Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 202 K has a bear

Sitting on the luxurious tourist bus and looking at the strange scenery outside the window, Ren Jingcheng, who had just got off the plane, felt a little sleepy.

At this moment, he is in K City, nearly 1,000 kilometers away from City B. The reason why I came here is that the first opponent of the Flying Tiger Club's school league is here.

The first game of the Flying Tiger Club this season will be an away game against the Bear Club of K City University.

The name of Xiong's Club is very good, and there is the clan name of Xiong and Xuanyuan Huangdi. When you see such a domineering name, you will definitely feel that this club is super awesome and worthy of people's admiration.

But if you know something about its past record, you can only use the phrase "those who listen to it cry".

It is a legend that it has been the third place in the penultimate for seven consecutive seasons and has never won any other place.

The players in the school league are all students. Between this particularity, the mobility of the players is very large. Generally speaking, the main players are sophomores and juniors. Some clubs also have a lifetime, but there are quite few. For example, Flying Tiger has two freshmen starting today, and it is unique. Because seniors are busy with graduation thesis and job hunting, they are limited to participate in competitions. For example, Zhu Xin will be absent from three consecutive games after participating in two games.

Therefore, the school league players have only participated in the competition for at most two years, most of which are a little more than a year, and some have only participated in a few games.

The consequence of such frequent changes of players is naturally that the club's results fluctuate greatly. This year is still the league champion, and next year it may be the penultimate place, which is not uncommon in the school league.

For example, after winning the league championship, the Flying Tiger Club plummeted in the second year and reached the 16th position in the league.

And it is indeed a fantastic achievement to be as stable as the Bear Club in the penultimate position for seven consecutive years.

Flying Tiger Club's performance last season was the sixth place in the league, which is very different from that of the Bear Club. In addition, the lineup of the day is not as strong as it is now, so this time the people of Flying Tigers came with a very relaxed attitude.

Because this game may be easier, Ren Jingcheng specially put Pioneer Weekly's interview with him in K City, and the time is set after this game.

Ren Jingcheng thought for a while and finally agreed to the interview request of Pioneer Weekly.

To be honest, Ren Jingcheng was also a little annoyed by the legendary club's self-talking behavior. Although the legend also called after the press conference to explain that it was to help him solve the rumors on the Internet of Q University, and then invited him to join the club, Ren Jingcheng was not a fool. Xie Jin's words were thought out at the last minute. Obviously, they had been premeditated.

Ren Jingcheng is not surprised by the Legend Club. Strictly speaking, he is still a little proud to be taken by the Legend Club. But he felt that the Legend Club's means in this matter were too bright. First released the news that he might join the Legend, and then turned to contact him. Obviously, he wanted to use the power of media public opinion to pressure him and force him to accept the Legend's invitation.

For this purpose, the legendary boss even used that almost crazy topic to attract the attention of the public and the media, allowing them to turn all their purpose to this matter, which will cause more pressure.

Mud Bodhisattva still has three points of anger. Ren Jingcheng's temper is a little soft, but it doesn't mean that he has no temper. Legend has done so inauthenance this time that he really can't stand it.

A large part of the reason why he was interviewed by Pioneer Weekly this time is that he wanted to make a statement, a statement that he never intended to develop with the professional circle.

Ren Jingcheng felt a little upset about these things. Originally, he wanted to relax his mood through the scenery outside the window to welcome his first game in the school league, but somehow he gradually fell asleep.

"Ren Jingcheng, get up, here it is!"

In a noisy noise and pushing, Ren Jingcheng opened his eyes sleepyly.

After relaxing his brain a little, Ren Jingcheng stood up, took off the special suitcase containing game clothes from the luggage rack above his head, and got off the bus with the others.

This time, there are 27 people in the Flying Tiger Club. In addition to seven players each with a total of 21 players, there are also manager Li Cuiyun, accountant Zhang Hengyi, and four assistants that Ren Jingcheng has never seen before.

K City University is directly named after K City, referred to as K University. It is a high-level regional university in China and is still a little famous in China.

Compared with the large scale of P, K is small and looks a little crowded, but Ren Jingcheng knows that K has a great history, and many representative figures have emerged during the Anti-Japanese War.

The number of Xiong's Club at K University is relatively small, with only more than 50 people, which has something to do with the size of the school. After a brief meeting, the captain and manager of the Xiong Club led Ren Jingcheng to the venue of this competition.

