Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 245 The Things He Did with Her

After listening to the reason why passer-by A abstained from abstaining, Ren Jingcheng was also stunned for a moment. He knew that he could more or less be surrounded by some passers-by when he was walking on the road, but this directly showed that it was his fan for the first time he met him, but he still vaguely felt that there were other reasons he didn't know, but passer-by A At this time, he had already left, and even if he wanted to ask, he would have no chance.

DJ Xiaodai doesn't care who abstains, who is an idol and who is a fan. All he knows is that it's almost noon now. He can go to lunch after finishing this activity, so he directly announced that the decisive battle of the third level will be held soon.

At this time, Ren Jingcheng suddenly began to think that his opponent was Zhou Ting. Should he carry forward his gentlemanly demeanor and learn from the spirit of passers-by just now? He directly abstained. Although he also wanted the medal, compared with these foreign objects, he paid more attention to the relationship between him and Zhou Ting.

As a result, he didn't expect that Zhou Ting walked to DJ Xiaodai first.

"Can you lend me the microphone?"

Zhou Ting stretched out her hand and said to DJ Xiaodai.

DJ Xiaodai took a strange look at Zhou Ting and wanted to ask her what she was going to do, but she gave up the idea and handed the microphone to Zhou Ting.

"Hm, everyone, I have a few words to say. I hope you don't give me any advice."

Zhou Ting held the microphone, smiled sweetly and whispered.

"We don't recommend it!"

There are many good people in the audience. Zhou Ting just finished speaking, and they deliberately shook their heads and said.

Ren Jingcheng frowned when he heard the words. After half a year of getting along with him, he knew Zhou Ting very well. He immediately knew what Zhou Ting was going to do. He just walked over and wanted to grab her microphone.

"What are you doing!"

Zhou Ting shook her wrist and flashed the hand that Ren Jingcheng came to grab the microphone. She stared at Ren Jingcheng with dissatisfaction and said by the way.

"What are you going to do!"

Ren Jingcheng replied and still did not give up to grab Zhou Ting's microphone.

Zhou Ting stepped back a few steps and was about to talk at a distance from Ren Jingcheng. Ren Jingcheng ran to grab it again.

Zhou Ting naturally hid again. Ren Jingcheng robbed it in the past, so this man and a woman played the game where you robbed everyone in front of thousands of people around her.

DJ Xiaodai hurried over to dissuade the two, but he wandered around and couldn't get involved.

"Oh, I said, whether to fight or not, I'm almost noon, and we're all hungry!"

The two came and went for a long time, and finally someone in the audience couldn't stand it and said loudly.

"That's right, that's right, you're going to fall in love and go home, what's the style in public!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, someone here shouted loudly.

"I abstained..."

"I abstained..."

At this time, Ren Jingcheng and Zhou Ting grabbed half of the microphone alone. Hearing the sound, they put their heads together on the microphone and shouted out almost in sequence.

After shouting, the two suddenly stunned together. Your hand pressed my hand and held the microphone together, staring at each other, looking at each other without saying a word, but suddenly it was like a thousand words.

DJ Xiaodai was clever. Seeing that the strength of their hands was slightly loose, he hurriedly grabbed the microphone, and then looked at them warily and took a few steps back.

DJ Xiaodai's action naturally woke up Ren Jingcheng and Zhou Ting. The two turned their heads to one side under the cover of their cover, and never turned to look at each other.

"Okay, don't grab it. Since you know each other, I will give you the reward of this activity directly. You can decide who you want to deal with it. I don't care!"

After saying this, DJ Xiaodai didn't know where to find out the information card and handed it to Ren Jingcheng.

DJ Xiaodai is also very reasonable. He knows that under such circumstances, the third decisive battle will definitely not go on. Since the two are close and want to sacrifice for each other, he might as well reward them directly and let them make their own decisions.

Another reason is that it's not early. He is hungry and devotes himself to his back. He really doesn't have the energy to play with this pair of mandarin ducks. It's better to get them away early.

Ren Jingcheng subconsciously took the information card containing the medal from DJ Xiaodai, said a few words casually, and was sent away by DJ Xiaodai with Zhou Ting.

I feel very sorry for the audience around this event, but when I think of the last good scene, I suddenly feel that this onlooker is quite worth it.

As the crowd gradually dispersed, Ren Jingcheng and Zhou Ting also walked to a remote corner.

"Take it!"

Seeing that there was no one around, Ren Jingcheng stopped, handed the data card to Zhou Ting and said.


Zhou Ting shook her head vibly and said resolutely.


Ren Jingcheng did not withdraw his hand, maintained the posture of handing the information to Zhou Ting, frowned and asked.

"There's no reason. If you don't want it, just don't want it. Keep it!"

Zhou Ting stepped back a few steps, lowered her head and said.

"If you don't want me, you can throw it away!"

Of course, Ren Jingcheng was not satisfied with Zhou Ting's reply. He changed his tone and said threateningly.

"I don't want it if you throw it away!"

Zhou Ting didn't trust Jingcheng and said stubbornly.

When Ren Jingcheng heard the words, he immediately withdrew his hand holding the data card and threw it out hard.

"You are crazy!"

Zhou Ting saw that Ren Jingcheng really did this. Her dark eyes were round in surprise, shouted angrily, kicked Ren Jingcheng's calf and ran quickly towards the information card on the ground.

For good, it's already noon at this time. Everyone is eating in the food area of the temple fair. There are very few pedestrians on the road, otherwise the information card may really be picked up by others.

Zhou Ting ran to the information card, squatted down to pick up the information card, looked left and right, and was relieved to see that there was no damage.

"Don't go crazy anymore, put it away!"

Zhou Ting ran back in three steps and two steps and handed the information card to Ren Jingcheng.

"I don't want it!"

This time, Jingcheng suddenly shook his head and refused.

"Stop it. I know you're about to sign a contract with Legend. Do you know how important the medal is to a professional player? You don't want what others want. You want to kill me!"

Zhou Ting took Ren Jingcheng's hand and said anxiously, while stuffing the information card into his hand. But Ren Jingcheng's hand was so tight that I didn't let Zhou Ting stuff it in, and Zhou Ting didn't give up and stuffed it desperately.

"Why did you abstain!"

Ren Jingcheng suddenly asked.

"People can abstain for their idols, why can't I?"

Zhou Ting lowered her head and was still trying to put the information card into Ren Jingcheng's hand, but subconsciously answered.

Ren Jingcheng suddenly grinned when he heard the words, and his clenched fist also loosened slightly.

Zhou Ting saw Ren Jingcheng loosen her fist and hurriedly took the opportunity to get the information card into Ren Jingcheng's hand.

The data card was stuffed in, but her hand was suddenly grasped by Ren Jingcheng's cold backhand.

Zhou Ting looked up at Ren Jingcheng in surprise. When her eyes touched his eyes, she looked at the complex feelings behind the windows of the soul, and her heart was suddenly shocked...