Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 242 Zhou Ting VS Glasses Man

Under the reminder of DJ Xiaodai, Zhou Ting and the glasses man checked their chosen roles again. After no problem, they each threw seven cylinders into the tactical sand table.

Zhou Ting uses the red side, and the seven professions she chose are:

Red 1 - power melee, one-handed sword weapons; Red 2 - power melee, two-handed sword weapons; Red 3 - power melee, long-handled weapons; Red 4 - balanced melee, melee weapons; Red 5 - speed gunner, light firearms; Red 6 - speed gunner, medium Guns; Red 7 - Supplyman.

The man with glasses uses the blue side corresponding to the red side. The seven occupations he chose are:

Blue1 - power melee, two-handed sword weapons; Blue 2 - power melee, two-handed sword weapons; Blue 3 - power melee, two-handed sword weapons; Blue 4 - power melee, two-handed sword weapons; Blue 5 - balanced melee, melee weapons; Blue 6 - balanced gunner, Heavy firearms and weapons; Blue 7 - supply.

In addition to the alternative configuration of Zhou Ting's two speed characters, the two are moderate in career selection.

The map of this battle is the "Stone Array Plain" that Zhou Ting successfully reversed. At this time, the virtual terrain on the tactical sand table is more than before, with a total of ten black and white diamond-shaped dice, engraved with 0 to 9 and ten numbers, which is used to calculate the two sides during the battle. The ten-sided dice of the character's damage, defense, and probability of dodging.

Two ten-sided dice, black represents ten digits, and white represents single digits. When fighting, the attacker will first calculate the hit rate. The closer it is to 99 points, the higher the hit rate will be. However, if you want to hit the opponent, you also need to calculate the opponent's dodge probability. This value is the opposite. The closer the attacker is to 00 points, the smaller the probability of attack. If it reaches 00, it is 100% successfully dodged, and there is no 100% hit rate. Even if 99 points are thrown, there is only a 90% hit rate. If the opponent is 00 or 01, it is also impossible to hit.

After the hit rate and dodging probability, it is the turn of damage and defense. This formula is more complicated. In addition to the higher the damage caused by the damage approaching 99 points, it is also necessary to calculate the weapon damage of the attacker. The basic damage of different weapons is also different. In terms of defense, the closer to 99 points, the higher the defense. Of course, the basic defense value of armor also needs to be calculated. The defense power of the three armor types is very different.

These calculation processes are actually very troublesome, but under the powerful computing power of the computer, it is only a few milliseconds. Therefore, although the two sides are essentially more like a turn-based game when fighting, you hit me and I hit you, but in fact, the results can be directly, not so Trouble, but the ten dice will still show the points thrown by each other, which will be more intuitive and allow the operator to know the whole battle process.

Zhou Ting and the glasses man put their own cylinders into the tactical sand table and said that the battle had officially started.

Because they can't operate by voice, both of them need to adapt to the key operation, so both sides are not happy to move forward while groping little by little, and the two also have a tacit understanding to deliberately avoid each other, so as to meet too early before they are familiar with the operation and cause each other in a hurry in the battle. .

After a few minutes, the two gradually became familiar with this operation method. After all, everyone is the foundation of WarGame, and the hand-eye coordination is very good. Although the operation speed may be fast or slow, there should be no problem dealing with the battle at this time.

Although he was familiar with the operation, the glasses man was not in a hurry to attack, but adopted a defensive method to make the seven cylinders of the blue side close together and move forward slowly.

And Zhou Ting is different. Although she is a girl, her most respected fighting style is continuous attack. For her, only attack is the best defense, so after passing through the groping stage, she immediately pulled up the red army and killed the blue side.

There is no blind spot in the tactical sand table. Zhou Ting's behavior naturally fell into the eyes of the man with glasses, but he did nothing. Except for slightly changing the forward formation, he still moved forward leisurely.

Zhou Ting doesn't feel that the eye man didn't do anything. When she saw the eye man changing formation, she stopped her troops and carefully observed the formation of the eye man.

After careful observation for a while, Zhou Ting subconsciously frowned. In her eyes, the formation of the man with glasses was aimed at her everywhere. On the surface, it looked casual, but in fact, there was a hidden murder. If she rushed up so recklessly, she would definitely suffer a big loss.

Despite this, Zhou Ting, who is extremely unyielding in character, decided to hit the position of the man with glasses. She firmly believes that even if she can't beat her, she can definitely escape.

So, after a delay for a moment, Zhou Ting operated the seven cylinders of the red square and resolutely killed the blue side of the glasses man.

Zhou Ting's march was very fast, and under her steady operation, the formation of the team has not changed at all. What it was just now? The audience around her couldn't help marveling.

And they were surprised that they were still behind. As Zhou Ting's troops were getting closer and closer, the man with glasses actually took the lead.

The glasses man's fingers quickly pressed around on the keyboard, and the seven cylinders of the blue square were quickly divided into three teams. Blue 1 blue 2 killed Zhou Ting's left wing, blue 3 blue 4 killed Zhou Ting's right wing, and blue 5 blue 6 blue 7 defended the middle.

The behavior of the spectacled man made the surrounding audience understand. He was a little confused why he let the three characters with weak defense to harden the peak of the red side, but instead divided the four characters with the strongest defense into the two wings of the red side.

But the behavior of the glasses man made Zhou Ting feel nervous, because the direction of Lan Fang inserted from both wings is exactly the position of her two speed characters. The disadvantage of the speed character is that the defense is weak. If you face the power type, it can be said that there is no chance of winning. After all, this is not WarGame, which means The character's cylinder has no combat skills to deal with the power attack. The only thing that relies on is Zhou Ting's operation.

Fortunately, Zhou Ting was already familiar with this keyboard-style operation method at this time. After forcing herself to calm down, Qianqian quickly danced on the keyboard and operated the two speed characters to retreat quickly.

Of course, the glasses man will not let Zhou Ting escape so simply. The cylinders of the four powerful characters follow closely, without any intention of relaxing.

And Zhou Ting is also a cruel person. She operates the cylinders of the two speed characters to retreat, and the remaining five cylinders have been killed towards the three characters left by the glasses man in place.