Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 250 He will definitely retire

After two job-hoppings in half a year, Ji Chengdong's reputation in the professional circle has been extremely damaged by himself, especially for the second time, he even calculated his own boss, which is really too much. Whether it is a player or the media, Ji Chengdong's behavior can be described as a criticism, describing him as "Pu Zhigao" Representative traitor.

If this alone, Ji Chengdong's reputation will not be so bad, let alone lose the name of 100,000 cowherd.

As many people say: when you get used to something, you will do it habitually. If you have the first time, there will be a second time, and if there is a second time, there will be a third time...

The same is true of Ji Chengdong. He only stayed at the Golden Lion Club for one year, and the next year he transferred to another club because of his annual salary of 2 million, which is just higher than the 100,000 paid by the Golden Lion.

Three years later, Ji Chengdong shuttled back and forth between various professional clubs again and again. He did not ask about the club's performance or what kind of position the club could give him. No matter what the club's reputation was, he only wanted was the same - money, as long as he could give it to the previous club. With an extra salary of 100,000 yuan, he can work for it until there is another 100,000 yuan from the club.

100,000 Cowboys!

What a 100,000 cowherd!

Ren Jingcheng shook his head with a wry smile. He never understood why a guy like Ji Chengdong can survive in the professional circle. Do those professional clubs only ask the players if they can help them improve their grades, but never ask about this person's character and morality?

Ren Jingcheng 9 really wanted to ask Li Xiao about this question, but when he thought of Li Xiao's current situation, he really couldn't ask.

In fact, Ji Chengdong's bad deeds are not just using clubs as springboards for money. He is also an arrogant and frivolous person. He is easy to make trouble, vicious, and directly use force to solve it if he doesn't agree. There are also several bad records of personal attacks on the members of the opponent's club after the game, and even being recorded. He was photographed often going in and out of some erotic places, and once he was taken to the police station for one night.

It is difficult for such a guy, whether Ren Jingcheng or Zhou Ting, can imagine how he can replace Li Xiao. Maybe his strength is no worse than Li Xiao, but how can his character convince the other team members of Jiantian City.

No wonder when there were rumors of Li Xiao's retirement before, the Jiantiancheng Club did not mention his successor. He looked like a mysterious taboo. It turned out that they found such a notorious bastard, and it was not difficult to understand that they were ashamed to say it.

"Brother, everyone knows what kind of virtue Ji Chengdong is. He joined Jiantian City and kicked you away. Can you really swallow this breath?"

Li Ran said angrily again.

Although Li Ran is also a little unpopular, Ren Jingcheng is on his side this time. He really thinks that Li Xiao should do something. If Jiantiancheng really finds Ji Chengdong, Jiantiancheng's always good reputation will completely become history.

"Forget it, I had this kind of psychological preparation on the day I became a professional player. It's okay to retire now. It's hard to say whether WarGame is good or bad for a professional club. Why should I be strong on the cusp of this storm? It's better to hide behind and watch the play."

Li Xiao showed a signature smile and shook her head gently.

Li Ran was still muttering beside him, disapproving with Li Xiao's words.

Ren Jingcheng looked at Li Xiao. He wanted to know whether Li Xiao's words were true or false, but Li Xiao's face did not show any feelings in his heart except for the habitual indifferent smile.

"Maybe you're right. Rapid retreat is not necessarily a bad thing."

Ren Jingcheng laughed and said nothing more.

After this meal, Ren Jingcheng and Zhou Ting separated from Li Xiao and Li Ran.

"Will Li Xiao really retire?"

Walking silently for a while, Zhou Ting hesitated for a moment and whispered.

"I will, he will."

Ren Jingcheng nodded hard and said with great certainty.

"How do you know? Li Xiao has worked for Jiantian City for five years. Will he really be so ruthless if he wants to leave Jiantian City?

Zhou Ting is a little disbelieved. As a local Jiantiancheng fan in C City, it is difficult for her to believe that Jiantiancheng Club will do such a ruthless thing and kick away the old captain and star player who have made great contributions to the club, just to provide a place for a notorious person.

"The silence is greater than the death of the heart. Not only has Jiantian City abandoned Li Xiao, but Li Xiao is not in the mood to leave the muddy water of the professional circle, because he knows that Jiantian City is no longer the former Jiantian City. Over the years, the decline in performance has made the former aura of Jiantian City become a burden. Li Xiao now withdraws from is a very A wise choice, at least in case something goes wrong with Jiantian City in the future, he will not take the blame.

Ren Jingcheng was very optimistic about Li Xiao's retirement. He thought about it and explained to Zhou Ting.

Zhou Ting is naturally skeptical of Ren Jingcheng's words. Jiantian City has indeed been worse than before in recent years, but it doesn't seem to be enough to find someone to take the blame!

Ren Jingcheng knew what she was thinking by looking at Zhou Ting's expression. However, he adheres to his view. Since he has a plan to join the legendary club, Ren Jingcheng will naturally be fully prepared. In the past few months, he has been studying all kinds of professional circles. Whether it is news from formal channels or gossip, Ren Jingcheng has not let go of the current situation in the professional circle. Have your own opinions.

After all, he is a native of C City, and he will also pay a little attention to Jiantian City. After research, Ren Jingcheng found that the problems of Jiantian City are largely due to internal problems of the club. He is almost sure that the internal problems of Jiantian City will break out in two seasons at most. Maybe it is not surprising that he will be removed from the rich club.

If this is the case, maybe Jian Tiancheng deliberately transferred Ji Chengdong. In the future, if the club is not adjusted in time and the situation is out of control, it will be a good idea to make this guy as a scapegoat. Anyway, if there are more lice, they are not afraid of biting, and there are not much difference between a few people who hate him and fewer people who hate him.

Of course, Ren Jingcheng will not talk about these things to Zhou Ting. On the one hand, he is not fully sure that the situation will develop as he thinks. On the other hand, Zhou Ting is a fan of Jiantian City after all, and she still has something to say.

(P.S: The number 9 is used to divide harmonious vocabulary, by the way, ask for tickets, ask for collection!!!!!!!!!!)