Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 243 Confrontation on the Sand Table

Zhou Ting left behind the two speed-shaped cylinders that were hunted down and besieged the three cylinders in the middle of the blue side. Obviously, she wanted to besiege Wei to save Zhao. If the glasses man did not eat this set, she would lose two people at worst, while the eye man asked for three accounts, two for three. She would not lose money in this business.

Zhou Ting's intention is so obvious that how can the man with glasses not see through it, but he obviously wants to try to kill Zhou Ting's red 5 and red 6 and save his three cylinders.

The man with glasses who made up his mind hit his fingers quickly on the keyboard. The cylinders of the four powerful characters continued to chase Red 5 and Red 6, and the remaining three used several ** positions together at the moment when Zhou Ting was surrounded, and unexpectedly escaped from the encirclement circle.

Zhou Ting frowned slightly when she saw this. This encirclement was actually perfect only when it was used by six cylinders. Now the whole formation was greatly affected by one missing, and she was forced to escape by her opponent.

However, this does not mean that the glasses man is safe. It is true that his three blue cylinders have escaped, but it is very difficult for him to get rid of Zhou Ting. After all, in addition to the two speed characters, Zhou Ting's army also has a balanced role. The power type may be weaker than the three cylinders of the blue square, but that The speed of balanced characters and supply soldiers is absolutely not slow, and it is not difficult to pester the troops of the glasses man.

On the other hand, Zhou Ting began to let her two speed cylinders fly kites far away, rubbing the other party's energy value little by little. Although the glasses man wanted to catch up and kill the two red enemies, this was on the tactical sand table, and there was no such thing as combat skills, so how could he chase him? I can't catch up either.

The man with glasses now understands that his previous tactics are too obvious. If it is in the WarGame game, there is absolutely no problem with his tactical arrangement, because there are many charge skills that can quickly approach these long-range gunners in power melee, but on the tactical sand table, these are impossible. Realize.

Understanding this, the glasses man began to shrink his troops and retreated the four power characters.

Seeing this, Zhou Ting hurriedly withdrew the troops who were chasing the three cylinders of the blue side, because if she continued to besiege, she would be attacked by the enemy.

The two gradually collected the troops, and the fierce battle just now calmed down in the blink of an eye. On the surface, Ting had some upper hand last week, but they both knew that it was just a tentative contact. In fact, neither of them took advantage of it.

The spectacled man slightly inspected the loss of the troops and then began to move in the direction of Stonehenge.

Zhou Ting commanded the troops to quickly follow, but under the lack of love for war, their transfer speed was quite fast. Because Zhou Ting had two speed-type roles in the army, the troops were quite far apart from each other during the emergency march, which made her have to walk around and stop to wait for the slower force. The character was gradually pulled away by the blue side.

When Zhou Ting arrived at Stonehenge, the blue side had been completely dispersed and hidden in the Stonehenge. Although there is no perspective problem in the tactical sand table due to the condescending overlooking, this does not mean that the cylinder in the sand table can attack the enemy at will. Some real laws still need to be observed, such as The enemy hidden behind the stone pillar cannot be attacked because there is a barrier directly in front of the line of sight. It must be circled to the position of at least 180° angle of the pillar to attack.

The glasses man separated the seven cylinders of the blue square, each hidden behind a stone pillar, trying to use the obstacles from this perspective to disrupt Zhou Ting's formation.

Zhou Ting naturally knows what the glasses man wants to do, but there is nothing she can do about this situation.

The scattered position of the glasses man is quite professional, which not only surrounds the red side's team in the middle, but also makes the red side's team unable to rush up when attacking. It can only attack one or two to attack from a suitable perspective, which cannot pose an effective threat to the blue side. What's more troublesome for Zhou Ting is that if She did not take the initiative to attack, and the position occupied by the man with glasses could just ambush her, forcing her to cause chaos.

In a word, whether it is attacking or not attacking Zhou Ting, the situation is not much better. Therefore, the only way left in front of Zhou Ting now is to retreat obediently.

Zhou Ting has the demeanor of a general. She is determined to enter and retreat simply. The directly controlled troops turn around and leave, leaving no opportunity for the blue side to besiege.

When Zhou Ting retreated, the man with glasses was a little unpresipated. He didn't lure Zhou Ting here to let her go around. His purpose was still to use the terrain here to defeat Zhou Ting.

Originally, the glasses man thought that Zhou Ting would try to attack after him. If he tried, then he could take the opportunity to let Zhou Ting suffer a big loss, and even the first battle would be successful. As a result, he never thought that Zhou Ting was not as hesitant as ordinary girls. Seeing that it was impossible, she chose to retreat and find another way.

When Zhou Ting withdrew, all the plans of the glasses man failed. Although he hated it so much, it was impossible for him to catch Zhou Ting back with his mind.

Zhou Ting retreated without a fight. Naturally, the man with glasses would not still stand still and stare, because he didn't think that Zhou Ting would stare at her freely here. Once Zhou Ting came up with a way, he would be unlucky, so he also wanted to leave and leave quickly.

The glasses man began to quickly close the team and began to move towards the northwest corner of Stonehenge.

Zhou Ting was not idle at this time. She controlled the red side to re-enter the stone array from the other end and tried to intercept the man with glasses.

The glasses man had already expected that Zhou Ting would not let him leave safely. Seeing Zhou Ting without any surprise, he knocked on the keyboard without panic, controlling the blue side's team to use the stone array to start a large number of positions.

Seeing this, Zhou Ting hurriedly followed, bit the tail of the glasses man's team and pursued him at a speed no less than the blue team.

The chase lasted for about a minute, and the man with glasses became faster and faster, and his hands flew back and forth on the keyboard, almost turning into two shadows of nothingness.

The operation of the glasses man is fast, and the speed of the blue team on the tactical sand table has suddenly doubled. This week, Ting can't keep up, and the team begins to become scattered.

When the man with glasses saw the opportunity, he smiled proudly at the corners of his mouth, controlled the blue team to turn his head and suddenly killed the red side.

Zhou Ting wanted to stabilize her position, but her fingers suddenly became disobedient. Not only did she not adjust the team's formation better, but it became more and more scattered. Seeing this, the man with glasses raised his speed again and accelerated to rush over.

The red team was rushed by the blue side, and the formation completely collapsed, and the seven cylinders scattered in twos and threes.

The glasses man was more proud, but he also knew that it was far from the end, and he hurriedly calibrated a red target to operate the blue troops to surround him.