Although it is not like other sports to carry out any venue adaptation training, it is still necessary to check the equipment. Otherwise, it will not be clear if something goes wrong. This is also the standard procedure of the school league. I'm afraid that someone will fake it.

Although WarGame's game form is destined to be insulated from cheating 9 tools such as plug-ins or modifiers, human wisdom is infinite, and it will still have a similar effect if you use some means to play tricks on the equipment.

After all, the school league is not a professional league, and there are no special inspectors. These tasks are all done by the clubs that challenge away, and the league committee will only send a temporary official to supervise.

But when Ren Jingcheng saw the old man standing trembling on the field and watching them fiddle with computers and various instruments, he suddenly felt an extremely absurd feeling.

"That's Professor Zhang, an old professor at K University. He just retired last year. He has been responsible for supervising the games here for several years, and there are still many photos of him hanging on the wall of the club."

Zhu Xin looked back and saw Ren Jingcheng frowning at the old man and introduced Ren Jingcheng with a smile.

"How many years in a row?"

Ren Jingcheng was stunned when he heard the words, and said after carefully taking a large number of Professor Zhang.

"Yes, you don't think he is old, and he is much more enlightened than others. At K University, he is the backbone of supporting the school league. Vice Principal Wang of our school can support half of the sky. With him, there is no problem in everything. K University depends on him alone. He is now After retirement and the record of Xiong's club, I don't know if there will be Xiong's club in the league at this time next year.

Zhu Xin nodded and said in a serious and serious voice.

Zhu Xin's words gave Ren Jingcheng a lot of question marks on his head. Looking at the surrounding K college students who came to help, how did he hear Zhu Xin's meaning? It seems that Xiong's Club in K University is about to come to an end.

"Don't believe what I said. There are some things you don't know about joining the club. You will know when you have transferred all the league universities at the end of this season. Many universities are opposed to the school league, and often many professors will join hands to pressure the school to cancel all game clubs.

"The reason is nothing more than that games delay learning, but the main reason is still due to rigid ideological restrictions. Many people on campus regard games as floods, not only teachers, but also students. Especially for students like you who have been regarded as a typical student since childhood, their resistance to games is more than many teachers.

"If many schools hadn't had old people like Professor Zhang to support them, I'm afraid that WarGame clubs in many schools would have closed."

"In the early days of the school league, there were actually more than 40 universities to participate. Later, under the pressure of all parties, many schools have retreated. Up to now, there are only 22 schools, but seven years have passed. Many old professors have reached the age of retirement and can't make an impact on the school. Some clubs have reached life and death. It's a critical moment for survival.

"What's more, the reason why some schools still retain WarGame's club is that the strong sponsors behind the club can provide the school with a lot of gray income every year, otherwise it will be closed early."


Zhu Xin said a lot about the school league, which was the first time Ren Jingcheng heard about it. He didn't expect that there were so many shady secrets in the bright school league, hiding many dirty things, which made him feel an inexplicably sad chill in his heart.

"Isn't there a student union?"

Ren Jingcheng suddenly interrupted Zhu Xin's words and asked.

"Student Union? Brother, you are so naive. This is at home, not abroad. It is impossible for things like the student union in idol dramas to affect the school. The students' thin arms and legs must not be able to beat the thigh of the school.

Zhu Xin unconsciously laughed for Ren Jingcheng's naive question and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Ha ha, this classmate, don't be so pessimistic!"

At this moment, an old but energetic voice suddenly interrupted and said something.

Ren Jingcheng and Zhu Xin saw that it was Professor Zhang who spoke.

"The times are always progressing, at least now it is not as difficult as before. I believe that someone will be able to take over my burden for a few more years. When the school league becomes a habit, everything will naturally become better. Believe me, my classmates, there will always be such a day."

Professor Zhang left after saying this with a smile, leaving no time for Ren Jingcheng and Zhu Xin to talk.

"Speaking of which, I think it's good that you have the opportunity to interview Pioneer Weekly!"

Zhu Xin looked at Professor Zhang's figure and suddenly said.


Ren Jingcheng asked in surprise.

"At least there is a chance to appeal to everyone not to focus on professional leagues. Occasionally, we should also pay attention to our bitter school leagues. Although we are not at a high level, we also need support."

Zhu Xin took a meaningful look at Ren Jingcheng and left after saying these words.

Suddenly, only Ren Jingcheng was still standing there, savoring the meaning of Zhu Xin's words.


P.S: The number 9 is a segmentation harmony word. In addition, please collect and red tickets. If you like this book, don't be stingy. Thank you