Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 246 Play and Laugh

Ren Jingcheng grabbed Zhou Ting's hand, which was very tight, so tight that Zhou Ting could clearly feel every stripe in his hand. These lines seemed to be alive, and she could not walk on the back of her hand, which made her body tremble slightly.

Zhou Ting also had a boyfriend in high school and was seen by Ren Jingcheng when she broke up with him. Hand in hand is something that couples are bound to do. Zhou Ting naturally experienced it, and the feeling at that time is very different from now.

When her ex-boyfriend took Zhou Ting's hand, she didn't feel anything, and even felt a little reluctant. But when this person was replaced by Ren Jingcheng, Zhou Ting was not only full of joy, but also wanted him to hold his hand like this for the rest of his life and never let go.

After all, the temple fair is a public place. Although the two people are in a very hidden and remote position now, there will always be people coming. The two of them are like this. You hold my hand and I don't want to let go, but I don't want how strange they are to fall in the eyes of passers-by like this. Whenever someone passes by, they will always exercise a note for a while. Eye ceremony.

At first, they still didn't care, but gradually, there were more and more people doing this, and Zhou Ting couldn't calm down.

"You let go!"

Zhou Ting gently bit her pink lips, lowered her head, struggled a little, and pretended to be reluctant to say.

"I don't!"

Ren Jingcheng didn't know that Zhou Ting was just tender, uncomfortable to be seen, and pretended to be posture, so he was not moved at all, and even grabbed her hand harder.

"Let go, hate it. If you don't let go, I'll be rude."

Zhou Ting actually wanted to say, "If you don't let go, just grab it." But how can this kind of words be taken out? When she said it, it naturally became another sentence, but the coquettish element in this sentence is absolutely more than a threat.

"Call, even if you break your throat, no one will come to save you!"

Ren Jingcheng picked up the corners of his mouth and said with a bad smile.


As soon as she said a word, Zhou Ting suddenly stopped like a deflated ball, with her head hanging lower and faintly crying.

Ren Jingcheng was suddenly stunned when he saw the situation, and his heart suddenly panicked, afraid that his behavior would really annoy Zhou Ting, and subconsciously loosened his hands.

"You were fooled..."

Zhou Ting took the opportunity to suddenly take back her hand, took a few steps back, looked up at Ren Jingcheng, and said happily.

After saying that, before Ren Jingcheng could react, he turned around and ran away quickly.

Ren Jingcheng looked down at his palm. The data card was still in his palm, but the softly holding the card had disappeared. When he looked up again, he saw that the owner of the softly had run away.

"Don't run!"

Ren Jingcheng shouted with a smile, took the information card, and hurriedly caught up with it.

Zhou Ting and Ren Jingcheng ran laughing and noisy for a long time before gradually stopping.

"No, no, I'm exhausted!"

Ren Jingcheng bent down and gasped, shook his hand at Zhou Ting not far away, and said breathlessly.

Ren Jingcheng was really tired this time. He never thought that Zhou Ting, who looked weak, was still a runner. After running so far, she didn't blush or breathe, and looked like she was fine.

"This won't work!"

Zhou Ting turned her head to look at Ren Jingcheng, who was depressed, ran to his side in a few steps, and said with a smile on her face.

One of the ten most unpleasant things for a man is definitely a woman who says he can't. Ren Jingcheng is also a man. Of course, there is no exception. Zhou Ting's words made him extremely unhappy.

Ren Jingcheng decided to teach this little girl a lesson and let her know what to say and what she must not say.

With a flash of light in his eyes, Ren Jingcheng suddenly jumped up, shouted, and rushed to Zhou Ting. This time, he was fast and anxious, completely beyond the limits of the human body.


Zhou Ting didn't expect that a sentence would make Ren Jingcheng suddenly hit chicken blood. She was caught off guard and was hugged in Ren Jingcheng's arms with a scream.

Ren Jingcheng was not polite to catch Zhou Ting. He tickled around Zhou Ting, which made Zhou Ting laugh and even burst into tears.

"Stop it, I won't dare to do it in the future!"

Zhou Ting repeatedly complained and shouted, but in fact, she didn't know what she dared to do in the future.

Ren Jingcheng will not stop. After getting along with each other for half a year, he knew Zhou Ting's most itchy weakness. He decided to carry out the "torture" to the end, so that Zhou Ting was completely convinced and knew who was the boss.

The two laughed so much that they were happy, but they all forgot that now they are in the temple fair. There are always some people who are not used to this kind of presumptuous behavior.

"I said, two beautiful women, handsome men, if you really go home to make trouble, what kind of style is this public!"

A 50-year-old aunt couldn't stand it anymore. She came over and patted Ren Jingcheng and Zhou Ting, who were still laughing, as if they were dissuading and condemning.

Ren Jingcheng and Zhou Ting were stunned when they heard the words. Looking around, there were indeed many people pointing to them, and they were all uncles and aunts.

The two looked at each other. Although they really wanted to say "it's none of your business", they all had this temper. They could only laugh at the people around them embarrassedly and walked away hand in hand.

Walking aside, the two looked back carefully together, and then looked at each other and laughed.

"I'm hungry. Let's find something to eat!"

Laughing for a while, Zhou Ting rubbed her stomach, gradually stopped laughing, and said to Ren Jingcheng.

To be honest, as a boy, Ren Jingcheng was even less hungry. The slices of bread for breakfast had already been digested and had been hungry for a long time. After listening to Zhou Ting's suggestion, he nodded quickly and said, "Okay, okay."

Food is definitely the most indispensable part of the temple fair, especially in C City. People here have grown up surrounded by delicious food since childhood. What is delicious, what can be eaten, and how to eat? As long as you find someone from C City to ask, they can tell you one day to ensure that There is no overlap at night.

Zhou Ting and Ren Jingcheng are both natives from C City. This kind of food culture has long been deep in the bone marrow, so they came to the food area of the temple fair. The two are quite interested in this and there. They buy everything they like to eat. As for whether they can eat or not, let's talk about it.

After a while, the two of them held, hung, held a lot of food, and even chewed and swallowed something in their mouths, and they couldn't even speak clearly.