Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 240 Zhou Ting Breakthrough

Ren Jingcheng, who has the upper hand, will not let go of this good opportunity, commanding the five cylinders of the red side to use the way of walking to surround and kill.

One after another blue cylinder fell down, and the red side's encirclement speed is getting faster and faster. In a few minutes, the blue cylinder had all fallen.

Seeing this result, Ren Jingcheng couldn't help smiling, and DJ Xiaodai also announced that Ren Jingcheng had successfully passed the second level and become the second successful person to break through.

Ren Jingcheng smiled happily and stood aside with the man with glasses.

The second level is actually easier than the first level. In addition to working hard, the first level also depends on whether others answer correctly, which is a great psychological pressure. The more anxious he is, the easier it is to make mistakes. At the first level, Ren Jingcheng successfully broke through more or less luck. After all, the first few did not answer correctly, which gave him a chance.

The second level is different. Because there are no other opponents competing at the same time, the pressure is much less, and Ren Jingcheng's mentality tends to be peaceful. Although the second level looks very dangerous. As long as you make a mistake, it will cause an irreparable situation, in fact, everything is under the control of Ren Jingcheng and is unlikely to happen. What a problem.

Ren Jingcheng and the two eye-eyed man's success seems to be a great encouragement to others. Two people succeeded in breaking through the barrier one after another, bringing the number of people who successfully broke through the barrier to four. However, the success of the latter two people had a lot to do with their questions and also accounted for a lot of luck. The audience around them felt that he They are not qualified to fight with Ren Jingcheng and the man with glasses in the third level.

After two people succeeded one after another, another round of failure began, and no one could successfully break through.

Soon, it's time for Zhou Ting to break through.

As the only girl among the remaining breakers, Zhou Ting received much more attention than Ren Jingcheng and the men with glasses. As soon as she walked to the tactical sand table, she won a lot of applause and cheers from the audience, and even many people whistled in the crowd.

DJ Xiaodai walked to Zhou Ting's side and asked a few questions routinely. Zhou Ting began her journey.

Zhou Ting's title is relatively difficult and widely circulated on the Internet. It is a battle on the map "Stonehenge Plain".

This battle was fought by two medium-sized professional clubs that are not well-known in the sixth season of the professional league. Their strength is even, and there will be no big mistakes on the plain. Stonehenge is a big problem, but it has not yet reached the level of the outcome of the game.

At that time, the biggest mistake of the loser was that the commander misdirected the local battle and was killed two people in a row by the winning side, resulting in a gap in numbers, and finally lost the game.

It is impossible for Zhou Ting to be unfamiliar with this battle, because it is still relatively famous on the Internet, although it happened six or seven years ago.

However, after the beginning of the breakthrough, Zhou Ting did not follow the routine mentioned on the Internet, but adopted new tactics.

Commanding the red side, Zhou Ting scattered the seven cylinders in an orderly manner, each of which moved separately in the direction of Stonehenge, as if she wanted to use the Stonehenge as a cover to fight this scene.

The blue side under the computer command followed closely and tried to stop the red side's move, but because the red side was too scattered, this blocking action was very difficult. In the end, it failed, and all seven cylinders of the red side entered the stone array.

The Stonehenge on the Stonehenge plain is actually not dense. If it is impossible to fight an ambush like in the jungle, Zhou Ting did not do so. She just used the terrain of Stonehenge to carry out the battle.

Zhou Ting commanded the seven cylinders of the red square to rotate around in the stone array. Because the cylinders were very scattered, she also gave more orders, and the speed of speech was extremely fast. People around her could not hear what kind of orders she gave for a moment.

It doesn't matter if they can't hear clearly. They soon saw the results of Zhou Ting's command.

I don't know when the seven cylinders of the red square began to gradually converge, and the place of convergence is directly behind the blue side of the team.

There is no problem with the tactical sand table. At this time, the computer has begun to turn around and prepare for the Red Team.

But Zhou Ting's speed of action was faster than expected. The blue side had just made a retreat, and the red side had already started the attack first.

was suddenly attacked, and the blue side was completely passive. Although the computer was still commanding according to the program, Zhou Ting's command was even better. At every critical moment, it was stuck at the moment of the computer's counterattack, so that the computer's counterattack ended without any major damage.

The battle ended quite quickly and quite abruptly under Zhou Ting's full demonstration of her command ability. When the surrounding audience reacted, the battle was over, and the blue side finally paid the price of four people and retreated in panic.

The absolute advantage in the number of people made Zhou Ting give the order to pursue without any worries. At this time, everyone had foreseen the result, and Zhou Ting's victory was certain.

There was no surprise. After the Red side successfully annihilated the remaining blue square cylinder, DJ Xiaodai announced that Zhou Ting had successfully broken through the barrier and became the fifth person to successfully break through the second level.

The audience once again gave warm applause to Zhou Ting, cheering, and whistles sounded one after another.

Compared with the previous successful people, including Ren Jingcheng and the eye-eyed man who may perform well in the third level, Zhou Ting's victory is absolutely beautiful, clean, sharp and fast, without any sign of dragging. The famous demeanor of a group of conductor Zhizhu is holding, and even the audience has People call Zhou Ting "modern version of Mu Guiying" and say that she is very handsome.

This kind of exaggerated praise may be more or less due to Zhou Ting as a girl, but it is undeniable that Zhou Ting did oppress those boys in this breakthrough, making them unable to underestimate them.

After Zhou Ting successfully broke through the barrier, the following people had neither strength nor luck. They all lost in front of the computer and became victims of the second level.

In this way, there were five people who successfully passed the second level. They were Ren Jingcheng, the glasses man, Zhou Ting, passers-by A and passers-by B. ( I really don't remember the name-_-!!)

They succeeded in breaking through the barrier, but DJ Xiaodai made it difficult, because the next level is a head-on confrontation between the breakers. It's okay if it's even, but now it's singular, which makes the lower barrier difficult.