pioneer Weekly is still the creator of first-hand game news.

Pioneer Weekly, which has such a huge advantage, naturally has a large readership. According to the latest survey, the subscriber rate of Pioneer Weekly has reached more than 75 percent, which means that 70% of players in the country are reading Pioneer Weekly.

Don't underestimate this number. Pioneer Weekly is not only the news of WarGame, but also the news of all games. You can imagine how large the player's base will be to an incredible number.

The influence of Pioneer Weekly is so great that the corresponding position in the industry is naturally so high that no one can match it. To put it badly, if Pioneer Weekly wants a game that can't operate in China, just say a few unpleasant words to ensure that the game will definitely disappear in China within a week or two.

Of course, Pioneer Weekly will naturally not do that, which is not good for them. They can say that the game is not good, but they will never do anything. The so-called water can also overturn the boat. Pioneer Weekly and the game company can be said to be dependent. If the relationship between each other is too rigid, then Pioneer Weekly Will also lose its advantage as a first-hand news creator. After all, the information is still provided by game companies, not fabricated by the reporters and editors of Pioneer Weekly.

Li Cuiyun can probably guess what happened to Pioneer Weekly's initiative. Just a month after the start of school, major game companies have also fallen into a period of silence. Whether it is the update of the game version or various activities, there are very few. There are only two news that can touch people's hearts recently.

The first one is naturally the approach of the new version of WarGame. Of course, this news that affects millions of people will not let go of people. The special edition of the four consecutive issues can be said to make all WarGame players addicted, although the specific situation is true or not needs to be updated before the game. Enough to verify, but in the name of Pioneer Weekly, these materials are all correct.

The second news is also related to WarGame, that is, the legend of one of the rich clubs is about to change. The earliest news that former world champion Zhou Yingran will replace the legend's existing head coach Yu Dahua is also Pioneer Weekly.

And the second news also involved another person, Zhou Yingran's disciple Ren Jingcheng.

If there were no words from the legendary boss Xie Jin at yesterday's press conference, Ren Jingcheng would have been caught in an inconspicuous position in the news report, but Xie Jin said the words that vowed to make Ren Jingcheng the star player of the legendary club.

Many people speculate that this is one of the private agreements between the legendary club and Zhou Yingran. After all, Zhou Yingran is the head coach, and his disciples should naturally sit at the top of the club's players. Since the legend has always lacked such a character, why not be pushed by the water? Zhou lifted it higher, and also made Zhou Yingran stay in the legend more determinedly.

This statement has been supported by many people on the Internet, and they all feel that this is reasonable.

But speculation and rumors are not what Pioneer Weekly wants. They are authoritative magazines. Authority should have an authoritative appearance. Everything depends on facts, so they decided to dig deep into this news.

Unfortunately, they contacted the legendary club several times but did not get a response from Xie Jin, and they couldn't get in touch with Zhou Yingran, so they had to find the third party in the news, Ren Jingcheng.

It's just an interview with Ren Jingcheng that there is a problem that needs to be solved first.

Although the Flying Tiger Club is only a school-level league club, it is also an officially registered and recognized club with the same rights and guarantees as a professional club, especially when club members do not have a broker, and the club is the spokesperson of its internal members.

According to national regulations, all media interviews, commercially valuable activities and advertising endorsements of league club players need to be operated by brokers, and players cannot carry out the above content privately.

If Pioneer Weekly wants to interview Ren Jingcheng, it must pass the consent of the Flying Tiger Club, and there are two people in the Flying Tiger Club who have the right to make this decision. One is the eldest brother who is the captain of the club. His status in the school league club is equivalent to the boss of the professional league club. Naturally, he has this right. Li, the other person is Li Cuiyun, the manager of the club. Her status is the recognized head of the club, which is strictly speaking higher than that of the eldest brother.

Li Cuiyun is only responsible for the daily operation of Feihu, so it is a little difficult to find her contact information, and the eldest brother is different. Although his phone number is not well known in the circle of the school league, you can still find it casually.

In between the urgency and importance of this interview, the editor-in-chief of Pioneer Weekly decided to contact the elder brother in person.

"How are you going to reply?"

Li Cuiyun knew that the eldest brother certainly did not give a direct answer just now.

In her opinion, she naturally hopes that Ren Jingcheng will be interviewed, so that the Flying Tiger Club can also benefit. Why not?

"You still have to ask Ren Jingcheng what he means!"

The eldest brother replied without hesitation.

Li Cuiyun also guessed that the eldest brother would say so, and a little disappointment inevitably appeared in his eyes.

Although there are no contractual restrictions, the club can directly agree to this interview request of Pioneer Weekly, which is a right of the club as its member agent. However, Li Cuiyun, who knows the eldest brother very well, also knows that the eldest brother will never do so. After all, this is a school, not outside In the professional circle, there are not too many interests, and everyone still depends on emotions to get along with each other.

You can persuade, but you can never order.

This is the way to get along with the superiors and subordinates of the school league club.