Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 239 Ren Jingcheng's command

Because the red square controlled by Ren Jingcheng was plotted by the computer and lay a person down, now he only has five cylinders that can be used. The number of people is small, and the encirclement and annihilation method certainly cannot be used, so Ren Jingcheng used guerrilla warfare to cut the computer-controlled blue square.

He ordered the five cylinders of the red side to be divided into three teams and began to harass the blue side in turn. When the blue side counterattacked, each team retreated immediately after a slight resistance, without giving the blue side any chance to besieging.

This kind of harassment is not mainly aimed at harm. What he has to do is to confuse the computer by creating an illusion through continuous harassment.

After all, computers are dead, and all actions are calculated according to logic using extraordinary computing power, and they do not have any thinking ability. Ren Jingcheng repeated so many times that he deeply planted the seeds of "as long as you don't catch up with me, I will continue like this" in the logic of the computer.

The seed quickly sprouted and grew into a big tree. After another harassment, the computer gave orders to chase the blue side.

This action is in the arms of Ren Jingcheng. It is absolutely wrong to take the initiative to attack when the number of people is small. It is the right way to lure the enemy deep. Ren Jingcheng understands this truth.

Seeing the attack of the blue army, Ren Jingcheng commanded the five cylinders of the red side to line up in a vertical line and retreat while fighting.

Ren Jingcheng's previous method of using guerrilla warfare is still well understood by the audience. In the case of a small number of people, guerrilla warfare is indeed the most commonly used method in the game.

But they don't understand Ren Jingcheng's next move. Although the enemy's advance and retreat is the essence of guerrilla warfare, and retreating while fighting can also effectively destroy the enemy's living power, only one person can attack the blue side at a time, which seems that it can't make the effect they think at all!

Ren Jingcheng continued to give orders regardless of what the people around him said.

After several orders, the five cylinders of the red square suddenly changed their appearance and began to swing on the map, and the whole team suddenly became very casual and loose.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding audience began to discuss again. In their eyes, Ren Jingcheng seemed to really regard this breakthrough activity as a game and did not mean to take it seriously at all.

But what happened next proves that everyone is wrong.

After swinging and jumping for five or six minutes, the blue side didn't even touch a hair of the red side, and the red side did not cause any damage to any cylinder of the blue side. The whole situation seemed to be deadlocked.

At this time, somehow, a cylinder of the blue side suddenly broke away from the team, but the distance between them was not far away, and it was still within a safe range, so most of the audience ignored this change.

But what Jingcheng was waiting for was this moment. His eyes were condensed, his lips were quickly opened and closed, and a series of orders were constantly spitting out from his mouth like beads.

The red side that received the order suddenly paused, and the speed began to slow down. The computer did not have the function of thinking. They would not think about whether this was a trap, so they still commanded the blue side to rush up.

Looking at the closer and closer distance between red and blue, many audiences suddenly became extremely nervous. Ren Jingcheng also stared at the tactical sand table and didn't know what to say.

It's now...

The opportunity for Ren Jingcheng to wait finally appeared, and the order that was already ready to be issued had been subconsciously sent out by voice command.

As Ren Jingcheng spit out the last word, the three red cylinders of the tactical sand table have surrounded a blue cylinder in the middle in the blink of an eye and began a fierce attack.

The computer immediately sent the remaining five blue cylinders to support, but the two red cylinders abruptly blocked them all under the command of Ren Jingcheng.

This time there were less than 30 seconds, but less than 30 seconds paved the way for Ren Jingcheng's next victory.

The red side's attack came and went quickly. After killing a member of the blue side with lightning speed, they quickly retreated. At this time, some of the surrounding audience had not even figured out what had happened.

Ren Jingcheng's wonderful attack quickly attracted a series of applause. This attack can definitely be said to be a magic stroke. Whether it is from the harassment of guerrilla warfare to the in-depth tactical retreat to the timing of a team member who besieged the Blue side, Ren Jingcheng showed all the characteristics that a commander should have, courage, carefulness, observation, careful thinking, reasonable planning, etc. Wait, it was fully demonstrated in this attack.

Although Ren Jingcheng successfully killed a member of the blue side, he didn't have time to be happy and immediately faced the blue side's counterattack. After all, it was a computer, and there was no problem with the field of vision. No matter how far Ren Jingcheng retreated, the computer immediately knew his position and commanded the blue side to kill him quickly. In some aspects, Computers are also a kind of cheating.

However, Ren Jingcheng is also condescending to have a panoramic view of the changes on the whole tactical sand table. It seems that he cheated on the computer.

Anyway, Lan Fang has killed him at this moment, and Ren Jingcheng can't hide even if he wants to.

In fact, Ren Jingcheng has never thought of hiding. The number of people is equal, and there is no power gap. There is nothing to hide. Now it is to see whether he is a strong brain command or the command program in the computer is more powerful.

The wonderful battle was staged again after the breakthrough of the glasses man. Although there was still no corresponding battle picture to cooperate, he could only guess the intensity of the battle through Ren Jingcheng's order, but the audience was still intoxicated and stared at the tactical sand table and was reluctant to look away.

Ren Jingcheng's command is a little rough and immature compared with the delicate and predictable style of the glasses man, but Ren Jingcheng's brain turns quickly. Every time at a critical moment, he can find the problem and immediately make adjustments to make up for this mistake.

Two people are very planned to take three steps in one step, and the accuracy of on-the-spot judgment is high and can correct mistakes in time, which can be said to have its own characteristics.

The audience carefully analyzed the two command styles in private and just thought about them. It's really hard to say which of the two is better.

No matter who commands better, the result is that as long as you win and can break through successfully.

And Ren Jingcheng finally lived up to everyone's expectations and gradually gained the upper hand after gaining a foothold in this battle.